A 13-year-old girl reported her father for beating her

On August 27, the “Smile of the Child” alerts the police as there was a 13-year-old girl in the city’s annex who complained of abusive behavior by her father. When the police spoke to the little girl, they couldn’t believe what she was telling them.

According to patrisnews.com, the father is the one who has custody of the children, while immediately after the girl’s revelations, the Deputy Prosecutor of the Juvenile Service was informed, who ordered protective custody of the child, while an immediate social investigation was also ordered.

The case is one of dozens of cases of domestic violence that are recorded every day throughout Greece.

Typical is the case of a mother of a minor child in Lesbos where she was beaten once again by her partner and father of her child. The perpetrator is an active firefighter and according to the complaint it was not the first time he beat her.

The woman had submitted two other lawsuits against him which have not yet been adjudicated.

In the communication that had “Patris” newspaper with the victim, a few hours after her beating, the woman’s shock and fear were evident as at that time the perpetrator had not been arrested, which happened a few 24 hours later.

In the photos – document, the injuries he has received on his face and neck are obvious.

16 Panic button in one day

Indicative of the prevailing situation is that in just one day – on August 26 – 16 Panic buttons were issued throughout Greece. This shows two main situations.

The incidents are increasing but the victims are now being taken to the police in order to report their abuse. Victims are not only spouses or partners but children, like the new incident in Pyrgos, parents and even siblings.

THE Christos KhirasChief Constable B, of the Domestic Violence Department of the Hellenic Police Headquarters explains to the “Patris” newspaper:

“The Greek Police, as part of its coordinated action to highlight the timeless and multidimensional phenomenon of domestic violence, is developing actions and projects regarding this very serious social issue. Thus, both in the year 2023 and in the first half of 2024, the implementation of these continued in order to protect the members of the Family from any form of violence.

Domestic violence is a serious social pathology that plagues both the Greek and the international community. The reported incidents are increasing, which requires even more coordinated efforts of the State.

Briefly referring to the Annual Report of the Hellenic Police Service Project Report for the year 2023, statistics are observed with tables containing both qualitative and quantitative analyses, as well as actions and projects implemented by the relevant Police Services. Special mention is made of the presence of the staff and operational Domestic Violence Countering Offices, the issuing of instructions to assist the police work and more effective police response, the implementation of the digital application “Panic Button”, the training of the officers of the Corps as well as and their participation in research programs, in cross-sectoral collaboration with other Agencies (signing memorandums of cooperation, speeches in schools, participation in workshops, etc.), as well as in the design and implementation of other Agencies’ projects”.

“The best course of action is the one that leaves us blameless and without regrets”

Mr. Khiras explains that the activation of citizens in incidents of domestic violence has contributed to the fact that cases of violence that used to be hidden are now being reported:

“We must not forget that domestic violence is not a private matter. It is the business of all of us, as it harms the family and its members, it takes place inside the home of the victims, behind closed doors, a fact which contributes to the maintenance of ‘“dark number” of crimes at high levels. All citizens have the possibility to report to the authorities, by name or anonymously, an incident of domestic violence or to report facts that are worthy of investigation for the above incident, with the process being carried out ex officio by them. Also, a bunch of professionals (educators, doctors, coaches, etc.) have a special legal obligation to report and report the above incidents.

Consequently, the social activation of citizens brings about an increase in related complaints, and possibly brings to light cases that would otherwise have remained in the dark, and now citizens have decided to report to the competent prosecuting authorities, in order to finally break the vicious cycle of violence.

After all, as a result of the interaction of the Greek Police both with other Agencies and with the Community in its broadest sense, an effort is being made to form a social culture of co-responsibility, individual responsibility and unwavering adherence to fixed and universally accepted Principles and Values ​​inflexible in the face of issues of domestic violence and binding on all. Besides, according to a Chinese proverb “The best course of action is that which leaves us blameless and without remorse.”

Therefore, there is a gradual shielding of trust between police and citizens, victims are encouraged to report acts of violence against them as they are informed of their protection package, with protocols of police actions constantly updated and renewed. It is worth noting the information provided to them, among other things, about the possibility of being temporarily accommodated in short-term accommodation facilities (Safe Houses) under the protection of the Greek Police, as well as the cooperation of the Corps Services with other State Agencies (Counseling Centers , line 15900 etc.) and Civil Society Bodies (NGOs etc.).

For my part, I would like to assure you that the Greek Police, dedicated to the service of society and guardian of Human Rights and the Rule of Law, in the spirit of holistic fulfillment of the texts of the Istanbul Convention, will continue to make every possible effort for the defense of citizens’ rights, the fight against all kinds of violence and the upgrading of its services”.

#13yearold #girl #reported #father #beating



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