A beautiful Saudi woman is looking for a young man to marry her and satisfy her desires in a lawful manner. She will pay him $400,000… in exchange for one condition that must be met by the groom… You will not expect what it is!!

Riyadh – Yasser Al-Jarjoura on Wednesday, September 25, 2024 09:30 PM – Social media sites have witnessed the circulation of an advertisement attributed to a Saudi teacher during the past hours, offering 400 thousand Saudi riyals to anyone who marries her and satisfies her desires in a lawful manner, according to what was stated in the circulated advertisement.

The teacher said, according to what was circulated in the advertisement, that she is 39 years old and is afraid that the marriage train will pass her by and that she will not enjoy married life, especially since her desires are wild and she is afraid that she will weaken in front of them and fall into sin.

The teacher explained that she is beautiful, has a slim body, and has a wheatish complexion. She explained that she had refused all marriage proposals over the past years because she was busy taking care of her elderly mother, who had passed away three years ago.

She said that after her mother’s death, she found herself alone and in need of a man to share the rest of her life with.

The teacher explained that she has a government job and works as a teacher in one of the schools in Riyadh and has a large salary, noting that she will pay the groom 400 thousand Saudi riyals for the wedding expenses, and will waive her dowry.

The teacher set one condition for the groom, which is that he should be well-mannered, religious, affectionate, and appreciate married life.

Although some people doubted the circulated advertisement, it was widely circulated on social media platforms.

Many social media users ruled out the truth of the advertisement, especially since it was anonymous and did not contain any means of communicating with the teacher to whom the advertisement was attributed.

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia suffers from the phenomenon of high spinsterhood like most societies, but at varying rates. Female spinsterhood is calculated after they reach the age of twenty-five and thirty years, while the results of the survey related to the average age at first marriage for Saudi males in the Kingdom are twenty-six years, while the average age of first marriage for females is twenty-one years, according to statistics from the General Authority for Statistics in the year two thousand and sixteen AD.

The percentage of spinsterhood in Saudi Arabia in 2023 AD reached 10.07%, specifically (227,860) females over 32 years old who were not married.

According to the General Authority for Statistics report, the total number of males and females – 15 years and over – reached 14 million, 215 thousand, and 901 people, of whom 7 million, 248 thousand, and 117 were males, and 6 million, 967 thousand, and 748 were females, and 3 million, 6480 males were never married, which is more than 41% of the male population. As for females, their number exceeded 2 million, 237 thousand, and 983, or 32% of their population. The number of married males exceeded 4 million, 127 thousand, or 48% of their population, while the number of married females exceeded 4 million, 132 thousand, or about 68% of females.

There are many reasons that led to the high rate of spinsterhood among females in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The first reason was the high dowries, according to what was indicated by the economic advisor Muhammad bin Saud, who stated that marriage has become a matter of buying and selling, and if customs and traditions remain the same, fathers will be forced to sell their daughters in a public auction. In addition, the high dowries lead to a high rate of spinsterhood among females in most societies, specifically Arab societies. We will learn about the reasons for spinsterhood in Saudi Arabia:

• High dowries.

• Marriage to foreign women.

Dr. Lamia Abdul Mohsen Al-Ibrahim said that this is possible through the state providing some good loans for marriage, and it is also possible to intervene to reduce the expenses of dowries and marriage, especially since some wedding parties reach 250 thousand riyals.

She added that the issue of customs related to not marrying anyone except within the tribe should also be considered, which has a significant impact on the issue of reluctance to marry.

Heba Al-Wahali

I work as a team leader at Al Khaleej 24, managing social media accounts. I previously worked with Hal Al Khaleej as a Gulf News Department Manager and a writer and editor of international and Arab news and articles. I hold a BA in Journalism and Sociology from Birzeit University – Palestine. I have extensive experience in preparing and editing content and producing articles and news for many websites and local radio stations. I also have rich experience and knowledge in the field of public relations, media, project coordination and management.



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