MINISTER Secretary of State (Mensesneg) Prasetyo Hadi expressed high appreciation to the Minister of Agriculture (Mentan) Andi Amran Sulaiman for his quick and effective steps in resolving the conflict between dairy farmers and the milk processing industry.
The conflict that peaked in Boyolali and Pasuruan occurred due to restrictions on milk acceptance quotas by the industry, which forced farmers to throw away thousands of liters of milk.
Minister of State Secretary Prasetyo expressed his admiration for the quick response of the Ministry of Agriculture which immediately held a meeting between breeders, collectors and industry.
news">Also read: Minister of Agriculture Amran Successfully Mediates Dairy Cattle Farmers and the Milk Processing Industry
“I was surprised when I received information this morning that there would be a meeting between breeders, collectors and industry initiated by the Minister of Agriculture,” said Prasetyo after the meeting at the Ministry of Agriculture Office, Ragunan, South Jakarta, Monday (11/11).
Apart from appreciating Minister of Agriculture Amran’s quick steps, Prasetyo also praised the solution approach implemented.
“This is what we must encourage. Even though there are problems, we look for solutions together. Farmer friends and the dairy industry must be able to grow together, and the government is present in their midst,” he said.
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As a result of this mediation, Minister of Agriculture Amran committed to issuing a decree requiring the milk processing industry to absorb all milk production from farmers.
This step will be strengthened through a revision of the Presidential Regulation (Perpres) which requires industry to absorb local milk production. Minister of State Secretary Prasetyo expressed his support for this policy.
“We are ready to support the Ministry of Agriculture. “If there are regulations that hinder us, we will tidy them up,” he added.
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Minister of Agriculture Amran also expressed his gratitude to Prasetyo for his great attention to livestock and agricultural issues.
“The arrival of the Minister of State Secretary brings a blessing, because Alhamdulillah, this mediation can produce a good decision for all parties,” he said.
Not only about milk absorption, the Ministry of Agriculture will also invite the milk processing industry to take part in coaching farmers to improve the quality of local milk.
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“It is hoped that the industry’s obligation to absorb local milk will encourage them to develop farmers. “On the other hand, farmers will also be increasingly motivated to improve the quality of their milk,” explained Minister of Agriculture Amran.
Amran added that this step was in accordance with President Prabowo Subianto’s direction, who asked the government to always be present in society and make policies that could help breeders and industry players.
“Our policy must be a solution for breeders and industry players,” he concluded. (RO/Z-10)
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– What are the underlying factors contributing to the ongoing conflict between dairy farmers and the milk processing industry?
### Interview with Minister Secretary of State Prasetyo Hadi on Dairy Farmers’ Conflict Resolution
**Interviewer**: Thank you for joining us today, Minister Prasetyo Hadi. We appreciate your time, especially given the recent developments regarding the conflict between dairy farmers and the milk processing industry. Could you start by explaining the root cause of this conflict?
**Prasetyo Hadi**: Thank you for having me. The conflict was primarily centered around restrictions on milk acceptance quotas set by the processing industry, particularly in regions like Boyolali and Pasuruan. These restrictions resulted in some farmers having to dispose of thousands of liters of milk, causing significant distress and financial loss for them.
**Interviewer**: That sounds dire. What actions did the Ministry of Agriculture take to address this situation?
**Prasetyo Hadi**: The Ministry of Agriculture, led by Minister Andi Amran Sulaiman, acted swiftly by organizing a meeting among farmers, collectors, and industry representatives. This collaborative approach aimed to facilitate dialog and promote understanding and we believe it’s crucial for all parties involved.
**Interviewer**: How did you perceive the response from the Ministry of Agriculture during this meeting?
**Prasetyo Hadi**: I was pleasantly surprised by their proactive approach. It’s commendable how quickly they took the initiative to arrange this meeting. Acknowledging each party’s concerns is vital in resolving conflicts, and I appreciated the focus on finding a collaborative solution.
**Interviewer**: You mentioned solutions. What specific measures have been proposed or implemented to ensure that dairy farmers’ production is accepted?
**Prasetyo Hadi**: As a result of our discussions, Minister Amran committed to issuing a decree that mandates the processing industry to absorb all milk produced by farmers. Furthermore, we are also looking at revising the relevant Presidential Regulation to ensure that local milk production is prioritized.
**Interviewer**: Collaboration seems to be a key element in this resolution. How do you envision the relationship between farmers and the dairy industry evolving in the future?
**Prasetyo Hadi**: Absolutely. Our goal is to foster a harmonious relationship where both farmers and the dairy industry can thrive together. It’s crucial that we create an environment where solutions are sought collectively. With the government’s support, we aim to build a sustainable future for our dairy farmers.
**Interviewer**: Thank you, Minister Prasetyo, for sharing these insights. Your commitment to resolving this issue is clear, and we look forward to seeing positive outcomes for the dairy farmers and the industry.
**Prasetyo Hadi**: Thank you for having me. It’s essential we keep the dialog open as we work towards solutions that benefit all parties involved.
This interview highlights the resolution efforts following the dairy conflict, showcasing the teamwork between government bodies and the agricultural sector. It emphasizes the importance of collaborative approaches in addressing industrial disputes.