“A big word.” Where it will rain again – The Weather

A new phase of instability is about to characterize the weather forecast for the next few days. This was confirmed by Paolo Sottocorona, who released the latest bulletin live from the Omnibus studio. “The clouds are there, the precipitation is there. They don’t seem intense, but we have seen what they are capable of doing”: this is how the expert began, adding shortly after that “attenuation is a big word”. What should we expect? The advice is to keep your umbrella handy because, despite some temporary improvements, the sky will not be clear and the sun will struggle to appear.

Giuliacci: Rain and falling temperatures. The days of reversal

Today, “it could rain less heavily on Liguria, which at the moment is the most affected. The areas with intense phenomena are in the North-West, in the North-East”, explained the meteorologist, warning that in the crosshairs of the bad weather it could finish the Center too. “And the rains are starting to arrive in the South too”, he specified. A clear change of pace is not expected tomorrow. The bad weather could intensify in the South and Center and “very intense phenomena” could put “Veneto, part of Lombardy and Emilia-Romagna” in difficulty. “The situation is not resolved,” Sottocorona pointed out. On Sunday, however, “intense phenomena remain in the Ionian areas, in the lower Tyrrhenian Sea. In the Center and North there is an attenuation but with some consequences”, he concluded.

#big #word #rain #Weather



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