A 65-Year-Old Italian Woman Takes Matters into Her Own Hands Against a Purse Snatcher

It’s a one-minute-and-20-second film that “nails” the woman who ran over and killed the man who had stolen her bag minutes earlier according to corriere della sera. One minute and 20 seconds was captured by the surveillance camera of the Darsena marine store where Said Malkoun, a 47-year-old Algerian man of uncertain identity and homeless, was found crushed on Sunday night.

The shocking video
It is just before midnight when the camera’s gaze on via Coppino – a street full of companies working in the maritime sector as well as restaurants – shows the man wearing a white T-shirt and walking determinedly down the street. He doesn’t seem to be hiding, he doesn’t seem to be in a hurry, he’s probably convinced that he managed to get by after stealing the bag from a woman who had just left a restaurant on the same street.
Suddenly the white SUV comes up behind him, a large displacement Mercedes, which hits him like a bowling pin, throwing him into the window. At first glance it may look like a car accident, with a person behind the wheel losing control of the car and hitting a pedestrian who had the misfortune of passing by.

But all doubt disappears in the following sequences.

The car first shifts into reverse and then moves forward to hit the target again. One, two, three times.

We last see the silhouette of the man on the ground who appears to be staring at the woman. However, this look does not stop the unprecedented violence. The car goes up to the curb and hits him a fourth time, almost appearing to run over him.

At that point she goes outside, grabs her bag, and gets back into the car. In the background you can see the rain and the headlights of other cars that passed by not caring what is happening.

20 minutes passed. A dying man and a broken display case remain on the ground.

The car continues on its way, the camera not focusing on the next stage of that crazy evening: her return to the restaurant where she dined to return the umbrella she had borrowed.

The prologue of this story remains to be clarified. What triggered the disproportionate reaction of the woman, a 65-year-old entrepreneur, Cinzia Dal Pino, who with her family has been managing for years one of the most famous beach shops in Viareggio, Milano.

He has been in custody since Monday afternoon.

The prosecution led by Domenico Manzione accuses her of voluntary manslaughter. Today, assisted by Professor Enrico Marzaduri, she will appear before the investigator for the validation hearing. To the officers from the Viareggio police station and Luca’s flying squad who appeared on Monday morning, after recognizing her thanks to the cameras, she tearfully replied that the man had threatened her, saying he had a knife in his pocket. However, no knife was found on the body crammed into the shop window.

Who is the victim?
Police investigations continue to piece together the whole story, including the identity of Said Malkoun, who may not be Algerian but Moroccan.

We know about him that he arrived in Italy in 2004 without a residence permit, that he has a lot of precedents for theft and theft, that he also passed through Milan and Palermo and was expelled from Italy (on paper) about ten times. Twice he ended up in CPR, the last time in Rome in December 2023, but Algeria never recognized him as one of its citizens.

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#Italy #65yearold #thief #grabbed #purse #hit #car #times #eat



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