A child who is fǿ (forbidden to pǿ) will not cry. Nothing can escape its own corruption (by Alassane K. KITANE)

2024-08-22 02:34:18

Mr. Prime Minister, you are dead wrong: there are a thousand and one ways to oppose. Yours is worse (it works well in your quest for power), but it is still harmful to democracy. Our country puts everything first: including the education of politicians. Politics is not a test of strength, but a test of failure, deviance and lack of inspiration. So people don’t have to copy your way of opposition, they have their own way of opposition.

Mr. Prime Minister, your bellicosity serves absolutely no purpose other than to cover up your shortcomings, your inability to clearly outline the axis of your project. After having sold them a project that no one knew about, the nobles ask you to appease the Senegalese with concrete actions of governance. In your book “Solutions” you rightly criticize the excessive politicization and nepotism of the government. In your actions, you are doing worse every day!

→ Also read: Ukraine: Training terrorist organizations, mercenaries and invading Russia in the Sahel region. (Oleg Nesterenko)

You sold the principle of the call for applications to the Senegalese, no one imposed it on you. Therefore, you can postpone it or even give up. But you cannot prevent us from reminding you that this
To date, the promise has not been kept and is therefore a lie. The argument that “we govern with people we trust and we cannot have people from the old regime in management positions” does not hold water. What is such an argument? Mr. Prime Minister, what do you think is the purpose of this call for applications? Isn’t it to put the right people in the right positions (competence and integrity) and avoid nepotism?

In your book Solutions you write: “The most illustrative example, of course, comes from
Administration. In parallel with the rallying wave of the regime of senior civil servants who had earned for themselves a privileged position in the brown-beige galaxy, parallel movements took place among civil servants of the same level, as well as citizens from different countries. Against the backdrop of this, a party with a unique positioning and political practice was born, which is PASTEF. If in the first category we mainly find the peculiarities of senior civil servants who are procrastinating on the issues contained in the control reports or are notorious for lack of ethics and corrupt practices in their profession, those in the second category can claim
An impeccable professional image from every angle; this authorizes them to assume the position of radical opposition without any consequences other than marginalization in promotion allocations. This is the difference between the patriotic activism of PASTEF and the nepotistic and secretive activism of APR.
. Solution

→ Also read: In Tuba, all cats are grey (by Birame Waltako Ndiaye)

Mr. Prime Minister, where are all these senior officials you mentioned? Why are you appointing directors-general, permanent advisers and ministers who have low language skills, professional knowledge, academic standards and moral standards?
When you have so many top managers, are there no examples or even references? Wala ay leeb lawoon rekk? In the same book you pretentiously say:

“… Throughout my career I have endeavored to make this fundamental value an intangible necessity of life: honesty, the daughter of dignity and reservationist pride in the face of basic financial and material temptations. Few politicians can and dare to say the same”So why accept the appointment of people involved in the passport trafficking case? How do you accept (I don’t think this is your proposal) joining the government with people who were previously singled out by the audit report? Mr. Prime Minister, what are your plans for these controversial appointments? What do you think of this expression? “People who worked hard for this project”, “People who are against this project.” ? Do you think our country has the right to fall into such Manichaeism?

→ Also read: The Onas affair: a scandal that reveals the source of our misfortune. (Alassane K. Kitane)

Mr. Prime Minister, you can laugh at the opposition, but you obviously don’t know how you were created by someone who wants to reduce the opposition to its simplest expression. The vacuum created you and it will also create someone to block your political vision. We understand that you are trying to convince yourself and appease your activists, but inviting opponents of ĉooki from here is already a step too far.

Your repetition of the scandals of the late regime and the threats of sanctions no longer mobilises the people. Do what you have to do: threats begin to distract the Senegalese. Deep in your heart, you know that doubt has settled in your ranks and that you are obliged to fill the gap left by the waning enthusiasm. Your supporters will not tell you the truth, but they know that you no longer reassure or appease anyone. They are obliged to defend everything, including what they previously criticised. Many of your pimps have to continue supporting your wanderings because they cannot help it: xale buy fǿ (pǿ muñu koy tere) ba gàañ boppam du jooy, du yuuxu! They are forced to paint white as grey and evil as good. Mr Prime Minister, remember this warning: you will risk locking yourself up in Ziguinchor this time to avoid the anger of the crowds when the young people wake up from the stupor caused by drunkenness! Deception cannot last forever: sooner or later people will be forced to see the light of truth, even if it blinds them. Because no one can stay
Live forever in the darkness of lies and manipulation!

You said the opposition hid behind activists to attack your government: and you, what did you do? Mr. Prime Minister, in fact, your view of the opposition is narrow and wrong. The opposition forces will stand in front of you and prevent you from doing what you want. Mr. Prime Minister, please restore calm and deal with the emergency instead of inciting people to engage in a useless war of words. You cannot tell the opposition what to do. Ruler, it is too early to worry about luxuries when you have necessities in front of you.

The opposition is plural and multifaceted; the new opposition knows that the best way to fight deception is not to borrow one’s own weapons. The enemy of populism is thought, patient education, but determined to make people more cautious. Violence, money and honor are the common weapons of populism and totalitarianism. Compared to the dream world of populism, we must create another world, a world of real people and tangible reality, which the human mind can understand and improve. Populism is to political action what dogmatism is to thought: it believes that by freezing thought in mediocrity, it can achieve a feat in the world.

Mr. Prime Minister, our country is at a decisive turning point, as it must stand trial for its own false history, superficiality and excessive “maraha”. The scientific elites have abandoned their mission and are lazily squatting on the basis of fatwas they argue with Ustaz and Imams for the sake of convenience. Meanwhile, some of the latter use their science to support the obvious lies and manipulations of politicians. But nature abhors a vacuum, don’t worry!

Mr. Prime Minister, a kilogram of powdered sugar costs 700 francs in the store; bakers threaten to raise the price of bread because they think the price is unfair, WOYOFAL is criticized by consumers; this
The floods are back; when you were less than five months old, the country’s management scandals are breaking out everywhere; the sub-region is in turmoil. Consumers are fed up, as you said. ‘Significant decline’ It’s not working. We need to talk about this!

Alassane K. Kitane

#child #fǿ #forbidden #pǿ #cry #escape #corruption #Alassane #KITANE



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