A 1,500-Year-Old Marvel Unveiled in Bulgaria: A Glimpse into Ancient Wealth

Archaeologists in Bulgaria have unearthed five gold coins dating to the reign of Emperor Justinian the Great (reigned 527-565 AD). Although coins are often found during excavations, these were found on a 10th century. floor of the house, suggesting that the occupants of the medieval dwelling may have kept them as a relic or artefact.

The coins were found in August. during archaeological excavations in the village of Debnev, northern Bulgaria. Excavations in the town of Debnev and the nearby fortress built in the 5th century. at the beginning, taking place from 2019 Archaeologists have so far found large IV-III c. Ave. remains of the settlement, as well as IV-VI c. AD, when this area belonged to the Byzantine Empire, evidence of settlement.

During a recent expedition, archaeologists excavated a medieval residential house in the town of Debnev that was heavily damaged by fire. It seems that the inhabitants left the house after the 10th century. fire, and the team found iron tools, including two sickles and two axes, a belt buckle, ceramic vessels and three bronze rings, as well as five gold coins that were about 400 years older than the house.

The coins were minted during the reign of Justinian the Great, when in the 6th century In the middle of the 2nd century BC, with the collapse of the Western Roman Empire, the Byzantine Empire reached its greatest geographical extent. Justinian’s legacy includes the promulgation of the Roman Code of Law, as well as the creation of new styles of art and architecture that later became known as Byzantine. One of Justinian’s goals was to “restore the Roman Empire”, which he achieved by regaining control of the provinces of Western Europe and North Africa.

All five coins are of the same type: the tremissis, a small gold coin with the emperor wearing a pearl diadem on the obverse and the personification of Victory holding a wreath in her right hand and a cross and globe in her left on the reverse. On the front is written: “Our Lord Justinianus Eternal Augustus” – a reference to the first Roman emperor, after whom all emperors were later called, and on the reverse – “Victory of Augustus”. Two coins, likely burned in the fire that destroyed the house, are stuck together and chipped.

“The dwelling was built on the remains of an early Byzantine building,” expedition leader Stilijan Ivanov, an archaeologist at the National Archaeological Institute and Museum of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, told Live Science via email. “Therefore, we assume that the coins were found during the construction of an early medieval dwelling. Our working hypothesis is that the owners kept the coins because of the value of the gold.”

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#1500yearold #treasure #discovered #Bulgaria #Business
2024-09-06 17:11:39
Ancient Gold Coins Unearthed in Bulgaria: A Glimpse into⁢ the Past

In a remarkable archaeological discovery, excavators in Bulgaria‍ have unearthed five gold coins dating⁤ back ​to the ⁣reign of Emperor‌ Justinian the Great (527-565 AD). The coins, which were found on the 10th-century floor of a medieval dwelling, have sparked excitement among historians and archaeologists, offering ⁣a unique ​insight into the lives ‍of the occupants of the ancient settlement.

The Discovery

The coins were discovered in August during archaeological excavations in the village of Debnev, northern Bulgaria. The excavations, which began in 2019, have so far revealed large remains of a ‌settlement dating back to the 4th-3rd century BC, as well as evidence ⁤of settlement from the 4th-6th century AD, when the area was part of the Byzantine Empire.

The ‌Medieval ‌Dwelling

During⁢ a recent expedition, ⁤archaeologists excavated a⁤ medieval residential house in the ​town of Debnev that had been heavily damaged by fire. It appears ⁢that the inhabitants had abandoned the house after the 10th-century fire, leaving ‍behind a trove of artifacts, ⁣including iron tools,‌ a ‌belt buckle, ceramic vessels, three bronze ⁢rings, and the five gold coins. The coins, ⁣which are approximately ⁣400 years older than the house, have raised questions about why the occupants kept‌ them as relics.

The Coins of Justinian ‍the Great

The​ five coins are of the same‌ type: the tremissis, a small gold coin featuring the ⁣emperor wearing a pearl diadem on the obverse⁤ and the personification‌ of Victory holding‌ a wreath in her right⁤ hand and a‌ cross and globe in her left on the reverse. The inscription on the front reads: “Our Lord Justinianus Eternal Augustus,” while the reverse bears the inscription “Victory of Augustus.” Two of the coins, likely damaged in the fire that destroyed ​the house, are stuck together and chipped.

The Significance of the Discovery

The discovery of the coins has shed light on the lives of the occupants of ‌the medieval dwelling and their possible connections to ⁤the Byzantine Empire. According⁤ to expedition ⁣leader Stilijan Ivanov, an archaeologist‌ at the National​ Archaeological Institute and Museum of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, “The dwelling was built ‍on the remains of an early ⁤Byzantine building… Our working hypothesis is ⁣that the⁣ owners kept the coins⁤ because of ‍the value‌ of the gold.”

The Legacy of Justinian‌ the Great

Justinian the Great, who ruled the⁢ Byzantine Empire from 527 to 565 AD, is renowned for his significant contributions to law, art, and ⁤architecture. During his⁣ reign, the Byzantine Empire reached⁢ its greatest geographical extent, and his legacy includes the promulgation of the Roman ⁢Code of⁣ Law and the creation⁣ of new styles⁢ of⁤ art and architecture that later became known as⁤ Byzantine.


The discovery of the gold coins in Bulgaria is a significant archaeological find that offers ⁣a ‌glimpse into the ⁣past, revealing the ​lives and⁤ connections of the occupants of the medieval dwelling. As researchers continue to uncover the‌ secrets of the ancient settlement, this discovery ​serves as a⁣ reminder of the rich cultural heritage of the⁤ Byzantine Empire and the enduring legacy of Justinian the ⁤Great.

Keywords: Bulgaria, archaeology, gold coins, Emperor Justinian the Great, Byzantine Empire, ​medieval‍ dwelling, ancient settlement,‌ artifacts.

Note: The article is optimized for search ​engines with relevant keywords and phrases, making​ it easily ‌discoverable by users searching for information on the topic.



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