A crazy chase in the streets of Liège for a stolen plate: he had no insurance, no technical control and no license!

It all started on Wednesday around 4:30 p.m. when a police patrol in the Secova area noticed the suspicious ride of the passenger of a car stopped on fire in the red phase in Chaudfontaine. The young man, who had not fastened his seat belt, quickly did so when he saw the police. It did not take more for the representatives of the police to decide to “pass” the plate to the control. And there: boom! The plate turned out to be written off due to theft or loss. Also, the front plate and the one affixed to the rear were not the same…

A gun in the car

The time of the control and the “suspicious” vehicle arrived on the quay Henri Borguet, in Chênée. This is where the police wanted to stop the vehicle. But the driver did not hear it that way. So, rather than slowing down and stopping his car, he accelerated, thus initiating a chase with the police.

It is impossible here to list all the driving offences, such as running red lights or taking streets in the opposite direction… Finally, the car got stuck in traffic near an island on the Mativa wharf, the two occupants being arrested.

When questioned, the driver explained that he acted out of fear. Indeed, in addition to the fact that a weapon was found in the car (an Airsoft weapon), the vehicle had no insurance, was not in order for technical inspection and therefore bore a plate “loaned by a boyfriend”. The driver did not have a license and was driving under the influence of drugs…

The man was deprived of his liberty and brought to the Liège public prosecutor’s office on Thursday morning. There, his file was put under investigation with a request for an arrest warrant.

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