A. Bilotaitė’s Visit to Telšiai: Enhancing Community Safety and Crisis Management

According to Minister A. Bilotaitė, the changed geopolitical situation in the region and modern hybrid threats require not only operative, but also unified actions of state and municipal institutions, ensuring the safety of the population.

“It is important to ensure uniform response practices when responding to certain threats.” During crisis situations, we must unanimously follow the established recommendations and response algorithms. In this aspect, it is necessary to use the preparation officers in the municipalities. The role of municipalities during various emergency situations is particularly important”, says Minister of the Interior A. Bilotaitė.

According to A. Bilotaitė, increased funding has been allocated to civil protection functions in all municipalities, and currently, preparedness officers responsible for the coordination of this area are being actively recruited. About half of the municipalities have already completed the positions of preparedness officers. At the national level, there should be at least 74 preparedness officers (60 municipalities, 14 ministries).

In the near future, it is planned to prepare an appropriate training program for the heads of municipal institutions and organize practical training, including training officers. All public facilities are also encouraged to review their approved evacuation plans.

In 1.5 years, 2.5 thousand were created in municipalities. a network of shelters to protect residents from weather hazards. In the event of an emergency, the selected shelters could accommodate about 820,000 people. of the country’s population (out of 2,857 million), i.e. about 29 percent. Telšiai district 34 shelters and 47 collective protection structures were selected and marked.

The Ministry of the Interior, in order to strengthen the population’s preparedness for emergency situations, is expanding cooperation with non-governmental and community organizations. The civil protection information campaign “We are a team – we have a plan” initiated by the ministry continues. Emergency preparedness training for local community leaders is held in Lithuanian municipalities.

During the visit to Telšiai, the administrative transformation carried out by the police was discussed. The changes are aimed at better service to residents, more operative management of police forces and response to incidents, improvement of working conditions of officers. Amendments to the statute of the Internal Service were presented and prepared by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which aim to improve the system of officials’ salaries and attract more officers to the service.

During the visit, the joint actions of the institutions will be discussed, strengthening the prevention of the use and distribution of psychotropic substances by minors.

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#Minister #Bilotaitės #visit #Telšiai #attention #civil #safety #crisis #management
2024-09-11 20:00:12

Here⁣ are a couple of PAA ⁤(People ⁤Also Ask) related⁣ questions⁤ based on the title “Emergency Preparedness in Lithuania: A Unified Approach​ to Ensuring⁢ Public ​Safety”:

Emergency Preparedness in ⁣Lithuania: A Unified Approach to Ensuring Public Safety

In⁣ recent years, Lithuania⁤ has faced a complex and rapidly changing geopolitical landscape, which has led⁣ to an increased focus ‍on emergency preparedness and response. ‍The country’s⁣ Minister of the Interior, A. Bilotaitė, has⁢ emphasized the need ​for⁢ unified actions from state and municipal ⁣institutions to ensure the safety of the population.‌ This article will ‌explore the measures being taken to strengthen emergency preparedness‌ in Lithuania, including the importance of municipalities, training programs, and cooperation with non-governmental organizations.

The Role‌ of Municipalities​ in Emergency Preparedness

Municipalities play a critical ⁤role​ in responding to⁤ emergency situations, and the ​Ministry of⁢ the Interior has allocated increased funding to⁤ civil protection ‍functions in all municipalities. Preparedness officers are⁢ being recruited to⁢ coordinate this ​effort, with ‌at ⁢least 74 officers expected to ⁤be in place at the national level (60 ‍municipalities, 14 ministries) [[3]]. These⁤ officers will be responsible for ensuring​ uniform response practices and following established ‍recommendations ⁣and response algorithms during crisis situations.

Training Programs​ and Evacuation Plans

To further enhance emergency preparedness, the Ministry of the Interior plans to prepare a training program for the heads of​ municipal institutions and ​organize practical training, including training for ⁢officers [[3]]. Additionally, all public‍ facilities are ‌encouraged to‌ review their approved evacuation plans​ to ⁣ensure they ​are up-to-date ⁣and effective.

Network of Shelters and Civil Protection Information Campaign

Lithuania has made significant progress in ‍creating ⁢a network of ‌shelters to protect ⁣residents from ⁤weather hazards. In​ just 1.5 years, 2,500​ shelters have been ⁤created in municipalities, which ⁣could accommodate about 29% ​of the country’s population in the‌ event of⁢ an ‌emergency [[3]]. The Ministry of the Interior has also initiated ‍the civil ⁣protection​ information campaign “We are a team – we have a plan,” which aims to⁢ strengthen the population’s preparedness for emergency situations.

Cooperation‍ with Non-Governmental Organizations

The⁣ Ministry⁢ of the Interior is ⁤expanding cooperation with ‍non-governmental and community organizations to ‌enhance ​emergency preparedness.⁤ Emergency ⁢preparedness training for local community leaders ‍is being held in Lithuanian municipalities, ​and the civil protection information campaign continues ‍to raise awareness about⁣ the importance of preparedness.

Strengthening ⁤Health Emergency Preparedness

Lithuania‍ has also been working ‌with international organizations, such as the ​World Health Organization (WHO), to strengthen health ⁤emergency ‍preparedness. The WHO ⁢has​ been​ providing⁢ support to health facilities in Lithuania to enhance ‍their emergency preparedness and response capabilities [[2]].


Lithuania is taking⁢ a proactive and unified approach to emergency preparedness, recognizing the importance of municipalities, training programs, and cooperation⁤ with non-governmental organizations. By ‌strengthening civil ⁢protection ‌functions, creating a‌ network of ⁣shelters, and promoting awareness about emergency preparedness, ‌the country is better equipped to respond to⁣ crisis situations and ensure the safety of its population.


[1] ‍ LT72 – Preparedness for Emergencies in Lithuania

[2] Keeping⁣ hospitals safe⁤ in emergencies: building capacity ‍in Lithuania ⁣and ​Bosnia and Herzegovina

[3] Lithuania | IFRC – Disaster Law

Here are some relevant People Also Ask (PAA) questions related to the title “Emergency Preparedness in Lithuania: Ensuring Civil Safety and Crisis Management”:

Emergency Preparedness in Lithuania: Ensuring Civil Safety and Crisis Management


The current geopolitical situation in Lithuania, coupled with modern hybrid threats, has highlighted the need for unified actions between state and municipal institutions to ensure the safety of the population. According to Minister of the Interior A. Bilotaitė, the country is taking proactive measures to strengthen emergency preparedness and response capabilities. This article delves into the country’s efforts to enhance civil protection, crisis management, and emergency preparedness.

Importance of Uniform Response Practices

During crisis situations, it is crucial to follow established recommendations and response algorithms. Minister Bilotaitė stresses the significance of uniform response practices when responding to threats, emphasizing the need for municipalities to play a vital role in ensuring the safety of residents.

Recruitment of Preparedness Officers and Increased Funding

The Ministry of the Interior has allocated increased funding to civil protection functions in all municipalities. Preparedness officers responsible for coordinating emergency response efforts are being actively recruited, with about half of the municipalities having completed the positions. At the national level, at least 74 preparedness officers are expected to be appointed.

Training Programs and Evacuation Plans

To strengthen emergency preparedness, the Ministry of the Interior plans to prepare an appropriate training program for the heads of municipal institutions and organize practical training, including training officers. All public facilities are encouraged to review their approved evacuation plans.

Network of Shelters for Emergency Situations

In less than two years, a network of 2,500 shelters has been created in municipalities to protect residents from weather hazards. These shelters can accommodate about 820,000 people, or approximately 29% of the country’s population.

Cooperation with Non-Governmental Organizations and Community Groups

The Ministry of the Interior is expanding cooperation with non-governmental and community organizations to enhance the population’s preparedness for emergency situations. The civil protection information campaign “We are a team – we have a plan” continues, and emergency preparedness training is being held for local community leaders in Lithuanian municipalities.

Additional Measures

During a visit to Telšiai, the administrative transformation carried out by the police was discussed, with changes aimed at better service to residents, more operative management of police forces, and improvement of working conditions for officers. Amendments to the statute of the Internal Service were presented, aiming to improve the system of officials’ salaries and attract more officers to the service. Joint actions will be discussed to strengthen the prevention of the use and distribution of psychotropic substances by minors.

International Cooperation in Crisis Management

Lithuania has been urged to step up crisis preparedness, with half of its hospitals rated positively in terms of emergency preparedness[[[1]]. The country has also been encouraged to make preparedness a priority, with measures such as making a written family plan and being informed about potential threats [[2]]. International cooperation in Lithuania in the field of crisis management is coordinated by the Fire and Rescue Department, which is subordinated to the Ministry of the Interior [[3]].


Lithuania is taking proactive steps to enhance emergency preparedness, civil safety, and crisis management. By strengthening uniform response practices, recruiting preparedness officers, and increasing funding for civil protection functions, the country is better equipped to respond to threats and ensure the safety of its population.



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