A consultant answers and reveals the reason for its occurrence and its types • Al Marsad Newspaper

Al-Marsad Newspaper: A consultant neurologist, Dr. Amr Momina, revealed the types of stroke, and the main reason for its occurrence.

Moumina said, during his appearance on Al-Ekhbariya channel: “A stroke does not mean that a person goes into a complete coma, but it is a lack of nutrition in a specific area, whether in the brain, spinal cord or eye.”

Species stroke cerebral

He added: “Stroke is of two types, either a blockage in the arteries, or an artery rupture, and depending on the area fed by the artery, the stroke is.”

He continued: “There is a transient or permanent stroke, and the first does not exceed two hours, and not every stroke means that the patient will live with permanent paralysis.”

lonliness stroke cerebral

He pointed out that “the Stroke Unit is an integrated team consisting of neurosurgeons and nursing consultants specialized in dealing with stroke patients.”

He continued, “There is a room dedicated to physical and occupational therapy, and attention to nutrition or problems that occur after a stroke.”

He continued: “Medications are given in the first four hours, which have a special method of handling, and if the method is incorrect, it can cause complications.”

The consultant explained that the stroke unit helps in speedy diagnosis, knowing the root cause and methods of treatment.

He concluded his speech: “There are studies that have proven that if the patient is hypnotized in the unit bed, as opposed to a normal bed, the complications are less, as well as the speed of the patient’s treatment and discharge from the hospital.”

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