A beautiful and famous Egyptian artist who was forcibly married to her at the age of 13, and she spent her honeymoon in prison.. You won’t believe who she is!

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The 100th anniversary of the birth of the late artist Zuzu Nabil, who was associated with a large segment of the audience with the voice of Scheherazade in the series One Thousand and One Nights on Egyptian radio for several years, but the life story of Zuzu Nabil itself can be among the legendary stories.

Aziza Imam Hussein was born in Menoufia, and married for the first time at the age of thirteen. She gave birth to her only son, Nabil, whose name was associated with him throughout her artistic career. She chose the name of her guide “Zozo” and attached it to her son’s name, to become Zuzu Nabil.

The artist, Zozo Nabil, recalled her personal memories, which contributed greatly to the formation of her sharp and strict natures, and she describes her life as “mysteries.”

Which is suitable for an interesting drama series of 60 episodes, and said in an old interview with the announcer Mofeed Fawzy that she spent her childhood and adolescence in a prison cell, even though she was from an educated and well-to-do family.

“Prison cell” is an expression that “Zouzo Nabil” described the stage of her first marriage to the warden of Tora prison. She said: “I married the warden of Tora prison, I was 13 years old, and I gave birth to my son when I was 14 years old,

I was the child’s mother! My marriage was nothing but a period of forced isolation. The house was a cell. I spent a year leaving the house by order of my husband. It was forbidden to open the window, and my husband’s house overlooked the prison in which he worked as a warden, and he did not allow me to go out even to the yard of the house.” .

Zuzu Nabil added: “My mother-in-law noticed my anxiety and faintness in the last months of my pregnancy. She needed a quarry, and she was unable to talk, and she drew a plan with me to see the street for one day,

She saw a necessity for a walk in order to facilitate my birth, and she swore that my husband would not know regarding this plan.

We walked in the dark to the Maadi station, and when I came back, Hamaya learned what had happened and took me to my mother and told her, “Take your trust to someone when I come to receive it.”

Zuzu Nabil’s first husband died following a while of her marriage, and she took care of raising her son Nabil while working in theatrical troupes, and her start with acting was another story, as she had difficulty convincing her family.

The Riffians allowed her to work as an actress, and with her determination and commitment to upholding values ​​and morals, her mother agreed and Zuzu kept her promise until her death.

Zuzu Nabil agreed to marry for the second time to one of her neighbors, who at that time was married to another woman and had a daughter, and the secret marriage lasted for nearly 10 years, before the wife knew

The first is the matter and asks for a divorce, but Zuzu Nabil visited her at home and convinced her that she had not been harmed by her presence in her husband’s life throughout that period and she did not know her existence, and offered her to continue in the same situation as an experiment,

Which was welcomed by the first wife, following a period of consolidation of the relationship between the two wives, and Zuzu Nabil became to accompany her “wife” with her on all public occasions, describing her as her sister,

This encouraged the husband who was undersecretary to buy a large house in which he gathered his two wives, so that Zuzu Nabil and her son Nabil from her first marriage would live in the same house with her husband, his first wife and their daughter.

Zuzu Nabil’s success in her family relationship did not prevent her from professional success, as she worked in censorship of artistic works, then took over the management of the popular theater in the Ministry of Culture, following which she worked as the theater institution and rose to the position of Undersecretary of the Ministry of Culture, in addition to her work teaching theatrical recitation at the Film Institute.

Zuzu Nabil lived a happy and stable life with her large family and from the intensity of her love for her wife and daughter, she suggested marrying her son Nabil to her stepdaughter, as they were raised together and knew each other well, which happened and the children had 3 grandchildren before the martyrdom of Nabil the officer in the armed forces during his participation in the October War in 1973 .

Zozo Nabil’s life continued in the same house with her large family, which included her husband, wife, daughter and three grandchildren, and she continued to work in acting, refusing to retire, until she died on May 3, 1996, at the age of 76.



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