A Call to Action: Let’s End the Cycle of Violence

The safety alarm for medical personnel in hospitals has been raised and the Minister of Health Orazio Schillaci has responded in a concrete manner. “Yesterday we spoke with Minister Nordio and at this time we believe that the most useful tool to try to combat this unacceptable phenomenon is to always introduce arrest in flagrante delicto, even deferred” for those who attack healthcare personnel, he declared. Gianluca Giuliano, national secretary of UGL Salute, is satisfied: “We absolutely agree with the Minister of Health Orazio Schillaci in the application of arrest in flagrante delicto, even deferred, for those who are guilty of attacks against healthcare personnel. Making our professionals safe is a civil duty that no one can avoid”, he stated.

Violence against health workers, Schillaci:

Video on this topic

“The harsher penalties introduced some time ago have not produced substantial results. The escalation of violent episodes is currently unstoppable and we believe it is right to use every means available to put an end to what is turning into a daily massacre. Yes, I do not consider the term massacre excessive because the risks faced by those who deal with treating citizens on a daily basis are ever greater. As UGL Salute we have been raising attention on the problem for years but only now, thanks also to the sensitivity on the subject shown by Minister Schillaci, Minister Piantedosi and now Minister Nordio, are we trying to move from the empty words heard for too long to concrete facts”, continued Giuliano.

Schillaci's crackdown: arrest in flagrante for those who attack healthcare personnel

The national secretary of UGL Salute asked that “the arrest in flagrante delicto can be used promptly as a further deterrent. And we also believe it is right to open a debate on the proposal of the health Daspo that we had formulated some time ago and today re-proposed by Senator Ignazio Zullo, which provides for excluding the perpetrators of acts of violence against health workers from free care and assistance, apart from life-saving and emergency interventions. We will never turn our backs on the many professionals committed to guaranteeing the right to health of citizens by always fighting alongside them against the violent, for their safety, their rights and their dignity”, concluded the trade unionist.

#Good #Schillaci #Lets #stop #massacre #Tempo
2024-09-16 04:40:36

What measures is ⁣Italy’s Minister of Health proposing to combat violence ​against healthcare personnel?

Crackdown⁣ on Violence ‌Against Healthcare ⁣Personnel:⁤ Italy’s Minister of Health Introduces Harsher Penalties

In a⁤ bid to combat the escalating violence against healthcare personnel in Italian ⁢hospitals, Minister of⁣ Health Orazio Schillaci has introduced⁣ a concrete plan⁣ to introduce arrest in flagrante delicto, even deferred, for those found guilty‍ of attacking‌ medical‌ staff.​ This move ‌is aimed at providing a safer working​ environment for healthcare ​professionals and ensuring that they can ⁤provide quality care to patients without fear of⁤ violence.

The decision​ comes after a surge in violent⁢ attacks ⁤on healthcare personnel, ​with many cases ‍going unpunished. Gianluca Giuliano,‍ national secretary of ​UGL Salute, has welcomed the move, stating that ‌making healthcare‍ professionals safe is a civil duty that cannot be ⁢ignored. “We ⁢absolutely agree ⁢with the Minister of Health⁤ Orazio Schillaci in the application ​of⁢ arrest in flagrante delicto, even deferred, for those who are guilty⁣ of ⁢attacks against healthcare personnel,” he said.

The ‌Alarmingly High Rate of Violence⁢ Against Healthcare Personnel

The rate of ‌violence‌ against ⁤healthcare personnel in Italy has reached alarming​ levels, with many cases going unreported or ⁢unpunished. The problem is not limited to hospitals,⁢ with‍ medical staff working in emergency services, clinics,‍ and other healthcare facilities​ also ‌being targeted.⁢ The attacks, which range⁢ from​ verbal abuse to physical assaults, have resulted in healthcare professionals⁣ suffering‍ physical and emotional trauma.

The Need for Stricter Penalties

The introduction of arrest in flagrante delicto is ‍seen as a crucial step in combating⁣ violence against healthcare ⁢personnel. The current penalties have not produced substantial results, and the escalation of violent episodes ⁤has become unstoppable. “The ⁢harsher penalties⁤ introduced some time ‌ago⁢ have⁤ not produced substantial​ results.‍ The escalation of‌ violent episodes is⁢ currently ‌unstoppable, ⁣and⁤ we ⁤believe it is right​ to use every​ means available to put an end to what is turning into a daily massacre,” said Giuliano.

The ‍Proposal for ⁣a Health Daspo

In addition to ‌the introduction‌ of arrest in⁤ flagrante delicto, there are calls for a health‌ Daspo‍ (a ban​ on access to healthcare services) for ‌perpetrators of violence against healthcare ​personnel. This proposal, which was first introduced by UGL Salute‍ and ‍recently re-proposed by Senator Ignazio Zullo, aims to exclude perpetrators‍ from free care and assistance, apart from life-saving and emergency interventions.

A Safer Working Environment for Healthcare Professionals

The introduction⁢ of stricter penalties⁢ and the proposal for a health Daspo are seen as⁢ crucial steps in providing a​ safer working environment for healthcare professionals. Healthcare personnel have the right to work in a safe and respectful⁤ environment, free from the threat of​ violence ​and abuse. By​ introducing these‍ measures, the‍ Italian government ⁣is taking‍ a vital step towards‍ ensuring that healthcare professionals can provide quality care to patients without fear ‍of violence.


The introduction ‌of arrest in ⁢flagrante ​delicto and the proposal for a⁢ health Daspo ⁣are concrete steps towards combating ⁤violence against healthcare personnel in Italy. ⁤These measures are aimed at providing a safer working environment for ‍healthcare professionals and ensuring⁢ that​ they can ‌provide​ quality⁢ care to patients without fear‌ of violence. As Minister​ of Health Orazio ⁢Schillaci and Gianluca⁤ Giuliano, national secretary of UGL ⁤Salute

What measures are being proposed to protect healthcare workers from violence?

Here is a comprehensive and SEO-optimized article based on the provided content:

Title: Crackdown on Violence Against Healthcare Workers: Minister Schillaci Proposes Arrest in Flagrante Delicto

Meta Description: Following a surge in violent attacks on healthcare personnel, Minister of Health Orazio Schillaci takes concrete action, proposing arrest in flagrante delicto for perpetrators. Read more about this crucial step towards ensuring the safety of medical staff.

Header Tags:

H1: Crackdown on Violence Against Healthcare Workers: Minister Schillaci Proposes Arrest in Flagrante Delicto

H2: A Long-Overdue Response to the Escalating Violence

H2: The Government Takes Concrete Action

H2: A Call for Debate on Health Daspo Proposal


The safety alarm for medical personnel in hospitals has been raised, and the Minister of Health Orazio Schillaci has responded in a concrete manner. Following a disturbing increase in violent attacks on healthcare workers, Schillaci has proposed introducing arrest in flagrante delicto, even deferred, for those who commit such acts.

This move comes as a welcome relief to healthcare professionals who have been demanding greater protection and safety in the workplace. Gianluca Giuliano, national secretary of UGL Salute, has expressed satisfaction with the Minister’s proposal, stating that making healthcare professionals safe is a civil duty that cannot be avoided.

Image 1: [Image of Minister Schillaci or a relevant hospital scene]

Caption: Minister of Health Orazio Schillaci takes concrete action to combat violence against healthcare workers.

The harsher penalties introduced previously have not produced substantial results, and the escalation of violent episodes has continued unabated. It is essential to use every means available to put an end to this daily massacre, Giuliano emphasized.

Video: [Embed a relevant video on the topic, with captions]

Read Also: [Link to a related article]

The national secretary of UGL Salute has also called for a debate on the proposal of the health Daspo, which provides for excluding perpetrators of acts of violence against healthcare workers from free care and assistance, except in life-saving and emergency interventions.

Image 2: [Image of a healthcare worker or a hospital scene]

Caption: The health Daspo proposal aims to further deter violence against healthcare personnel.

As the situation continues to deteriorate



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