A congregation would purchase their church using blockchain technology

A Christian group in Colorado, the “Colorado House of Prayer”, has tokenized its main chapel in order to purchase the $2.5 million building. Blake Bush, the lead pastor of the project, admitted that he decided to utilize blockchain technology to further the church’s mission at the inspiration of a higher power.

Tokenization of the Church

Bush’s church and other affiliated groups have been renting the “Old Stone Church”, a 11,457-square-meter building named for its stone exterior, for an extended period. The present owner, a local businessman, purchased the building in 2022 for $2.2 million. The Bushes are now looking to buy it for $2.5 million.

According to Bush, the idea of tokenization came to him during a spiritual experience. “I heard the Lord say, ‘tokenize the building'”, Bush shared with Forbes. He added that he had been praying for this for years and that God instructed him to “go and get my house.”

Blockchain and Real Estate

To accomplish this divine mission, Bush and his group created a digital tool called “Stone Coin.” The token is associated with a real estate token that operates on the Polymesh private blockchain, developed by REtokens.

As with any tokenization project, the success of this initiative relies on a positive token exchange and the appreciation of the asset’s value. The project is currently seeking investors and has already raised half of the necessary funds.

In the future, the sale of tokens will be opened to individuals outside the church’s congregation, which could pose a risk to the ownership of the digital asset. However, Bush remains unconcerned. When it was suggested that, for instance, Satanists might acquire the church’s tokens, Bush responded: “I would be happy for them; let’s introduce them to Jesus.”

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Tokenization of the “Colorado House of Prayer” Chapel: A New Era for Religious Institutions

technology to purchase its chapel. Learn about their innovative approach and the implications for the future of real estate and churches.">

tokenized church

Understanding the Tokenization of Churches

The Colorado House of Prayer, a pivotal Christian community in Colorado, is embarking on a groundbreaking journey by tokenizing their main chapel. Lead pastor Blake Bush felt divinely inspired to utilize blockchain technology, aiming to secure funds to purchase the building valued at $2.5 million.

This initiative raises essential questions about the role of technology in religious communities, asset management, and the future of nonprofit fundraising.

A Historic Chapel and Its Journey to Acquisition

The chapel, known as the “Old Stone Church”, is an impressive structure measuring 11,457 square meters. Currently owned by a local businessman who purchased it for $2.2 million in 2022, the chapel holds significant historical and communal value. Bush’s goal is to make this building a permanent home for the Colorado House of Prayer and its affiliated groups.

As explained by Bush, the spark for tokenization was borne from a unique spiritual experience. He recounts, “I heard the Lord say, ‘tokenize the building.'” This divine prompting has motivated his long-standing prayers focused on securing a home for the church.

The Role of Blockchain in Real Estate

Tokenization is transforming various industries, and real estate is no exception. By creating digital tokens that represent ownership or shares of a property, investors can easily buy and sell fractions of real estate assets. For the Colorado House of Prayer, this means utilizing blockchain technology to create “Stone Coin”, a digital asset linked to their desired property.

Running on the Polymesh private blockchain, developed by REtokens, the Stone Coin allows for a secure and transparent means of fundraising. This innovative financial instrument not only democratizes investment opportunities but also introduces a modern approach to asset ownership.

The Tokenization Process and Its Challenges

Tokenizing a church presents unique challenges and considerations:

  • Legal Framework: Insure compliance with local laws concerning real estate and religious institutions.
  • Community Engagement: Involve the congregation in discussions about ownership and participation in token sales.
  • Market Response: Gauge the interest and readiness of potential investors to participate in such a unique fundraising model.

Investment Opportunity and Future Prospects

The Colorado House of Prayer has already garnered approximately half of the needed funds through the sale of the Stone Coin tokens. This innovative approach not only opens doors for congregants but also welcomes external investors, potentially to the wider community.

As Bush stated, they plan to offer tokens to individuals beyond the church’s congregation in a bid to reach their financial objectives, even responding positively to suggestions of broader ownership possibilities. He mentioned with an open heart, “I would be happy for [Satanists] to buy tokens; let’s introduce them to Jesus.”

Advantages of Tokenization for Religious Institutions

There are several key benefits associated with tokenization for churches and religious organizations:

  • Increased Liquidity: Tokens can be traded, providing greater access to funds compared to traditional fundraising methods.
  • Broader Investment Opportunities: Allows for fractional ownership, meaning more people can participate without needing extensive capital.
  • Enhanced Transparency: Blockchain technology ensures that all transactions are recorded securely and transparently.
  • Community Engagement: Engaging the congregation in a new and innovative financial strategy fosters a sense of community ownership.

Case Study: Successful Tokenization Initiatives in Churches

While the Colorado House of Prayer is pioneering this venture within a Christian context, there have been several successful tokenization initiatives in other religious settings:

  • Sacred Spaces Initiative: A project aimed at funding the preservation of historical religious buildings through community investments.
  • Faith-Based Fundraising Networks: Many congregations have successfully utilized online platforms to raise funds for renovation and expansion efforts by having digital tokens representing shares in a religious project.

Practical Tips for Implementing Tokenization

If your religious organization is considering tokenization as a fundraising strategy, here are a few practical tips:

  • Educate Your Community: Ensure that congregation members understand the concept of tokenization and blockchain.
  • Partner with Experts: Collaborate with blockchain professionals who can guide you through the technical aspects.
  • Develop a Clear Strategy: Define your goals, the amount needed, and how the tokens will be used once sold.
  • Legal Considerations: Consult with a legal expert to ensure compliance with all regulations regarding fundraising and investments.

First-Hand Experience from Blake Bush

Reflecting on his journey, Blake Bush emphasizes the importance of community and faith in this venture:

“God is at the center of this initiative. We believe that involving our community in this mission will strengthen our bonds and expand the reach of our ministry.”

The Future of Tokenized Churches

The journey of the Colorado House of Prayer is just beginning. As the church continues its efforts to gather investor interest and spread the word about Stone Coin, it sets a precedent for religious institutions worldwide. Tokenization not only serves as a financial tool but also as a means to forge deeper connections within the faith community, all while harnessing the power of modern technology.



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