a cash transport attacked in the city center – Libération

Armored Van Heist in Grenoble: A Recipe for Caution!

Picture this: you’re innocently sipping your morning coffee in picturesque Grenoble, when suddenly, the serenity is shattered by an incredible scene that makes you question your life choices. Yes, folks, an armored cash transport van was attacked by armed men in broad daylight! Did someone say ‘Monday motivation’? It’s clearly taken a turn for the drastic.

According to Grenoble prosecutor Eric Vaillant—who must have had quite the morning when this unfolded—two individuals sustained minor injuries linked to road mishaps and the smashing of glass. We call that a two-for-one special: a heist and a surprise pottery class all in one go!

Now, let’s set the stage: the attack unfolded at an intersection around 10 a.m., which is usually a lovely time for people to enjoy their pastries, not for dodging flying bullets in what sounds like a rejected Fast & Furious script. Witnesses reported at least two vehicles blocking the armored van before the usual exchange of “Hey, how’s your day?” escalated into, “Get down, it’s go time!”

“We All Dove” – A Business Owner’s Tale

Hold onto your croissants, because the tales from the scene are positively riveting! As the gunfire erupted, one business owner described how they all “dove” for cover like extras in a poorly planned disaster movie. I mean, can you imagine the chaos? “Excuse me, sir, could you not shoot while I’m trying to serve my soufflé?” By the time they figured out the danger, the ruckus had lasted only “one to two minutes” – just long enough to ruin anyone’s brunch plans.

And here’s the kicker: this fiasco unfolds amid a backdrop of rising tensions in the Alpine city, with gun battles previously relegated to Hollywood now spilling into real life. Apparently, summer 2023 has not only brought warmth but also a somewhat inconvenient surge of street violence and gang wars. That’s right, it looks like old Granada is now partying with the likes of ‘The Sopranos’ and ‘Scarface’. Who needs Netflix when reality delivers these daytime dramas?

And if you’re wondering, yes, there was a vehicle found torching in the suburbs linked to this debacle, because what’s a heist without dramatic pyrotechnics? Just ask any bad action movie!

This event also wrangles into a grimmer context, with a co-worker recently shot down and the authorities scrambling around like a group of cats in a room full of laser pointers. People are understandably on edge, because it’s clear that peace and tranquility have taken an extended vacation.

So, to round it all off, it’s safe to say that whether it’s an armchair heist or a badly choreographed traffic ballet ending in chaos, Grenoble jumps straight to number one on the “Do I Really Want to Be Here Right Now” list. Remember folks, stay vigilant, keep your head low, and for heaven’s sake, don’t wear bright colors if you’re looking to enjoy a quiet day in the city!

Let’s hope the individuals responsible for this unsafe ruckus watch a marathon of crime dramas and realize it’s just not worth it. Remember, folks: crime doesn’t pay, but it sure does make for one heck of a story!

For more updates on the situation, check out Dauphiné Libéré.

Two people were slightly injured, said the Grenoble public prosecutor.

An armored cash transport van was attacked by armed men on Thursday in the center of Grenoble and two people were slightly injured. “There are two minor injuries linked to road accidents caused by the event and by broken glass,” Grenoble prosecutor Eric Vaillant said in a message to the press.

The attack took place after 10 a.m. at an intersection in the city center, the prefecture said on the X network, confirming information from the Dauphiné Libéré. “At least two vehicles blocked” the armored cash transport van and there was an “exchange of gunfire” between the cash conveyors and the attackers, who then fled, it was specified. to AFP from a police source. It has not been indicated at this stage which company the armored van belongs to, nor whether it was transporting funds.

A vehicle “linked” to the attack on the armored van was found burned in the town of Pont-de-Claix, located in the southern suburbs of Grenoble, the gendarmerie told AFP. The investigation was entrusted to the Organized and Specialized Crime Division (DCOS), said the Grenoble prosecutor, who went to the scene of the attack.

“We all dove”

On videos and images posted on social networks, we could see the front cabin of a white van burning, in the middle of the road. The firefighters then extinguished the fire, then the vehicle was removed from the intersection by investigators, noted an AFP journalist. According to the owner of a business located opposite the scene of the attack, “when we heard the shots, we all dove,” he told AFP by telephone.

“Everyone stood under the counters. By the time we understood what was happening, it was over,” he said, specifying that the exchange of gunfire had lasted “one to two minutes”, according to him, and that the law enforcement officers “quickly arrived” on site. “No one is prepared for this. We tried to talk about it among ourselves (with customers) and to understand. The feeling is that everything is permitted,” he added.

This attack occurs in a context of tensions in the Alpine metropolis, after a summer marked by a series of violence and shootings between drug traffickers. Since the start of the year, around twenty episodes of gun violence have been recorded, and the authorities no longer hesitate to speak of “gang war”. At the beginning of September, Lilan Dejean, a municipal employee of Grenoble, was shot and killed by a man still on the run and known to the courts in particular for violence and drug trafficking.

Updated at 1:52 p.m., added context.



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