Hurry to take SYRIZA’s place under the left tree

Hurry to take SYRIZA’s place under the left tree

Closing his intervention, Kyriakos Mitsotakis addressed PASOK saying “let’s see if PASOK will again say no to everything. Parliamentarianism imposes informed criticism, but not partisan entrenchment or flirting with kinship spaces.” The prime minister then referred to the amendment tabled by PASOK, saying that it is a copy of the SYRIZA amendment. “Sample of your anxiety to replace SYRIZA. You are trying to replace SYRIZA even in its mistakes. Before it even dissolves you hurry to take its place. under the shade of the lefto tree”.

And K. Mitsotakis continued his criticism of PASOK, emphasizing “I imagine you know that the provision for the heavy and unhealthy will give the possibility of retirement at the age of 62. In other words, 7,500 doctors and nurses will leave, is that what you want? You come and say empty the NHS of doctors and nurses, this is your NHS policy
Such simplistic suggestions. I would expect something more from PASOK, a responsible party.”

It is indicative that yesterday, one day before the debate in Parliament and on the personal doctor bill, PASOK tabled an amendment on the subordination of health workers to the heavy and unhealthy categories, which, as stated by the government representative, Pavlos Marinakis, is not costed, reminding the SYRIZA tactic: “It is an amendment without costing. I imagine that no one disagrees and the government and any party would like to make such a move possible, no one disagrees. Unfortunately, PASOK is following a tactic that reminds us of something and we searched and found an exact same proposal, an exact same amendment submitted by SYRIZA MPs in the not-so-distant 2020, with exactly the same requests. The only thing the PASOK MPs changed is the emblem and the color,” said the government representative.

In his reaction, Mr. Tsoukalas mentioned that PASOK, since 2020, has tabled 22 times an amendment for the inclusion of health workers in the heavy and unhealthy categories, noting that the conclusion of the Behrakis Committee, which the New Democracy government itself had set. “She’s kept it in her drawer ever since. Why? I imagine that the government representative has read it”, emphasized Mr. Tsoukalas and pointed out that the question about costing is obviously pretentious when in the first eight months of 2024 there is an excess of 1.9 billion in tax revenues.

Government sources commented that “Mr. Tsoukalas and PASOK have a habit of answering other than what is asked. In fact, they are forced to proceed with assumptions that we did not hear even from the worst version of SYRIZA of the leftist trees. The question is very simple: have they calculated the cost of what they are proposing through the amendment?’

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#Hurry #SYRIZAs #place #left #tree
It appears that you’ve pasted a portion of JavaScript code‍ that includes fragments for loading various‌ ad scripts, configuring analytics or user engagement tools, and managing dynamic content loading. There are​ a few key elements in this code related to​ advertisements ⁣and user engagement, which typically include:

1. **Google ⁣AdSense**: This part of the code checks for elements with the class `adsbygoogle`, which are placeholders for Google AdSense ads, ‌and presumably uses `asyncLoadScript` to load the necessary ads ‌dynamically.

2. **Adman**: ​The code ‌here initializes Adman with⁣ a​ specific ad unit ID.

3. **OneSignal**: This segment ⁣initializes the OneSignal library for push notifications using a specified⁢ `appId`.

4. **Disqus**:‍ The ⁢configuration for Disqus comments, including a page‍ URL ‍and‍ identifier for tracking discussions related to this content.

5. **CleverCore**: There is commented-out ‌code meant ⁤to load ⁣a CleverCore script, though it’s not fully implemented.

6. **Taboola/Project Agora** and **Glomex**:‍ Sections that suggest loading‌ additional ad ⁣services if certain conditions‌ are‍ met.

7. **Timers/Delays**: ‌You also have several `setTimeout` functions to delay the loading of ‍certain scripts or⁤ modules, probably to ensure that the​ page⁣ content ‍is ready or to manage loading⁤ order.

**Suggestions for⁢ Improvement**:

– Ensure‌ all‌ `asyncLoadScript` calls⁢ are complete with valid URLs or code snippets that link to the scripts you intend to load.

– Check⁤ whether the appropriate ad services⁤ are‌ set up in⁤ your ‍account dashboard for proper tracking and revenue generation.

– Verify proper handling of user privacy and consent, especially for tools like OneSignal and third-party ad services.

-‌ Consider‌ modularizing your script for better maintainability, especially if you plan to ⁣add more functionality later.

If you⁢ need a specific script to be completed or have ⁣questions about how to integrate ⁤certain functionality, please provide more detail!

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