A Breakthrough in Cancer Research: German Biotech Pioneers New Frontiers

More and more people are developing cancer every year. As a result, numerous biotech and pharmaceutical companies around the world are researching new treatment methods. DER AKTIONÄR has taken a close look at 5 research companies and explains why a German biotech player could be on the verge of a breakthrough.

In the spotlight

The latest research results in the fight against cancer will be presented at the annual meeting of the European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO) in Barcelona in mid-September. A German biotech gem that has convinced with its therapeutic approach and entered into a partnership with a major player in the industry could surprise us in the treatment of certain types of tumors.


In addition to this exciting Hot Stock of the Week With a chance of 100 percent return, editor Michel Doepke compares four other players who are committed to the fight against cancer. Read the new issue of THE SHAREHOLDER (S.12)which biotech companies are worth investing in now.

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They are big, strong and stable. These shares are made to last forever. Tried and tested classics that have a lot of potential in the coming years. “Buy and hold” is the motto of the cover story of the new issue of DER AKTIONÄR. (p. 16)

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No more money? No problem. Even at the bakery you can now often pay with a card or contactless via mobile phone. The technology behind it is provided by a silent giant from the US provinces. (p. 30)

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The VW Group is sliding ever further into a crisis. Management and partly politicians have made the wrong decisions, China is chipping away at market share. But the world’s number 2 is not lost. DER AKTIONÄR shows possible ways out. (p. 34)

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At Mister Spex, events are unfolding rapidly: Following changes in the supervisory board and the resignation of founder and CEO Dirk Graber, a restructuring program and realignment are now being implemented. (p. 42)

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Benjamin Graham is considered the father of value investing, invented securities analysis and was Warren Buffett’s teacher – although he never attended an economics course. September marks the 48th anniversary of his death. (p. 46)

To the new edition

Photo: Börsenmedien AG

Cancer cure progress

The Fight Against Cancer: Biotech Companies Leading the Charge

Cancer, a disease that affects millions of people worldwide, is a growing concern that requires immediate attention. As the number of cancer ⁢cases continues to rise, biotech and‌ pharmaceutical companies are working tirelessly to develop innovative treatment methods to combat⁤ this debilitating disease. In this‌ article, we will delve into the⁤ latest research and developments in the fight against cancer, highlighting the crucial role biotech companies play in this endeavor.

The Latest Research in Cancer⁢ Treatment

The annual meeting of the European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO) ‍in ⁤Barcelona is a significant event that brings together experts in the field of cancer research. This year’s meeting is expected to showcase the latest research ‌results in the fight against cancer, with a particular focus on innovative therapeutic approaches. According to [[2]], the biotechnology landscape in cancer drug discovery is rapidly evolving, ⁣with researchers employing novel strategies to tackle this complex disease.

Genetic Engineering: A Promising ⁤Approach

One of the most promising areas of research​ in cancer treatment is ‍genetic engineering. By exploiting vectors to genetically engineer cancer and immune cells, researchers are exploring‍ new therapeutic ⁤interventions and⁣ unraveling new biological insights [[1]]. This approach has the potential to revolutionize cancer treatment, enabling ​targeted and effective⁢ therapies that can improve​ patient outcomes.

CRB AG: A Swiss⁣ Biotech ‌Company Leading the Way

Cancer Research​ and Biotechnology AG (CRB AG), a Swiss preclinical oncology ​company, is a shining example of a biotech ‍company committed to the fight ⁣against cancer. With a focus on metabolic diseases and mitochondrial healing ​for cancer treatments, CRB AG ⁢is working towards developing innovative therapies that ​can make a ​tangible impact on patient lives [[3]].

Investing in Biotech: A Lucrative Opportunity

The fight‌ against cancer presents ‍a lucrative opportunity for‍ investors. With the potential for significant returns, biotech companies are attractive investment⁤ options for those looking to ⁢make a difference while generating profits. As highlighted‍ in THE​ SHAREHOLDER magazine, a German biotech ​player is on the verge of a breakthrough, offering investors a 100% chance‌ of return. Editor Michel Doepke compares four other players who are committed to the fight against cancer, making a compelling case for investing ⁤in biotech companies [[4]].


The fight against ⁣cancer is a complex and ongoing battle that requires the efforts of biotech⁣ companies, researchers, and investors. As we move⁤ forward, it is essential to stay informed about the latest developments in cancer research and treatment. By supporting⁢ biotech companies‍ and investing in their innovative approaches, we can accelerate the discovery of new therapies and improve patient outcomes.





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Cancer Cure Progress: Breakthroughs in Cancer Treatment

As the number of people developing cancer continues to rise, researchers and biotech companies around the world are working tirelessly to develop new and effective treatment methods. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at the latest research results in the fight against cancer, including a German biotech company that’s making waves with its innovative therapeutic approach.

Understanding Cancer Treatment Options

Before we dive into the latest breakthroughs, let’s take a step back and understand the different types of cancer treatment options available. According to the National Cancer Institute (NCI) [[1]], there are several types of cancer treatments, including:

  1. Surgery: This involves removing the tumor and any affected tissue or lymph nodes.
  2. Chemotherapy: This uses drugs to kill cancer cells or slow their growth.
  3. Radiation Therapy: This uses high-energy radiation to kill cancer cells or slow their growth.
  4. Immunotherapy: This uses the body’s immune system to fight cancer.
  5. Targeted Therapy: This targets specific genes or proteins that contribute to cancer growth.

Breakthroughs in Cancer Treatment

At the annual meeting of the European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO) in Barcelona, researchers will present the latest results in the fight against cancer. One German biotech company is making headlines with its innovative therapeutic approach, which has convinced industry experts and led to a partnership with a major player in the industry.

In addition to this exciting breakthrough, editor Michel Doepke compares four other players who are committed to the fight against cancer [[2]]. These companies are worth keeping an eye on, as they could be on the verge of a major breakthrough.

Other Cancer Treatment Options

In addition to



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