A column of volcanic ash from Tonga that has penetrated the stratosphere… Climate change impacts


A column of ash from the South Pacific island nation of Tonga last week was strong enough to break through the stratosphere.

This is the highest level of any volcanic ash column ever observed, and the detailed information will be provided by a Shinjin reporter.


This is a picture of the eruption of the Tonga volcano, released by Dr Simon Proud of the UK’s National Earth Observation Center.

A pillar of ash rises above the clouds.

Dr. Proud said the column reached up to 35 kilometers above the sky.

Some reach as high as 55 km and are believed to have crossed the stratosphere.

The 100 km high point that divides the universe and the Earth’s atmosphere is called the karma line, and it soars to half that point.

This is the highest level of volcanic ash columns ever observed.

In 1991, the most powerful eruption, the Pinatubo ash column in the Philippines was regarding 40 km high.

At that time, toxic gases such as sulfur dioxide filled the sky and blocked the light.

As a result, the Earth’s surface temperature dropped by 0.5 degrees in the two years following the explosion.

Experts said that the Tonga eruption will cause less climate change than the Pinatubo volcano.

The emission of sulfur dioxide, a poisonous gas, was much lower than that of the Pinatubo volcano.

[스콧 브라이언/호주 퀸즐랜드공과대 교수 : 이번 폭발로 인한 영향은 피나투보산 화산 폭발 때보다 40배 적을 것으로 연구됐습니다.]

Aid supplies from all over the world are arriving one following another in Tonga, which has been swept away by the tsunami.

However, it is known that the network connection is still difficult.

(Screen source: YouTube ‘GeologyHub’)
(Video design: Hongbitnuri)

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