Cynical confessions of premeditated “crime” in 2015

Cynical confessions of premeditated “crime” in 2015

Nikos Voutsis, Dimitris Papadimoulis, Giorgos Chouliarakis and Yiannis Stournaras revealed unknown behind-the-scenes, irreparably exposing Alexis Tsipras, who has recently been trying to wash away the responsibilities of his disastrous past and return to politics with his infamous rebranding scene as the leader of a new party, as if none of these dramatic events had ever happened.

Alexis Tsipras and his comrades knew long before they came to power that they could not tear up the Memoranda, that they could not write off the debt, that the country was in danger of Grexit. Let us see what they claimed and how they mythologized the people.


It was at the end of 2014 when SYRIZA overthrew the Samaras-Venizelos government, on the occasion of the election of the President of the Republic. A few weeks later, on January 25, 2015, the early polls would be set up. The election result was predetermined. The victory of SYRIZA was inevitable.

Alexis Tsipras declared every day that as soon as he became prime minister he would tear up the Memoranda with a law and an article, that he would abolish ENFIA, that he would increase salaries and pensions, that he would write off public and private debt, that he would beat the drums and dance the markets, that there was not one in a million that Merkel would not accept his plan.

On the evening of the 25thher January SYRIZA received 36%. Alexis Tsipras, at a solemn gathering in the Propylaea, shouted that “the Memorandum is dead”. The next morning he formed a coalition government with AN.EL. of Panos Kammenos and appointed Yanis Varoufakis as finance minister.

The drums of Europe began to sound. Greece became the first topic in all the major media on the planet. The “proud negotiation” had just begun. Jeroen Dijsselbloem’s visit to Athens confirmed that there was no plan from the Tsipras government. The then head of the Eurogroup to Yanis Varoufakis at the press conference at the Ministry of Finance was clear “you just killed the troika”. In reality, however, the pistol had entered Greece’s temple.


Tragic incidents followed. The fights and the tapes of Varoufakis at the Eurogroup. Incredibly populist buzzwords from government officials. Unprecedented statements, that “the debt is air and we will not pay it”. Each failed negotiation was followed by an even greater failure, which constantly distanced Greece from Europe.

Then came shocking revelations. How Greece is asking for loans from Russia, China, the BRICS. How Moscow would give us 5 billion euros in advance for a natural gas pipeline, in fact, Alexis Tsipras declared that “we are looking for a sheltered port” next to Vladimir Putin in the Kremlin. And, of course, plan B to create a parallel currency with IOU’s before the final return to the drachma.


Clouds covered the land. Alexis Tsipras announced a referendum. The banks were closed. “No” got 62% and Alexis Tsipras did the infamous backflip that led to the unnecessary third Memorandum.

“Free Press” publishes the excerpts from the radio show, which prove that the biggest political deception in the post-colonial years was set up, that Alexis Tsipras played the country at the dice by betting on something he knew from the beginning that he had no chance of success. SYRIZA essentially adopted the Schäuble plan for Greece’s exit from the Eurozone, which if it happened would lead the country to absolute disaster, plunge the citizens into absolute poverty for decades and could even trigger a civil war.

NIKOS VOUTSIS: The Ministry of Internal Affairs was preparing for a referendum Easter 2015

“Every effort was made to support the country for a transitional period outside, in other sources, that is, in the primary bond market from China – then the BRICS bank was formed and if a country from the European Union was accepted. That is, discussions were taking place which would give a breath of freedom through absolutely legal international financial transactions to the effort that was developing. I knew this, it is evident that it did not bear fruit in any case from all the investigations that were made. The Home Office was preparing for a referendum in Easter 2015. They had everything ready, except for files.”

Dimitris Papadimoulis: Abolition is a delusion of the Memorandum

“In December 2014, a month before the elections won by SYRIZA on January 25, I had the opportunity in an in-depth discussion with Alexis Tsipras to express to him my disagreement with his idea of ​​doing, which he confided in me, to make Yannis Varoufakis finance minister. My own proposal, of course, as he had the responsibility and correct choice of his ministers, was that a person, like for example Yannis Dragasakis, from the financial staff of SYRIZA, with good knowledge of things, with experience, should become finance minister. The image I had of Yannis Varoufakis, based on what I knew of him, was that he would not be able to serve the needs of this role, having a good relationship of trust with the prime minister of the country… My opinion is that in the absence of an alternative for the borrowing of the country from other sources, beyond the European lenders and the International Monetary Fund, using the power given to us by the Greek people, we had to seek the best possible improvement of this agreement without major delays, which had both economic and social and political cost to the country. Before the 2015 elections, the message from Russia, China and the countries of the Arab world that there is no willingness to finance Greece was clearly conveyed to Alexis Tsipras. There was complete isolation of Greece in the Eurogroup, Varoufakis was making the situation worse. The Greek side’s nuclear weapon, disorderly bankruptcy, was actually Schäuble’s plan and desire. The exit from the euro planned by Schäuble would take the country back 50 years and send Tsipras to the special court. Reforms should have been at the forefront of the first Tsipras government and not the delusion that we can abolish the Memorandum with a law and an article.”

GIORGOS HOULIARAKIS: The threat was wrong disorderly bankruptcy

“The threat of a disorderly default and exit from the euro was misplaced, since Europe had been fully shielded since 2012. There was no single strategy. We essentially have two strategies. One strategy is the strategy expressed by the Minister of Finance par excellence, but not only by himself. Apparently, there are several members of the Council of Ministers who share it. The objective of which is the restructuring of the debt, the nominal haircut of the debt and means to achieve it is the threat of the bankruptcy of the country. After the referendum and the Tsipras U-turn, Schäuble tried to block the deal and activate his own time-out plan – Grexit. He sent a relevant non-paper to all governments, without notifying Greece as well.”

YIANNIS STOURNARAS: I had them inform for the capital controls

“Certainly capital controls could have been avoided. It wasn’t our main script. Of course we had it, but it was not the main scenario. We hoped that when we met with Mr. Dragasakis – Mr. Chouliarakis had come to my office at that time together with another lady adviser to Mr. Tsipras – I had explained to them that if there is no agreement in the Eurogroup, capital controls will be introduced and I even gave them a relevant manual. We had prepared it… We gave the manual and told them that if there is no agreement in the Eurogroup, because we foresee serious capital outflows, capital controls should be introduced and they will be done in this way. And they will have these consequences. Mr. Dragasakis took it, he didn’t say anything to me, in fact, we made statements together optimistic about the Greek economy, because I thought that after this visit and after the information I had given that we would finally avoid it, that there would be an agreement in the Eurogroup. But it didn’t exist. The Bank of Greece would not allow commercial banks to operate, after the announcement of the referendum, even if the SYRIZA government did not impose capital controls. In this case it was planned to remove the licenses of the banks so that they would not open, as there were fears of bloodshed.”

New contribution cut: What workers, employed pensioners and employers will gain

3.8 Richter earthquake near Nea Moudania – Thessaloniki was also shaken

The cartoon of the day by Yiannis Dermentzoglou – Tuesday, November 12

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#Cynical #confessions #premeditated #crime
It seems like you’re working with a script that ‍handles various advertising and⁢ analytic integrations on a website. The script includes the initialization ⁢of services like Google AdSense,​ OneSignal, Disqus, and others, ‌as well as provisions for handling asynchronous script loading. However, several parts of the script are incomplete, particularly where URLs and parameters need to be defined, as indicated by⁤ the placeholder values in single quotes.

Here’s a summarized overview of what each section of the⁣ provided script‌ is intended for:

1. **AdSense for Mobile**:

⁢ – The script appears ⁤to handle AdSense slots based on some condition, removing them for mobile if ‍necessary.

2. **AdSense Slot⁢ Handling**:

– ⁤It checks if AdSense slots are present but does⁣ not complete the function in the snippet provided.

3. **Phaistos Adman Integration**:

– There’s a push into⁤ the `AdmanQueue`, but ‍the ad unit identification and configuration are not fully⁤ defined.

4. **OneSignal**:

– The⁤ OneSignal initialization is setup correctly,‍ including the app ID, allowing for push notifications.

5. **Disqus**:

‌ – The ‍Disqus configuration‍ function is defined but does not have a complete page URL and ID.

6. **CleverCore**:

– This section is commented out and ‌seems to be about⁣ loading a ⁣third-party ⁢script in a non-blocking way.

7. **Taboola/Project Agora**:⁣

‍ – Similar handling for asynchronous loading without defined source URLs.

8. ⁣**Google AdSense**:

– Checks for present AdSense⁤ slots and prepares for additional loading of necessary scripts.

9. **Glomex and⁣ Dalecta**:

⁢ -​ These sections ‌manage loading additional scripts with various timeout periods.

To make this script functional, you’ll ⁤need to fill in the missing URLs⁤ and any specific parameters required by the services being integrated. For instance, replace the empty quotes `””`, and ensure all required IDs or‍ values are correctly defined.⁢

Here⁢ is ⁤a basic template to help you fill in missing parts:


⁤ const adSenseSlots = document.querySelectorAll(‘.adsbygoogle’);

‍ const​ adSenseSlotCount‍ = adSenseSlots.length;

⁢ ‍ if​ (adSenseSlotCount > ⁣0) ‌{

​ // Load AdSense⁣ script here‍ if needed

‍ ⁤ ⁢ asyncLoadScript(‘URL_TO_ADSENSE_SCRIPT’);

⁣ }

// Phaistos Adman

⁣ ⁣ window.AdmanQueue​ = window.AdmanQueue ⁢|| [];

⁤ AdmanQueue.push(function() {

​ Adman.adunit({id: ⁣338, h: 250}); // Complete with required ​parameters

⁣ ⁣ ⁤ });

​ ⁢ // OneSignal

​ ‌ window.OneSignalDeferred ‌= window.OneSignalDeferred​ ||‍ [];

⁣ ‍ ‌‌ OneSignalDeferred.push(function(OneSignal) {

⁢⁤ ​ ​ OneSignal.init({

‍ ​ ‍ ⁤ ‍ appId: “487cc53b-3b66-4f84-8803-3a3a133043ab”,


​ ​ ‌ ​ });

⁣ ‌ // Disqus

var disqus_config = function() {

‍ ⁢ ⁤ ⁤ = ‍”https://YOUR_SITE_URL”; // Replace with the actual URL

⁤ = 1563776;

‌ ​ ‌ };

⁤ setTimeout(function() {

​ ‌ (function() {

⁢ ⁣ ⁢ ​ var d = document,

⁣ ⁤ ‌ ⁢ ​ ‌ s = d.createElement(‘script’);

‍ ‍ ​ ⁣s.src = “https://YOUR_DISQUS_SHORTNAME.js”; // Set your Disqus shortname

⁢ ‌ ⁢ s.setAttribute(‘data-timestamp’, +new Date());

⁢ (d.head || d.body).appendChild(s);

‍ })();

⁤ ​ }, 3000);

⁣ function cmpActionCompleted() {

⁢ ⁣ ​ asyncLoadScript(‘URL_TO_CLEVERCORE_SCRIPT‘); // Fill in the script URL

‍ // Other async script loading logic



Make sure to also‌ validate your JavaScript in a ⁣browser console for any potential errors, as⁢ incomplete or ‍improperly formatted code may fail⁣ to run as intended.

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