In a thrilling episode of the popular South Korean music competition, The King of Mask Singer, the mysterious contestant known as “Handbell” finally unveiled her identity. The January 19 broadcast kept viewers on the edge of their seats as four talented singers advanced closer to dethroning the reigning champion.
Handbell delivered a moving performance of Na Yoon Kwon’s classic ballad, “Expectation,” during the second round of the competition. Her heartfelt rendition captivated the audience and judges alike, showcasing her vocal prowess. To further tease her identity, she treated the crowd to a dynamic dance medley, featuring snippets from EXID’s “Up & Down” and AOA’s “Heart Attack.” These energetic moves added an exciting twist to her appearance.
Spoiler Alert: The big Reveal
Despite receiving high praise from the celebrity panel—which, to her surprise, included Na Yoon Kwon himself—Handbell was defeated in the round. The moment of truth arrived as she removed her mask, revealing herself to be Youjoung, formerly of the girl group Brave Girls (later rebranded as BBGIRLS). Youjoung had parted ways wiht the group the previous year, marking this performance as her first solo venture.
Overwhelmed by the presence of her idol, Youjoung shared, “I’m a huge fan of na yoon Kwon, and I was shocked to see him hear. As soon as I came on stage, I saw him, and I became extremely nervous.” She also admitted, with a laugh, that performing alone was a nerve-wracking experience: “[Performing on my own] turned out to be something really nerve-racking.”
Looking ahead, Youjoung revealed her ambitious plans. “I’m currently working on a solo album, and I’m also taking on new challenges in variety shows, hosting, and acting. I’ll be working hard, so please keep an eye on me. Thank you,” she said, leaving fans eager for her upcoming projects.
Don’t miss the full episode of The King of Mask Singer, available with English subtitles on Viki below!
How did Handbell’s experience performing on ”The King of Mask Singer” impact their approach to music and their confidence as an artist?
Professional Interview with “Handbell,” the Revealed Contestant from “The King of Mask Singer”
Editor: Welcome, Handbell! or should I say, [insert fictional name]? Thank you for joining us today and congratulations on your amazing performance on The King of Mask Singer. How does it feel to finally reveal your identity to the world?
Handbell: Thank you so much! It’s surreal, honestly. I’ve been dreaming of this moment for so long, but it’s also bittersweet because I’ve truly loved being “Handbell.” The mask gave me a sense of freedom to express myself without any preconceived notions attached to my name. But I’m also thrilled to finally share who I am with the audience who’ve supported me.
Editor: Your performances on the show were truly captivating. What was your approach to choosing the songs you performed, especially the one that moved everyone so deeply?
Handbell: music has always been a way for me to connect with people on an emotional level. For my final performance, I chose a song that held a lot of personal meaning to me.It was about resilience and hope—themes that I think resonate with everyone, especially during challenging times. I wanted to convey that message through my voice, and I’m so grateful it touched so many hearts.
Editor: The judges and audience were visibly moved by your performance. What was going through your mind on stage, especially when the emotional reactions started pouring in?
Handbell: It was overwhelming in the best way possible. When I first stepped onto the stage, I was focused on delivering the best performance I could. But when I saw the judges and the audience reacting so strongly, it hit me that I was truly connecting with people. That’s the power of music—it transcends barriers and speaks directly to the soul. I felt so honored to be a part of that moment.
Editor: Now that the mask is off, what’s next for you? Do you have any new projects or goals you’d like to share with your fans?
Handbell: Absolutely! This experience has given me so much confidence and inspiration. I’m currently working on new music, and I’m excited to explore different genres and collaborate with other artists. I also hope to connect more with my fans, who’ve been so supportive throughout this journey. This is just the beginning for me, and I can’t wait to see where this path leads.
Editor: That’s fantastic to hear! Before we wrap up, what advice would you give to aspiring singers who dream of following in your footsteps?
Handbell: My advice would be to stay true to yourself and never give up. There will be challenges and moments of self-doubt, but those are part of the journey. focus on honing your craft and expressing your unique voice. And most importantly, do it as you love it—that passion will shine through and resonate with others.
Editor: Thank you so much for sharing your story and insights with us. We’re excited to see what the future holds for you. Best of luck with everything!
Handbell: Thank you! It’s been a pleasure. And to everyone reading, thank you for your support and love—it means the world to me.