A bag of sweets: on the use of cell phones in schools.

2023-08-09 13:05:00

UNESCO, following investigating fourteen schools, recommends banning the use of cell phones in schools around the world. They came to this conclusion following observing how the use of this technology affects attention, information retention, comprehension, and especially how it discourages the creation of human bonds. This measure is already being implemented in some countries such as France, Italy and the Netherlands. In Argentina, there is currently no regulation on the use of cell phones in schools.

From Hummingbird Space, we hear many adolescents say that they are not satisfied in relation to the use of cell phones. That is to say, they would like to use it less, but when there is a free hour or recess arrives, and they see that their classmates are using them, it is very difficult for them to do so. Wanting to be part of a group, share activities with peers and create meaningful relationships is very important for adolescents. Links help build one’s identity. They get to know each other and affirm themselves thanks to the encounter with others.

On the other hand, adolescence is a stage where the brain continues to develop and it is difficult for it to regulate emotions. The reward system, which regulates activities that give us pleasure, is more sensitive than that of an adult. Therefore, in adolescence there is a greater risk of developing addictive behaviors. Giving a teen a phone for unrestricted use is like giving a child a bag full of candies and expecting them to eat just one.

The appropriate use of technology favors learning processes. There are no doubts regarding that. And it is very good that schools want to integrate the cell phone to take advantage of its benefits. However, it must be remembered that exposure is not regulation, that is, since we cannot expect a child to eat only candy; Nor can we expect adolescents to self-regulate the use of cell phones, the time they are used, and the content they access.

It is important to generate measures among all: schools, families and adolescents. Listen to them and think together regarding strategies that encourage self-care and that of others, and a true regulation, which does not necessarily have to do with prohibition. We must honestly ask ourselves if we are really qualified for this challenge and if we want to address it in depth.

The current situation is an opportunity to jointly build new agreements and habits for the healthy use of technology, where children and adolescents can make the most of its benefits without putting themselves at risk.

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