A civil war broke out for the “seat” of Kasselakis 2024-08-16 04:50:49

The resignation of Othon Iliopoulos as a Member of Parliament and the “seat” of Kasselakis… speed up the civil war much earlier than the meeting of the Central Committee and the Congress of October.

Stefanos Kasselakis is reportedly ready for the final battle with the internal party opposition, which for months has methodically and daily begun to gnaw at him. However, on the way to enable the president of SYRIZA to finally enter the Parliament, there are many hurdles and questions, mainly internal ones, that will have to be overcome. For this reason, the resignation of Othon Iliopoulos, even if it had been cultivated for many months by the leadership of Koumoundourou, was finally postponed, as it did not happen.

The strategic plan resumed on Friday and was triggered when the secretary of K.O. of SYRIZA, Theodora Tzakri, asked the services of the Parliament about the procedure provided for in the case of the resignation of an MP. Undoubtedly, however, a “block” in the desire of Stefanos Kasselakis and his presidential team to be in the seats of the Parliament in any case will be a strong blow in view of the Constitutional Conference. After all, there are not a few people in Koumoundourou who commented over the weekend that the resignation of Iliopoulos at the time it was given as a “gift” could turn into a napalm bomb for Stefanos Kasselakis.

Othon Iliopoulos can declare that he is resigning “in favor of the other expatriate Greek on the SYRIZA State ballot, the elected president of SYRIZA, Stefanos Kasselakis”, but this is not enough and is neither constitutional nor in accordance with the law. As Mr. Iliopoulos was not elected from a separate list of expatriates, but with the State list, which is uniform and with an ascending hierarchy for its candidates, and those who have the right to take the seat are the runners-up, according to the order they had on the State ballot of SYRIZA in the last elections of June 2023.

Therefore, in order for Stefanos Kasselakis to enter the Parliament, the five runners-up ahead of him, when called, should not accept the position of State Deputy. And here begins the five scopes for Mr. Kasselakis. The first runner-up – and who will receive the summons to succeed Iliopoulos – is Popi Tsapanidou. Who was the press representative of SYRIZA and a close associate of Alexis Tsipras and until Sunday afternoon had avoided taking a position on whether she would accept the position or not. The “Tsipras guard” also includes the next runner-up, Michalis Kalogirou, his close associate both in Maximos and as an extra-parliamentary minister in the SYRIZA-AN.EL governments. Third runner-up is the civil engineer Dr. Jeni Livadarou. The fourth runner-up is the professor of Microbiology Athanasios Tsakris, who entered the European elections as a candidate of Petros Kokkalis with the combination “KOSMOS”. So far, these four “Skopelos”, even if they are difficult, some believe that they will be quite passable and Stefanos Kasselakis will easily overcome them. On the contrary, the fifth runner-up, ahead of Stefanos Kasselakis, the jurist Georgetta Lalis, was and is the most difficult and almost insurmountable obstacle in front of him. As Georgeta Lali, since the winter, when the issue of a SYRIZA state deputy was raised to enter by pole vault… Stefanos Kasselakis in the parliamentary seats, allegedly told him by phone personally that he does not intend to resign. In a decision that sources say Mrs. Lali is insisting on.

Fear of double Waterloo

If the plan is not implemented, Stefanos Kasselakis will suffer a double defeat, the first because the plan will be wrecked for him, but also because it is considered certain that Mrs. Lali will accept and be sworn in as a SYRIZA Member of Parliament, but immediately she will declare her accession to the Parliamentary Group of the New Left. This will mean that K.O. of SYRIZA from the 35 MPs it currently has will be reduced to 34. Which will be another arrow in the quiver of the internal opposition against the “presidents”. Fear and this open possibility is after all what haunts the “presidentials”, which is why they chose to leak that until now there has been no consultation with the “five”, nor have they been asked to resign.

They over-theme the “Kasselistas”

At the same time, an indirect but clear exhortation has been formulated through the targeted public announcements issued by both the secretary of the K.O. of SYRIZA, Theodora Tzakri, speaking of the need to “strengthen our Parliamentary Group through the participation of its president-elect in Parliament”, as well as SYRIZA MP Nina Kasimati, who in her own post chose to end it by writing: ” President, we are waiting for you at your seat in the Parliament for our big battles!”. In contrast, the “neutral” for the disputed declaration of thanks through X of Stefanos Kasselakis to Othonas Iliopoulos is not considered accidental at all. Which gives him the flexibility in the event that things don’t “work out” to declare that he wishes to remain an extra-parliamentary leader of the official opposition party, working more with the grassroots and society.

The “Tsipras guard” holds the keys

However, the next few days are expected to be decisive and equally important for the internal party opposition, which has also chosen to remain silent for the time being. Well-informed sources of SYRIZA said that the role that Alexis Tsipras will play and what he wishes to become will be crucial. As he “holds” the first two of the five keys… In fact, as the same circles commented, the choice of Tsipras will be a clear message not only to Stefanos Kasselakis, but also to the internal opposition, if he wishes to have a “guard” inside to the party or if at another critical moment he has decided to leave her an orphan….

In any case, however, fermentation, consultations and agreements have been scheduled for the opening of the Plenary. As the letter of resignation of Mr. Iliopoulos will be read at the beginning of the first meeting, where according to the Constitution and the Code of Civil Procedure, as clarified by the office of the President of the Parliament, Konstantinos Tasoulas, when asked about the procedure, “the resignation from the parliamentary office is, under the Constitution, a right of the deputy. Once submitted, it cannot be revoked” and, secondly, “the resignation is followed by its announcement to the Plenary of the Parliament. After the announcement, the seat is filled according to the electoral law. In this case, the first runner-up on the State ballot of SYRIZA, Mr. P. Tsapanidou, will be called to take the oath and take office.”

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