2023-11-22 14:34:32
Did you miss updates to our app? ????
Well, a cool update has just come out, this one for our version 4.6.1. We don’t bring any new features in this update, but it comes with some pretty important improvements and fixes — so we recommend you install it soon!
Update with some cool improvements, guys!
We’ve greatly improved the reliability of notifications push; We fixed a bug that sometimes automatically opened the last published post; We reworked the app’s “Videos” tab, which is now more stable — especially when we put the iPhone in landscape mode; Other general improvements and fixes.
Special thanks are due to Cassio Rossi for the collaborations made in our project on GitHub for this version 4.6.1. Remembering, too, that any of you can collaborate freely there — either with suggestions/ideas or with actual codes for the project.
Soon, of course, we’ll be back with more! ????
#cool #update #released #app #iOS #iPadOS #watchOS