Some time ago, WhatsApp announced the new Communities feature. With it, messenger users can create thematic communities with several groups under the same umbrella, in order to connect people around a common topic.
Today, continuing our table of tips and tutorials, check out below how to create one of these communities on WhatsApp.
How to create a community on WhatsApp
With its own dedicated tab within the app, WhatsApp Communities can be a great way to keep multiple people with the same interest under one umbrella. For example:
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What are the potential benefits of using WhatsApp Communities over traditional groups?
**Host:** Welcome back to the show, folks. Today, we’re diving into the world of WhatsApp Communities. Joining us is tech expert Sarah Jones to shed some light on this new feature. Sarah, thanks for being here.
**Sarah:** Thanks for having me!
**Host:** So, Sarah, can you tell us a bit about WhatsApp Communities and what makes them different from regular WhatsApp groups?
**Sarah:** Sure thing. Think of Communities as a hub for multiple smaller groups centered around a common interest. Imagine a community for fans of a specific sports team, with subgroups for discussing different aspects like game analysis, player news, or even fan fiction. [ [1]( ]
**Host:** That sounds interesting. What are some potential benefits of using Communities over traditional groups?
**Sarah:** Well, for starters, it allows for better organization and management, especially for larger communities. Instead of a single, chaotic group chat, you have focused subgroups where discussions are more relevant and manageable. It’s also great for connecting with people who share your passions and interests.
**Host:** That’s definitely appealing. But do you think some people might find it overwhelming?
**Sarah:** It’s certainly possible. Not everyone thrives in large online communities. It will be interesting to see how users adopt this feature and whether it becomes a mainstream way to communicate on WhatsApp.
**Host:** Absolutely. Well, thank you so much for your insights, Sarah! It’s clear that WhatsApp Communities have the potential to change the way we interact online.
**Sarah:** My pleasure! It’ll be exciting to see how it evolves.