A beautiful Egyptian artist .. Al-Bashawat drank whiskey from her shoes and she spoke 7 languages ​​fluently .. And this was her tragic end?

She is the famous artist Mimi Shakib, who gave an interview to Al-Shabaka magazine, in which she stated that she found herself a sister to twelve brothers and sisters, and when she was four, she went to school and only graduated one day a week.

Shakib did not know a single letter in the Arabic language, and although her mother spoke seven complete languages, Arabic was not among these seven languages.

At the age of thirteen, Mimi Shakib came home and found that there were ululating ululating and sherbet being distributed among the mourners, and she found an Effendi man and an old man and they said to her, “Congratulations.. Today your marriage contract.”

Mimi Shakib’s husband was thirty-five, and she did not know what to do, so she divorced and married, and three months passed. Her husband treated her like a child while she was imprisoned in her home, and there was an abyss between them that separated them in thinking, behavior and other things, so her husband suddenly left her and disappeared, and then she learned that he married another And in her womb their son is formed.

Shakib became lonely and began reading French novels and learned from the novels what theater means, and that there is cinema and that there is an art called acting.

Shakib had never seen in her life theatre, cinema, actor or any movie, and the explosion came.

One day in 1932, Shakib decided to work in acting, and her knowledge of Omar Wasfi helped her in this decision, who said that she is suitable for acting.

The first novel represented by Shakib was the novel “The Actress Violet” and it was in classical Arabic, and Shakib succeeded in playing her role well.

In 1935, Shakib was invited to work in the national band, but she suffocated because she owns an entire band, so how can she leave her to work in the national band, so she left the band and returned once more to her band, to begin following a series of successes and fame.

The pasha drank whiskey in my shoes

Mimi continues in her interview with Al-Shabaka magazine: “There was Muhammed Pasha who was writing to me from Paris. His words tempted me to respond to him even though I never write letters, and it happened that I signed the letter to him in the name of ‘Mimi’ instead of Amina. It was the first letter I sent to a man in my life. My artistic name following that, by which I became known, was Mimi Shakib.

And she added, “I decided to make a cultural salon that would bring all the pashas together, and indeed I took an apartment on Sharifian Street, so we moved to it and expanded the salon area to occupy the dining room. They were parking their cars two streets away from my house so that the journalists wouldn’t notice.”

Mimi continues: “Their sessions provided me with gambling, which I love, and Muhammad Pasha came from Paris, and we met at Nouna’s delinquent, and the nostalgia was overwhelmed by him, and he drank whiskey in my shoes, and he asked me: “Can I join your salon?”, I said spontaneously and without thinking:

“Of course not,” he said, and why?, I said, “Because you are not their destiny.” He stared at me and tested whether I was joking or I mean what I was saying. He withdrew without saying a word. He withdrew carrying a wound to his dignity. What I mean is that it is not their destiny in age, all of them are old, and she said to me: “Why did you not explain this to him?” I said: “Because he did not ask for an explanation,” and with the arrogance of whom the pride takes, I said: “Then who thinks himself to leave without a word?”




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