A 350 million euro boost for new small and medium enterprises

The two actions of the NSRF 2021-2027, which concern new small and medium enterprises, have a total budget of 350 million euros.

Specifically, the action “Strengthening the establishment and operation of new small and medium-sized tourism enterprises” has a budget of 160 million euros, while correspondingly for “Strengthening the Establishment and Operation of new Small and Medium-sized Enterprises”, 190 million euros are foreseen, according to the relevant pre-publications.

Small and medium enterprises

The action “Strengthening the Establishment and Operation of new Small and Medium-sized Enterprises” of the “Competitiveness” program, concerns the strengthening of entrepreneurship, through the creation of new very small, small and medium-sized enterprises, in selected KAD of all sectors of the economy, except catering, of retail trade and tourism.

The action may be submitted by established and newly established medium, small and very small enterprises, as defined in Commission Recommendation 2003/361/EC. The term newly established businesses are defined as businesses for which 12 months of continuous operation have not passed from the date of the start of the business up to the date of the announcement of the action.

The selected eligible activity code numbers (KAD) will be defined in the detailed call for the action and they will not include those related to business support in the Catering, Retail Trade and Tourism sector.

Aid rates

The subsidized budget of each investment project ranges from 40 thousand euros to 400 thousand euros, while the subsidy will amount to 45% of the submitted costs.

The aid rate may be increased by:

  • 10% if the investment is made in a remote or fire-prone or flood-prone area or small islands and
  • an additional 5% upon reaching the goal of employing at least 1 EME, in the first year after the completion of the investment.

Small and medium tourism businesses

Accordingly, the action “Strengthening the establishment and operation of new small and medium-sized tourism enterprises” concerns the strengthening of tourism entrepreneurship through the creation of new very small, small and medium-sized enterprises in selected KAD of tourism.

Eligible are established and newly established medium, small and very small enterprises that are expected to be active in the tourism sector, as defined in Commission Recommendation 2003/361/EC.

The term newly established businesses are defined as businesses for which 12 months of continuous operation have not passed from the date of the start of the business up to the date of the announcement of the action.

The eligible activity code numbers (KAD) will be defined in the detailed call for the action.

Subsidized budget

The subsidized budget of each investment project ranges from 80 thousand euros to 400 thousand euros, while the subsidy will amount to 45% of the submitted costs.

The aid percentage may be increased by

  • 10% if the investment is made in a remote or fire-prone or flood-prone area or small islands and
  • an additional 5% upon reaching the employment target of at least 0.2 EME, in the first year after the completion of the investment.

Source: newsbeast

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