A 45-year-old man quits his job at Ford and now earns 156,000 euros a year: “I have no plans to return …

The story of Chris Pyle It is an example of how an unexpected opportunity can transform a person’s life.

At 45, Pyle left his job at Ford Motors to pursue an activity that began as a simple hobby and now generates income of 156,000 euros per year.

It all started in October 2006, when Pyle, a mechanic specializing in gasoline and diesel engines, decided to try his luck answering questions on JustAnsweran online platform where experts help resolve users’ queries.

What started as a small side project quickly turned into something much more lucrative. “I made $500 in my first month, then doubled that amount in November and I duplicated it again later“Pyle said in an interview with CNBC.

Earnings above your salary at Ford

By 2012, Pyle’s earnings at JustAnswer were already surpassing the $75,000 he was making annually at Ford. That’s when he decided to quit his full-time job to focus exclusively on answering questions on the platform.

Since then, his earnings have increased every year. In 2023, Pyle earned $170,500. (approximately 156,000 euros)which is equivalent to about $14,200 a month.

Despite working eight to 10 hours a day, seven days a week, Pyle enjoys the flexibility that JustAnswer offers him. “I could log off right now and play a video game with my son or go swimming in the pool,” he says.

This control over his schedule has allowed him to be a present father and actively participate in the life of your familysomething he values ​​greatly.

Thanks to his success on JustAnswer, Pyle and his wife were able to purchase a 34-acre plot of land (over 130k m2) in Tennessee for $130,000where they are building a second home and enjoying a quiet life in the countryside.

His wife has stopped working

In addition, his income has allowed his wife to leave her job as a nurse to homeschool their two children.

While Pyle admits there are some downsides, such as not being an official JustAnswer employee or having to handle his own taxes, he says he has no intention of returning to a traditional job. “I have no plans to go back to work unless I’m the boss”he concludes.

This radical change in his life shows how a secondary activity can become the main source of income and allow for a freer and more rewarding lifestyle. Of course, it is not advisable to leave work lightly without knowing if you will really be able to survive, which is why in the case of the protagonist of this story the timing was right.

Chris Pyle, working from home CP

As Pyle says, between his work clothes and the environment he lives in, life is «pretty good».



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