A consultant provides the best natural methods to help treat cough

Severe colds come with various symptoms includinga prominent symptom being dry cough, which may also affect therespiratory system during strenuous activities, leading to shortness of breath.

Dr. Tarek Abdel Hamid, a chest consultant at Kasr Al-Aini Faculty of Medicine, explained thatcough, particularlydry cough, can be quite bothersome for those affected. It is essential for individuals to seek treatments that can help alleviate the condition significantly. Accumulatedphlegm in thelower respiratory tract may also be a concern. In addition, individuals can adopt certain natural home remedies and treatments to help eliminatecough.

He added that individuals experiencing a cough can benefit from medications. Anexpectorant can help clear mucus. If a person has asthma, medications that open airways and address accumulated phlegm can be effective, alongside antihistamines that reduce cough severity.

The chest consultant shared several home remedies that can assist in treating and alleviating coughs, including:

Honey and Lemon

Honey possesses antibacterial properties, moisturizes the throat, and when combined with lemon, which is high in vitamin C, it boosts the immune system, diminishes inflammation, and alleviates coughing.


Ginger has anti-inflammatory benefits, enhances blood circulation, and helps relieve congestion, making it beneficial to consume twice daily to expel phlegm from the body.


Garlic contains antibacterial and antiviral properties; consuming a clove on an empty stomach each day helps combat infection and lessen cough intensity.

Cloves and Frankincense

Mixing cloves with frankincense is a helpful remedy for soothing dry cough effectively.

Understanding and Alleviating Cough in Infants: A Comprehensive Guide

As a parent, seeing your infant suffer from a cough can be distressing. Understanding the reasons behind this symptom, as well as effective remedies, can help in providing the necessary relief. Coughing in infants may arise from various causes, including severe colds, respiratory infections, or environmental factors like dry air. In this article, we will explore the types of coughs, their underlying causes, practical home remedies, and when to seek professional help.

Types of Coughs in Infants

Coughs can be classified based on their characteristics:

  • Dry Cough: This type is often irritating and can be associated with allergies, asthma, or viral infections.
  • Wet Cough: A wet cough typically produces mucus and can signify an infection in the respiratory tract.
  • Whooping Cough: Also known as pertussis, this cough is characterized by severe fits of coughing, followed by a ‘whooping’ sound as the child breathes in.

Common Causes of Cough in Infants

Several factors can contribute to coughing in infants:

  • Infections: Viral infections, such as colds or bronchitis, are frequent causes.
  • Allergies: Seasonal allergies can lead to coughing due to nasal congestion and postnasal drip.
  • Environmental Irritants: Smoke, dust, and pollution can trigger a cough.
  • Asthma: This chronic condition can lead to recurrent cough, especially at night.

When to Seek Medical Attention

While many coughs can be treated at home, it’s essential to know when to consult a pediatrician:

  • If the cough persists for over a week.
  • If your infant has difficulty breathing or wheezing.
  • If there is a high fever accompanying the cough.
  • If you notice any unusual skin blemishes or rashes.

Home Remedies for Cough Relief

Implementing natural remedies can be effective in soothing your infant’s cough:

1. Honey and Lemon

Honey is known for its antibacterial properties and can help moisturize the throat. Mixing it with lemon juice, rich in vitamin C, boosts immunity and reduces inflammation. Serve a small dose to infants over one year old.

2. Ginger

Ginger contains anti-inflammatory compounds that can promote blood circulation and help relieve congestion. Consider ginger tea for yourself to share the soothing effect, as it is not recommended for infants under two years without medical guidance.

3. Garlic

Garlic is a powerful antimicrobial agent. You can consume a clove daily to potentially enhance your immune system, though direct consumption for infants is advised only under a pediatrician’s guidance.

4. Cloves with Frankincense

This combination is beneficial for alleviating a dry cough. You can infuse boiling water with cloves and frankincense, inhale the steam, and allow the vapors to reach your infant indirectly.

Benefits of Using Home Remedies

Natural remedies not only help alleviate coughing but also provide additional health benefits:

  • Improved Immune Function: Ingredients like honey and ginger can enhance immune responses.
  • Reduced Inflammation: Many natural remedies contain compounds that mitigate inflammation.
  • Safe Ingredients: Compared to over-the-counter medications, many natural ingredients are considered safe for infants when properly used.

Practical Tips for Parents

In addition to remedies, here are some practical tips for managing your infant’s cough:

  • Maintain Hydration: Ensure your infant is well-hydrated to help thin mucus.
  • Humidify the Air: Using a humidifier can add moisture to the air, preventing dry throat and easing coughing.
  • Avoid Allergens: Keep your home free from dust and smoke to reduce coughing triggers.
  • Proper Positioning: Keeping your infant elevated may help in relieving symptoms, especially during sleep.

Case Study: A Practical Example

Consider a scenario where a parent noticed their infant had developed a dry cough after playing outside during pollen season. The doctor recommended a mix of honey and lemon for soothing at home, along with ensuring the infant stayed indoors during high pollen counts to minimize allergy triggers. After a week of following these practices, the infant’s cough reduced significantly, showcasing the effectiveness of natural remedies combined with lifestyle adjustments.

First-Hand Experience: A Parent’s Perspective

One parent shared their experience with their child’s cough that was persistent for three days. After researching and trying a mixture of honey and warm water, they were relieved to see a decrease in coughing at night. They found that gentle herbal steam inhalation helped to ease the congestion, allowing their child to sleep peacefully. This experience highlights the possibility of finding effective relief through home remedies and careful monitoring.


In conclusion, understanding the causes behind your infant’s cough can empower you to seek the right remedies effectively. Home remedies, coupled with practical tips, can help alleviate discomfort. However, always keep an open line of communication with your pediatrician to ensure your child’s health and well-being.



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