a call for witnesses launched after the worrying disappearance of Amandine, 29 years old

A Disappearance in Dordogne: Where’s Amandine Bouchet?

So, here we are, folks. The lovely Archignac, Dordogne—a picturesque little speck on the French map, home to about as many people as a busy London pub on a Saturday night. And yet, just when you think life in a quaint village couldn’t get any more riveting, we have the curious case of Amandine Bouchet. A 29-year-old woman who has managed to disappear without a trace, and no, this is not the plot twist in a low-budget thriller. This is real life, and it’s a mystery that’s baffling the locals and the gendarmerie alike.

Last Seen and Heard

According to reports from South West and La Dépêche du Midi, Amandine was last spotted on Saturday morning around 9 a.m. Now, if you’re thinking that’s not the kind of time a spirited nightlife invites, you’d be right. The mystery deepens when we find out that her husband was the one to alert the police. I can’t say anything definitive about their relationship, but let’s just say this girl may have a knack for keeping things interesting.

Amandine’s Description

Now, the authorities have put out a detailed description of our missing star. Standing at 1.65 m—so not exactly a basketball player, but we’re not all built to dunk, are we? She’s got mid-length brown hair, probably rocking it in that effortlessly chic way that only a French woman can, and brown eyes that have clearly been missed by many over these past 48 hours. When she vanished, Amandine was wearing burgundy red pants and a cherry red sleeveless jacket—feels a bit like she was ready for a spontaneous stroll or perhaps had a casual run-in with a fashion police officer.

The Search Efforts

As the Dordogne gendarmerie has deployed a copious amount of resources to find Amandine—think helicopters and patrols, all they’re missing is a marching band and a giant searchlight that says “Amandine, come home!” It seems to be a classic case of “Where’s Waldo,” but instead of a cartoon character in a striped shirt, we’ve got a living, breathing woman and very serious consequences.

Geolocation Troubles

What makes this whole situation a bit more complicated is that Amandine decided to leave her phone behind. You have to wonder—did she anticipate needing a break from being perpetually reachable? The gendarmes can’t track her down through her cell, and it’s not like they can just send Siri out on a wild goose chase and let her do the legwork, can they?

Call for Help

So here we are, on October 21, still hoping Amandine is out there enjoying a leisurely day in the beautiful Dordogne countryside, sipping on a coffee and flipping through a good book—though we’d like to hope she’s not too far from home. If anyone has seen or heard anything, the Dordogne gendarmerie sure would appreciate a call at 17 or 112. You wouldn’t want to be the only one at the party who didn’t pitch in, now would you?

Conclusion: Keep Your Eyes Open

This situation is a reminder to us all that life in the countryside can be as unpredictable as a game of poker with a cat: you never know what everyone’s hiding. Let’s hope that soon, Amandine Bouchet can return home, not just as a mystery but as the delightful person she is, making us all exhale a long, collective sigh of relief.

Amandine Bouchet was last seen on the morning of Saturday October 19 in Archignac, Dordogne. Significant resources have been deployed to find her, so far without success.

It has been more than 48 hours since Amandine Bouchet gave the slightest sign of life. On the evening of Saturday October 19, the Dordogne gendarmerie launched a call for witnesses to find this 29-year-old young woman, report South West et La Dépêche du Midi. She disappeared on Saturday around 9 a.m. in Archignac, the village of around 350 inhabitants where she lives,

Amandine Bouchet is 1.65 m tall, has mid-length brown hair tied back and brown eyes. She was last seen wearing burgundy red pants and a cherry red sleeveless jacket. She is “likely to travel in a blue Citroën C3 registered BS-531-BY”, specify the gendarmes.

Geolocation by telephone impossible

According to France Blue Périgordit was Amandine Bouchet’s husband who warned the police of his wife’s disappearance.

Sunday evening, and despite the deployment of significant resources including around ten patrols and a helicopter flight over the area, the young woman had not been found. The gendarmes cannot attempt to locate her using her cell phone, as the young woman does not have her phone, indicates Sud-Ouest.

The search was supposed to resume this Monday, October 21. As for people with information on the disappearance of Amandine Bouchet, they are invited to contact the Dordogne gendarmerie by calling 17 or 112.



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