A common sign of corona infection may occur during urination

Corona virus infection is not limited to the respiratory system only, but the virus that reproduces in the respiratory system can affect other parts of the body and affect every organ and lead to a wide range of symptoms, and new evidence has emerged indicating how the virus affects the urinary system, which leads to Urinary tract infectionsAccording to the Times of India.

What is a urinary tract infection?

Urinary tract infection can affect any part of the urinary system – the kidneys, ureters, bladder and urethra. Infections most often involve the lower part of the urinary tract – the bladder and urethra.

Urine does not contain bacteria and travels through the urinary system without any contamination, but bacteria enter the body from outside and lead to infection and inflammation.

Urinary tract infection is more common in women than in men because the urethra in women is shorter and closer to the anus, and this infection is caused by a common type of bacteria called Escherichia coli.

If the infection is confined to the bladder only, it can be painful and annoying and in serious cases, it can spread to the kidneys. Urinary tract infections are usually treated with antibiotics.

The relationship between corona and urinary tract infections

Although urinary tract infections are mostly caused by poor hygiene, taking a certain type of birth control pill and also due to menopause, a recent study indicated that corona infection could also be a cause.

The infectious virus affects the lower system, resulting in the typical symptoms of a UTI.

But UTIs caused by the coronavirus are more common in men than in women.

People who are hospitalized with severe corona infection are more likely to get a urinary tract infection than others.

Another study on urinary tract infection and corona virus

Another study conducted to understand the relationship between corona infection and the male reproductive organs indicates the involvement of the lower urinary tract. In men, discomfort or pain in the male reproductive system is a common symptom of urinary tract infections caused by the corona virus.

During the study, 8 patients had scrotal discomfort, 14 genital swelling, and 16 pain. Although the men with mild infection did not have a urinary tract infection, they showed a significant decrease in sperm concentration.

Urinary tract infection symptoms

Typical symptoms of a urinary tract infection when infected with the coronavirus include:

Constant urge to urinate

A burning feeling when urinating

Passing small and frequent amounts of urine

Cloudy urine

Urine appears red, light pink, or cola-colored

Strong urine smell

Pelvic pain in women

Some patients may suffer from dysuria and urinary symptoms.

How to find out if you have a urinary tract infection due to corona

There is no sure way to know if a corona infection will lead to a UTI. All you can do is take a test RT-PCR When suffering from symptoms of corona or urinary tract infection to confirm the presence of the virus in the body.

If the test result is positive, it means that the UTI is caused by a viral infection, otherwise it is due to a normal bacterial infection.

If you have a urinary tract infection, drink plenty of water, maintain proper hygiene and consult your doctor to start the appropriate treatment.

Recovery from a UTI usually takes 4-7 days in normal cases. If the cause is coronavirus, recovery may take longer.

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