A bride discovers 10 months after the wedding night that her groom is a girl..and a surprise explodes about what was happening between them every night on the bed for long hours!

It’s 03:40 PM
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In an amazing surprise, a girl in Indonesia discovered that she had married a woman, 10 months following her marriage, and she filed a lawsuit once morest the fraudulent husband.

The details of the strange story, according to the British newspaper, “Mirror”, date back, when the couple first met on a dating application on the Internet.

After that, they met on personal dates, then the husband moved in with his future partner and helped her take care of her ailing parents.

The newspaper reported that the fraudulent husband requested the girl’s hand in marriage following only weeks of dating, with the parents’ blessing.

But over time, the family began to become suspicious of her daughter’s husband, especially since he never introduced his family to them and his appointments and schedule seemed very comfortable despite his claiming to be a doctor.

The deceived wife also said that the fraudulent husband was controlling the material matters of the family and had seized the sum of 16,537,000 pounds.

The newspaper pointed out that the mother noticed that her daughter’s husband never took off his clothes and was showering with clothes when others were in the house.

The wife also noticed that her partner’s chest area is somewhat large, and when asked, he replied that he has a hormonal problem.

Because of the suspicion, the mother reported him to the police, and the surprise was when the husband admitted that he was in fact a woman and not a man.

When asking the wife regarding the intimate relationship between them, she explained that the fraudulent husband insisted before the relationship was to turn off the lights and blindfold her.



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