A Call for Unity: Pope Francis’ Vision for a Peaceful World

A Call for Unity: Pope Francis’ Vision for a Peaceful World

PORT MORESBY (EFE).— Pope Francis yesterday attended a meeting in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea, with hundreds of children suffering from poverty, abandonment and disabilities, cared for by Catholic associations, and comforted them by saying that “we are all a beautiful gift.”

On his first official day of his visit to the country, the Pope visited the Caritas technical school in the capital to meet the children cared for by the two associations, “Street Ministry” and “Callan Services”, and listened to the questions of a girl living on the streets and a disabled child.

Papua New Guinea is among the poorest countries in the world and has a high rate of violence against women and children.

Tough Questions

“Why am I not like the others? Why is there this suffering? Is there hope for us too? Why don’t we have opportunities like other children and how can we be useful in making our world more beautiful?” they asked.

Francis told them that these were very difficult questions, but that the only answer was that “none of us is like the others because we are unique before God” and that “there is hope for everyone.”

He added that “everyone in the world has a role and a mission that no one else can perform and this, although difficult, will give a sea of ​​joy.”

give love

The Pope, who watched the children perform their traditional dances, explained to them that “peace and joy are for everyone” and that although “we all have limits (…) this is not what determines our happiness, but the love we put into everything we do.”

“This is the most important thing. To give love and to embrace with open arms the love of those who love us.”

The Pontiff comforted them by assuring them that “we are all beautiful gifts from God.”

He also wanted to thank all those who work with these charities in this country with a Christian majority, of which 30% are Catholics. “Thank you because you work with love. Keep that light on, which is a sign of hope for our world that is so selfish and preoccupied with things that don’t matter,” he said.

Call for peace

Already in Papua New Guinea on Sunday (Mexico is 16 hours behind), Francis celebrated Mass that filled the Sir John Guise Stadium in Port Moresby, in front of nearly 35,000 faithful, and later, during the Angelus, he called against the arms race and the exploitation of our common home.

At the end of the ceremony, Francis asked the Virgin Mary to strengthen the union of families, to make the dreams of young people beautiful and courageous, to support and console the elderly, and to comfort the sick and those who suffer.

“And from this land blessed by the Creator, I would like to invoke with you, through the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the gift of peace for all peoples. In particular, I ask this for this great region of the world between Asia, Oceania and the Pacific Ocean,” he added.

“Peace, peace for the nations and also for creation. No to the arms race and the exploitation of our common home. Yes to the encounter between peoples and cultures; yes to the harmony of man with his creatures.”

Francis made this appeal in the country that is considered the third lung of the planet and that is suffering most from the effects of climate change due to rising oceans and increasingly intense and frequent natural disasters.

#Hope #Pope #Francis #call #peace
2024-09-17 21:00:15

What was Pope Francis’s message to children in need during his visit to Papua ​New Guinea?

​ Here is a comprehensive and SEO-optimized article on the topic‍ of Pope Francis’s visit to Papua New Guinea and his message of hope and love to children in need:

Pope Francis Brings Message of Hope⁢ to Children in Need in Papua New Guinea

In ​a heartwarming display ‌of compassion and empathy, ⁢Pope Francis spent his first ‌official day in Papua New Guinea meeting with hundreds of children suffering from ​poverty, abandonment, and disabilities. The Pontiff brought⁢ a message of hope and love to these vulnerable youngsters, reassuring them⁤ that “we are all beautiful⁣ gifts​ from‍ God.”

A Visit to‍ Remember

On Sunday, Pope Francis visited the Caritas technical school in Port Moresby, ⁤where he met ‍with children cared for by the⁤ Catholic associations “Street Ministry” ​and “Callan Services.” The​ Pope listened attentively to the questions of a girl living on the streets and⁣ a disabled ⁣child, who asked difficult questions about⁢ their​ situation and the ‍suffering they endure.

Tough‍ Questions, Words of Comfort

The children asked poignant questions, such as​ “Why am I​ not ⁣like the others? Why is there this ⁣suffering? Is⁤ there ⁣hope for us too?” Pope ⁤Francis⁢ acknowledged the difficulty of ​these ‌questions but offered words ​of⁤ comfort and reassurance. He ⁣reminded them that “none of us is like the others because we are unique before God” and that “there is hope for everyone.”

Everyone Has a Role⁤ to Play

The Pope‌ emphasized that ​every individual has⁣ a role⁤ and ‍a mission ‍that ⁣no ⁣one else ⁤can perform,​ and that this can bring‌ a sense of joy⁢ and purpose. He encouraged the children to focus on giving love‍ and embracing the love of those who care for them, as this is what truly brings happiness.

Give ​Love, ⁢Embrace Love

Pope ⁣Francis watched‍ the ⁣children perform traditional dances​ and encouraged them to spread peace and joy‌ to others. He​ reminded them that “we all have limits,⁣ but this is not what determines our‌ happiness, but the love we ‌put into ​everything we do.” ⁤The ⁢Pontiff stressed the importance of giving love and embracing the love of ⁣others, as this⁢ is the key to true happiness.

A Call for Peace

Later that day, Pope Francis celebrated Mass at the Sir John ⁤Guise Stadium in Port Moresby, ⁤attended by nearly 35,000 faithful. During the Angelus, he called for an end to the arms race and the exploitation of the environment, urging people to⁣ work towards peace and harmony.

A Message of Hope

In ⁣his address, Pope Francis asked‌ the Virgin⁤ Mary to strengthen the union of families, to make the dreams of young people beautiful and courageous, ​to support and console⁣ the elderly, and to comfort the‍ sick​ and those who suffer. He also invoked the gift of peace for all peoples, asking for the intercession‍ of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Papua New Guinea’s‍ Challenges

Papua New Guinea is one of the ‍poorest countries in the world, with high rates of ‌violence against ‌women and children. The ‍Pope’s visit and message of hope are a beacon of light in a country that faces many challenges.


Pope Francis’s visit⁣ to Papua New Guinea was⁣ a ⁣powerful ‌reminder of the importance of compassion, empathy, and love. His message of hope and encouragement ‍to ‌children in need serves as a inspiration to people around the ⁣world to work towards a more just and peaceful society.

Optimized Keywords: ‍ Pope⁣ Francis, Papua New Guinea, poverty, abandonment, disabilities, children, hope, love, peace, compassion, empathy, Caritas, Catholic associations, Street⁣ Ministry, Callan Services.

Meta Description: Pope Francis brings message of hope to children in ⁣need‌ in Papua New Guinea, reminding them that ​”we are all beautiful gifts from God.”

Title Tag: ‍Pope Francis Visits Papua New Guinea: A⁣ Message ‌of Hope to Children in Need

What was the significance of Pope Francis’s visit to children in need in Papua New Guinea?

Here is a comprehensive and SEO-optimized article on the topic of Pope Francis’s visit to Papua New Guinea:

Pope Francis Brings Message of Hope and Love to Children in Need in Papua New Guinea

Pope Francis’s visit to Papua New Guinea was marked by a heartwarming meeting with hundreds of children suffering from poverty, abandonment, and disabilities. The pontiff brought a message of hope and love to these children, telling them that “we are all beautiful gifts from God.”

On his first official day of his visit to the country, Pope Francis visited the Caritas technical school in Port Moresby, where he met with children cared for by Catholic associations “Street Ministry” and “Callan Services.” The Pope listened to the questions of a girl living on the streets and a disabled child, who asked tough questions about their suffering and their place in the world.

Tough Questions

The children asked the Pope why they were not like others, why they suffered, and if there was hope for them. Pope Francis told them that these were difficult questions, but the only answer was that “none of us is like the others because we are unique before God” and that “there is hope for everyone.”

Give Love

The Pope also told the children that “peace and joy are for everyone” and that the most important thing was to “give love and to embrace with open arms the love of those who love us.” He comforted them by assuring them that “we are all beautiful gifts from God.”

Call for Peace

Earlier in the day, Pope Francis celebrated Mass at the Sir John Guise Stadium in Port Moresby, where he called for peace and an end to the arms race and exploitation of the environment. He asked the Virgin Mary to strengthen the union of families, to make the dreams of young people beautiful and courageous, and to comfort the sick and those who suffer.

Pope Francis’s Message to Children in Need

During his visit to Papua New Guinea, Pope Francis’s message to children in need was one of hope and love. He told them that they were unique and valuable in the eyes of God, and that they had a role to play in making the world a more beautiful place. He encouraged them to give love and to embrace the love of those around them, and to hold onto hope in the face of suffering.

Papua New Guinea: A Country in Need

Papua New Guinea is one of the poorest countries in the world, with high rates of violence against women and children. The country has struggled with poverty, inequality, and social injustice, making the Pope’s visit a beacon of hope for many.


Pope Francis’s visit to Papua New Guinea was a powerful reminder of the importance of compassion, love, and hope in the face of suffering. His message to children in need was one of encouragement and empowerment, urging them to hold onto hope and to make a difference in their world. As the Pope said, “we are all beautiful gifts from God,” and it is up to us to use our unique talents and abilities to make the world a more beautiful place.

Keyword optimization:

Pope Francis

Papua New Guinea

Children in need







Arms race

Environmental exploitation

Meta description:

Pope Francis visited Papua New Guinea, where he met with hundreds of children suffering from poverty, abandonment, and disabilities. He brought a message of hope and love, telling them that they are unique and valuable in the eyes of God.

Header tags:

H1: Pope Francis Brings Message of Hope and Love to Children in Need in Papua New Guinea

H2: Tough Questions

H2: Give Love

H2: Call for Peace

H2: Pope Francis’s Message to Children in Need



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