A bus driver drove with a child to upa and his license was suspended

The National Road Safety Agency (ANSV) suspended the driver of bus line 343 that drove with a child to upa. The fact became known after he was seen acting in that way in a video that went viral on social networks.

There, you can see how the driver holds the steering wheel, while his arms surround the minor. According to the information provided by the authorities, the same would be his son.

“With this action endangered the life of the minor and the passengers that he was carrying on public transport,” they explained from the agency.

The driver, who has a National Driver’s License filed on Tres de Febrero, must now carry out another psychophysical examination to assess whether or not you are fit to drive.

“It’s totally irresponsible”

“Es Impossible not to be indignant with this type of behavior. Children should not drive. There is no excuse that is valid to justify this type of action. Is totally irresponsible“, assured the executive director of the ANSV, Pablo Martinez Carignano.

Video: he forced his 7-year-old son to drive, was suspended and denounced

With the suspension it was sought that the man “can ponder the tremendously dangerous maneuver that he carried out putting the life of the child and the passengers he was carrying on top of the bus at risk.

“And bus weighs 15 tons. It can transport about 50 people. To drive it, you need a professional registration and a lot of training. There is nothing more to say, just thank you that nothing has happened to the baby. The father made an ugly mistake and is going to be evaluated by psychologists, “he closed.

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