A 65-year-old woman killed her daughter-in-law

Former Chicago police officer Kathleen Lee, 65, who was terminally ill with cancer, fatally shot Marissa Galloway — a 45-year-old special education teacher who shared a child with her son Zacharias Reed — last month on a Manhattan street. He then committed suicide.

Galloway’s parents, Nancy and John, filed an emergency motion in court claiming that Reid has taken refuge in his “multi-million dollar home” in Chicago with their beloved granddaughter Lily under the pretense of grieving their daughter’s death and barring them from any contact. , including a video call, with the child.

“It is clear that the mother [του Ριντ] had a deliberate plan to kill Marissa in order to provide custody of her son. Unfortunately, [ο Ριντ] has shown an absolute intent to further the same goals as his mother by refusing to give us any access to Lily for almost 3 weeks now,” the 4-year-old’s grandparents said in court documents. The couple — who live in Cape May, New York — are asking a Manhattan Supreme Court judge to transfer Marissa’s parenting time, which was set out in a 2022 custody agreement with Reed, to them. They are also asking that Reid be forced to live in New York until Lily turns 18 so she can keep a close relationship with her grandparents and her one-year-old half-sister Mariel, whom their daughter had with sperm donor. The Galloways currently have custody of Mariel, police sources told The Post.

Nancy says in the urgent request that she feels “extremely uncomfortable” about having to submit it, but she worried that Lily would be estranged from her mom’s side of the family if they didn’t intervene.

Marissa Galloway was murdered by her daughter’s father’s mother on July 26th. That day she had packed her bags and put Mariel in her car to go to her parents in New Jersey for five days. He was going to pick up Lily from her father before leaving town, according to court documents. However, Lee approached Marissa as she was loading the trunk and shot her once in the back of the head and again in the back before turning the gun on her.

Prior to her heinous crime, Lee wrote a 7-page letter to the police in which she claimed Marissa was trying to alienate Lily from her son and claimed she suspected the unfortunate woman was abusing the little girl, which authorities denied services after inquiries.

“He took the child’s mother to make her son happy … it’s shocking,” a law enforcement source told The Post about Lee after her crime and suicide.

Nancy Galloway says in court documents that she and her husband asked Reed “multiple” times after the gruesome murder to speak with Lily, as they are concerned about her condition after her mother’s death, and stress that they both want sisters to be a comfort to one another. However, Reed has not even allowed video calling.

“We have no idea how Lily is doing or what Reed has told the child about his mother,” the grieving parents said in court documents. “This is completely unacceptable and must be rectified immediately.” “We have no idea how she is [Λίλι]or what he said [Ριντ] to Lily for her mother,” court documents state. “This is unacceptable and must be rectified immediately.”

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