MEXICO CITY (El Universal).— President Andrés Manuel López Obrador has such great faith or trust in the Army, says political scientist, sociologist, academic and researcher María Marván Laborde, that he has been putting it in key tasks that already They are not only regarding public safety and national security.
This has led to a militarization in Mexico that had not been seen in recent years, in light of which, the current challenge, adds the former president commissioner of the Federal Institute of Access to Public Information (today Inai), is to demilitarize “in a intelligent” to a country that today is dyed olive green.
María Marván, along with five other researchers from the UNAM Legal Research Institute: Javier Martín Reyes, Sergio López Ayllón, Guadalupe Salmorán Villar, Juan Jesús Garza Onofre and Pedro Salazar Ugarte, have just published “Once upon a green olive country. Militarization and legality in Mexico”, a book in which they document and review a century of the tense relationship between civil power and military power, and from there they analyze the current situation that has the Armed Forces with more power than ever.
Edited by Grano de Sal, the book that for political scientist José Woldenberg is an “indispensable” work by researchers at the Legal Research Institute, and that documents how “the disproportionate growth of criminal groups and their trail of blood, in very diverse territories of the country, has been the spur of this process” of militarization, he points out in the prologue of the book that has already begun to circulate.
“Once upon a green olive country” appears at a fundamental moment, in an electoral year that will lead to the arrival of a new presidency of Mexico, most likely, headed for the first time by a woman and faced with the complicated challenge of seeking to reduce, once once more , the power they gave to the armed forces.
Marván Laborde, a doctor from the New School for Social Research, assures that in AMLO’s mind, “whether he believes it or not,” he has generated a speech in which he tells Mexicans that he believes that the purity of the military is such that they can be assigned any task.
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Great concern
“The biggest concern is militarization and militarism itself; the National Defense has become the most powerful secretariat of the six-year term,” says researcher Marván Laborde, doctor from the New School for Social Research.
Without hesitation
For her, it is necessary that neither of the two candidates nor the candidate for the Presidency can hesitate as López Obrador hesitated to society, saying that the military was going to return to the barracks immediately.
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2024-04-05 14:51:34