According to her, that is, his condition largely depends on what a person eats. It identifies foods that damage the liver, such as alcohol, so consuming alcohol on a regular basis leads to serious complications, such as cirrhosis and cirrhosis.
She says: “Caution should be exercised when eating foods rich in animal fats because their abundance can negatively affect liver health, such as butter, lard, ghee, sausages, fatty meats (lamb, pork, duck, goose), pastries, cakes, flour products, and fast food.”
According to her, fruits should be eaten in moderation despite their many benefits, because increasing the level of fructose can lead to the degeneration of fatty liver disease, so it is better to eat fruits and fruits that do not contain a high percentage of sugar.
She says: “Another risk factor for developing fatty liver disease is excess sugar, because it increases the level of glucose in the blood, so it is best not to overeat various sweets that contain a high percentage of sugar, including soft drinks.”
The doctor points out that there are a group of products, such as canned goods and processed foods, that can harm the liver.
She says: “You must follow a balanced diet that consists mainly of healthy foods. Regular preventive examinations must also be performed because liver diseases often develop without symptoms.”
Source: “Izvestia” newspaper
#Foods #harmful #liver #Marsad #Libyan #newspaper