The bill promotes the reform of the institution of the personal physician, since, according to the explanatory report, “the majority of doctors currently existing in the specialties of general/family medicine and internal pathology do not wish to join the institution of the personal physician, due to that the financial incentives are lower than the alternatives provided to them in the private sector. These have resulted in the reform of the personal physician having remained inapplicable to approximately fifty-five percent (55%) of all health service recipients.”
Regarding the personal physician, with the provisions of the bill:
- registration of the population with a personal physician remains mandatory.
- the function of the personal physician as a gateway to public health services is maintained, however, other physicians also have a relevant right of referral, after informing the personal physician about the matters of their specialty
- the right to register with a single personal physician is reserved, with the possibility of transferring up to twice per year
- the limits of two thousand (2,000) and one thousand five hundred (1,500) patients per personal physician and pediatrician, respectively, remain
- the possibility of defining, as personal, doctors of other specialties than general/family medicine and internal pathology is abolished
- the categories of personal doctors include private doctors, doctors who serve in rural service positions, and graduates of medical schools if they wish to obtain a specialty title in Greece,
- an attraction incentive of forty thousand (40,000) euros is established for the acquisition of the specialties of general/family medicine and internal pathology.
The bill provides for the transformation of Health Centers into University Health Centers, which are interconnected with Departments of Medicine of public Higher Education Institutions (HEIs). “The proposed reform is expected to contribute decisively to the upgrading of Primary Health Care services”, “to ensuring the continuous and optimal training of health professionals throughout the territory”, “to the provision of high-standard medical services to the country’s residents, regardless of geographical dispersion them, by utilizing modern digital telemedicine tools”, as stated in the explanatory statement.
In the Social Affairs committee, where the bill was discussed in the previous days, New Democracy was in favor of the bill. SYRIZA, KKE, New Left and Niki voted against. PASOK, the Hellenic Solution, the Freedom Movement and the “Spartians” reserved their final position in the plenary session.
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#plenary #speech #Mitsotakis #bill #personal #doctor #University #Health #Centers
It seems you have pasted a block of JavaScript code that seems to be related to ad management and configuration on a website. This script includes various calls to load different advertising scripts (like Google AdSense, OneSignal for push notifications, and possibly other ad services). It also handles some removal of ads for mobile versions.
Let’s break down the sections of the code sample, noting that it’s incomplete with missing URLs or part of the script:
1. **Removing Mobile Ads**:
document.querySelectorAll(‘.adsense-for-mobile’).forEach(function(e) {
2. **Handling AdSense slots**:
const adSenseSlots = document.querySelectorAll(‘.adsbygoogle’);
const adSenseSlotCount = adSenseSlots.length;
if (adSenseSlotCount > 0) {
adSenseSlots.forEach(function(e) {
// Find ways to load or modify ads
3. **Phaistos Adman**:
The script indicates an intention to use Phaistos Adman, but the actual loading script portion is commented out or missing.
4. **OneSignal**:
Initialization for OneSignal with a given app ID.
window.OneSignalDeferred = window.OneSignalDeferred || [];
OneSignalDeferred.push(function(OneSignal) {
appId: “487cc53b-3b66-4f84-8803-3a3a133043ab”,
5. **Disqus Configuration**:
The Disqus configuration is set but looks incomplete, suggesting that the `page.url` value was not assigned properly.
var disqus_config = function() {””; // URL should be specified here = 1563916;
6. **Loading External Scripts**:
There are multiple calls to a function `asyncLoadScript`, which is presumably intended to load scripts asynchronously. The URLs or complete function calls are missing, indicated by placeholder strings.
7. **Dealing with Other Ad Providers**:
Similar to Phaistos Adman, scripts for services like “Glomex,” “Dalecta,” ”Vidoomy,” and a comment about possibly dealing with Taboola/Project Agora are mentioned.
To improve the code and make it functional, you’ll need to fill in the missing URLs or logic inside the `asyncLoadScript` function. If you have specific questions or need further modifications or implementations, feel free to ask!