Donatella Rettore, the iconic Italian singer, recently made headlines during her appearance on the popular Rai1 show “Life Live”. The episode took an unexpected turn when the conversation shifted to her long-standing feud with fellow artist Loredana Bertè. Known for her fiery personality, Rettore didn’t hold back, sparking a wave of reactions from fans and media alike.
The Studio Showdown
Rettore’s appearance on “Life Live” came at a pivotal moment in her career. Fresh off the release of her latest album, “Antidiva Ruckus”, her first in 14 years, she’s been riding a wave of renewed popularity.The album marks her return to the music scene after a long hiatus, and she’s also been making waves as a judge on Marco Liorni’s new show, “Now or Never”.
During the interview, host Alberto Matano steered the conversation toward Rettore’s relationship with Bertè. The topic arose after Roberto Alessi, director of Novella2000, quipped, “you have a constellation of quarrel. I bought a studio apartment with Rettore when she was arguing with Loredana Bertè.” Rettore quickly dismissed the claim, setting the stage for a candid and revealing exchange.
Rettore’s Candid Remarks
When pressed about her history with Bertè, Rettore was unequivocal. “We never have argued,me and her. I never said a single word against her,” she stated firmly. However, her tone shifted when Matano suggested she send a live greeting to Bertè. Rettore responded with a mix of sarcasm and defiance: “Hello, a thousand kisses. Look, she’ll send them back to us with a few digs.”
She didn’t stop there. rettore elaborated on their strained relationship, revealing that she had repeatedly proposed collaborations over the years, only to be met with silence. “I have never heard Loredana speak well of me. I, on the other hand, have always proposed duets to her,” she said. She also referenced comments made by Simona Ventura, who allegedly described one of her songs as “disgust.”
When Matano floated the idea of a duet between the two, Rettore shut it down with a biting remark: “Make a duet with her? No, now its me who doesn’t want it. She’s too old. She loves herself, she’s crazy about herself—let her sing for herself.”
The Roots of the Rivalry
The origins of the feud between Rettore and Bertè remain shrouded in mystery. However, Rettore onc shared an anecdote that sheds some light on their falling out. In the 1990s, during a time when the late mia Martini was still alive, tensions flared during an event in Saint Vincent. “The only argument is in Saint vincent, and it was about Mimì,” Rettore recalled. “I told her: ‘Stop saying this bad thing, it hurts.’ Mimì agreed with me, but she took it out on me.”
Rettore blamed the media for exacerbating the conflict, claiming a journalist had fabricated a story to fuel the rivalry. “That was the malice of a journalist, to foment the rivalry. He invented that I had said Bertè was bad luck like her sister.” The dispute escalated to the point where the two artists ended up in court, though the case was ultimately dismissed. “But do we realise? The judge refused to proceed,” Rettore noted. From that moment on, their relationship was irreparably damaged.
Today, the feud between Donatella Rettore and Loredana Bertè remains one of the most talked-about rivalries in Italian music. While fans may dream of a reconciliation, Rettore’s recent comments suggest that bridge has long been burned.