A 39-year-old woman was attacked by a dog

In particular, a 56-year-old woman took her dog for a walk and the moment a 39-year-old woman passed by, the animal bit her. The 39-year-old has a wound on her hand, while she proceeded to report the incident to the local Police Department.

The Authorities proceeded to arrest the 56-year-old guardian of the dog, who was brought before the Court of Justice, with the case filed against her. She was then released.

The 39-year-old was hospitalized at Polygyros General Hospital.

“The landlady called me run”

The woman who was attacked describes in “Kassandra Newspaper” what she experienced.

In detail:

“Yesterday afternoon at around 20:15 I was attacked by a DOMINANT dog in Kassandrea, in the middle of the road behind the high school. Luckily it was me and not some kid. The dog, which is very large and was not wearing a lead, only a rough leash from the collar and was also not wearing a muzzle even though it has attacked and bitten teachers and children in the past, escaped from the owner and rushed at me. My owner yelled “run” before the dog even got away from her as she realized it was wild and she couldn’t control it. Luckily I didn’t run because things would have been much worse obviously. The result can be seen in the photos: hospitalization (unknown for how long) at the Polygyros hospital due to the severity of the wound, administration of intravenous antibiotics, anticoagulants, etc. etc. Of course, all legal procedures with the police are followed, because tomorrow a child will be in my place in a much more serious situation and we will wonder how something like this happened and who is responsible. We individually have the responsibility. Where we see such irresponsible behavior and we don’t speak up and I include myself. We also have not only rights in this life but also obligations. So I list the obligations of the owners of controlled animals and I hope that the police and the courts will help to limit such incidents and that we will not later mourn victims as happened in Thessaloniki with the woman who was mauled by dogs a year ago”.

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