A brawl at the Smolensk monthly anniversary. Małgorzata Wassermann: They achieved the effect – News

Małgorzata Wassermann, on Friday, October 18, attended Holy Mass. at Wawel for the victims of the Smolensk disaster. Upon seeing her, someone played a recording of the last moments of the flight to Smolensk from the speakers. “Where is the limit of humanity?” – he asks.

Let us remind you that on the eighteenth day of each month, a Holy Mass is celebrated in the Wawel Cathedral to commemorate the month of the last farewell of the late Presidential Couple. Maria and Lech Kaczyński.

In worship Małgorzata Wassermann, PiS MP and lawyer, and privately the daughter of Zbigniew Wassermann, took partwho, like the late President Lech Kaczyński and his wife Maria, died in the plane crash in Smolensk, April 10, 2010.

“Yesterday, like every month, bwe were attending mass at Wawel – a group of people who, as always, try to prevent us from doing so, when they saw me, played a recording of the last moments of the flight to Smolensk, their last seconds before their death, from the loudspeakers. They achieved the effect – I am shocked.” – wrote Małgorzata Wassermann, an MP from Law and Justice, on Facebook.

Małgorzata Wassermann’s Turbulent Tribute at Wawel

Ah, the drama of Polish politics—just when you thought it was safe to sit back with a cup of tea, along comes Małgorzata Wassermann at the Wawel Cathedral, and suddenly you’re in a plot twist more chaotic than a Rowan Atkinson sketch. On October 18, Wassermann attended the monthly Holy Mass in remembrance of the victims of the infamous Smolensk disaster, but it seems someone had other plans. Instead of the soothing hymns typically sung at mass, the ghostly echoes of a flight recording filled the air, cutting through the sanctity of the moment like a hot knife through a butter-soaked cliche.

Now, for those blissfully unaware, the Smolensk disaster refers to the tragic plane crash that claimed the lives of the late Polish Presidential Couple, Maria and Lech Kaczyński, along with 94 other individuals, back in 2010. The 18th of each month has since become a ceremonial day of remembrance, a time when families gather to honor their loved ones. But one couldn’t help but wonder—what has happened to not just the geese who honked in their time but the very essence of humanity?

Wassermann, a PiS MP and lawyer, surely didn’t expect her day of solemn reflection to be interrupted by what sounded like an unintended episode of “The Twilight Zone.” The playful rogue responsible for playing that recording certainly wasn’t looking to engage in a friendly chat over a cuppa—nope, this was a bold statement meant to enforce a narrative. “Where is the limit of humanity?” she pondered on Facebook, somewhat channeling the rhetorical prowess of Gervais when faced with the absurdities of life.

“As always, we were attending mass—a group of people who, as always, try to prevent us from doing so,” she lamented. You can almost hear the dramatic background music as she mentions the opposition trying to
“achieve the effect” of shocking her into silence. Oh, the irony—attempting to silence a politician by playing the sound of tragedy. This is either the work of an exceptionally dark genius or a hope of progressing in the political chess game.

Imagine the scene: a group of solemn attendees, heads bowed, hands clasped—then suddenly, like a bad sitcom, that recording blares through the hallowed halls. It’s hard to tell whether the recorders should be applauded for their flair or criticized for violent tendencies. But one thing is certain: what should have been a moment of remembrance turned into a moment of political theatre that would have made even the toughest comedy club audiences squirm in discomfort.

The question remains—how far must we go to express our views in the realm of politics? Is this some twisted version of ‘speak your mind’ where the mind is replaced with soundbites and tragedy? In a world where politics thrives on shocking stunts, perhaps we have reached a new low. Or maybe it’s just the type of performance art that only the most daring could dream up. Either way, it’s a poignant reminder that amidst the jokes, the snark, and the unyielding quest for viral moments, the essence of humanity sometimes gets lost in the melee.

So, the next time you think about attending a solemn event, consider the potential for surprise guest performers—like the ominous echoes of the past. And remember, in Poland, even the most serious moments can come accessorized with a side of dark humor—courtesy of political antics that would make even the best stand-up comedians take a step back and laugh at the absurdity of it all.



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