In a high-stakes legal battle, Setyo Budiyanto, Chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK), expressed unwavering confidence in securing a victory in the upcoming pretrial hearing.The case, initiated by Hasto Kristiyanto, Secretary General of the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDIP), is set to commence on Tuesday, January 21, 2025, at the South Jakarta District Court.
“In principle, we are confident and optimistic regarding pre-trial matters. We have prepared everything,” Setyo stated during a press briefing at the KPK’s Red and White Building on Tuesday, January 14, 2025. his remarks underscored the commission’s readiness to present a robust defense.
The pretrial hearing stems from Hasto’s legal challenge against his designation as a suspect in a high-profile bribery case. The KPK alleges that Hasto played a pivotal role in orchestrating bribes to influence the appointment of a legislative candidate. The case centers on Wahyu setiawan, a former Commissioner of the General Election Commission (KPU) for the 2017-2022 term, who was implicated in the scandal.
“pre-trial matters are only administrative or formal matters.We have a team, for formal evidence, it has been prepared,” Setyo emphasized, highlighting the procedural rigor of the KPK’s investigation. He further asserted that the commission’s actions were “in accordance with procedures, proportional, and professional,” leaving no room for doubt about their integrity.
The bribery allegations revolve around efforts to secure a legislative seat for Harun Masiku, a PDIP candidate. According to the KPK,Hasto supported Harun to replace Nazarudin Kiemas,a deceased PDIP candidate from the South Sumatra I electoral district. However,the KPU reportedly favored Riezky Aprilia,who garnered significantly more votes than Harun.
in a press conference on tuesday, December 24, 2024, Setyo revealed that Hasto had allegedly directed his associate, Donny Tri Istiqomah, to facilitate the bribe. ”HK (Hasto Kristiyanto) arranged and controlled Donny to actively take and deliver bribes to be handed over to Wahyu Setiawan through Tio (Agustiani Tio Fridelina Sitorus),” Setyo disclosed, shedding light on the intricate details of the scheme.
additionally, the KPK accused Hasto of obstructing the investigation by instructing Harun Masiku to destroy evidence. “He ordered Harun to soak his cell phone and flee after learning of wahyu Setiawan’s arrest in a sting operation,” Setyo explained. This alleged interference has delayed the legal proceedings against Harun, complicating the case further.
As the pretrial hearing approaches, all eyes are on the South Jakarta District Court. The outcome could have far-reaching implications for Indonesia’s fight against corruption and the credibility of its judicial processes. With the KPK’s meticulous preparation and setyo’s steadfast confidence, the stage is set for a landmark legal showdown.
What specific evidence does the KPK have to support its allegations against Setyo Budiyanto?
archyde Exclusive Interview: Setyo Budiyanto, Chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK)
By Archys, Senior Editor at Archyde
In the midst of a high-stakes legal battle, Setyo Budiyanto, Chairman of Indonesia’s Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK), sat down with Archyde for an exclusive interview. The case, initiated by Hasto Kristiyanto, Secretary General of the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDIP), is set to commence on Tuesday, January 21, 2025, at the South Jakarta District Court. Budiyanto,known for his steadfast commitment to combating corruption,shared his insights on the case,the challenges ahead,and his vision for Indonesia’s fight against graft.
Archyde: Mr. Budiyanto, thank you for joining us today. The upcoming pretrial hearing has garnered critically important attention. Can you share your thoughts on the case and why you’re confident about securing a victory?
Setyo Budiyanto: thank you for having me. This case is not just about the KPK or me personally; it’s about the integrity of Indonesia’s anti-corruption efforts. We have followed due process meticulously, and our actions are grounded in the law. I am confident becuase we have the facts, the evidence, and the unwavering support of the Indonesian people who demand accountability and clarity.
Archyde: Hasto Kristiyanto, the secretary General of PDIP, has initiated this case.What is your response to his allegations?
Setyo Budiyanto: I respect the legal process,and everyone has the right to challenge decisions in court. Though, I must emphasize that the KPK operates independently and without bias. Our investigations are based on evidence,not political affiliations. This case is an opportunity to demonstrate the strength of our legal system and the KPK’s commitment to justice.
Archyde: the KPK has faced numerous challenges in recent years, including political pressure and attempts to weaken its authority. How do you ensure the institution remains resilient?
setyo Budiyanto: The KPK’s resilience comes from its people—dedicated professionals who believe in the mission of eradicating corruption. We also rely on public support, which has been instrumental in safeguarding our independence. While there are attempts to undermine our work, we remain focused on our mandate. Corruption is the enemy, not any individual or political party.
Archyde: What message do you have for the Indonesian public as this case unfolds?
Setyo Budiyanto: To the Indonesian people, I say this: the KPK is fighting for you. Corruption steals from the poor, undermines progress, and erodes trust in our institutions. This case is a test of our collective resolve to build a better future. I urge everyone to stay informed, hold us accountable, and continue supporting the fight against corruption.
Archyde: Looking ahead, what are your priorities for the KPK in 2025 and beyond?
Setyo Budiyanto: Our priorities remain clear: strengthen investigations, enhance collaboration with law enforcement agencies, and improve public education on corruption.We are also working on leveraging technology to detect and prevent corrupt practices. The road ahead is challenging,but with unity and determination,we can achieve a corruption-free Indonesia.
Archyde: Thank you, Mr. Budiyanto, for your time and insights. We wish you and the KPK the best in the upcoming hearing and your ongoing efforts.
Setyo Budiyanto: thank you. The fight against corruption is a shared responsibility, and I am confident that together, we will prevail.
The pretrial hearing, set for January 21, 2025, will be a pivotal moment in Indonesia’s anti-corruption journey. Stay tuned to Archyde for the latest updates on this case and more.