Pavel Durov, the innovative CEO of Telegram, has embarked on a remarkable initiative that transcends conventional tech and communication boundaries. He is offering complimentary In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) treatments for women who are willing to use his sperm, an unconventional but heartfelt effort aimed at assisting women and couples grappling with infertility issues.
In addition to generously providing his sperm, Durov is committed to covering all the IVF expenses for participants through a strategic partnership with Altravita fertility clinic. “We are thrilled to present you with a one-of-a-kind opportunity! Only at our clinic can you receive IVF at no cost, utilizing the sperm of Pavel Durov—one of the most renowned and accomplished entrepreneurs of our era,” proclaims an enticing message on Altravita’s website. The clinic has pledged to offer top-tier care, collaborating with leading specialists in reproductive health and employing state-of-the-art technology to ensure optimal success rates for those undergoing treatment.
The process for women interested in participating is straightforward yet discerning. They can contact Altravita to schedule an initial consultation, where a knowledgeable doctor will elucidate the IVF procedures, conduct required assessments, and ascertain eligibility. To join this initiative, women must be under the age of 37 and maintain a good health status. Once they receive approval, they will embark on their IVF journey with unwavering support from the clinic’s highly experienced team.
Earlier this year, Durov revealed in a candid Telegram post that he has fathered “over 100 biological kids” over a span of 15 years, showcasing the extensive impact of his contributions.
“I was just told that I have over 100 biological kids. How is this possible for a guy who has never been married and prefers to live alone?” he mused. He shared the anecdote of how a friend first approached him for a sperm donation nearly 15 years ago due to fertility challenges faced by him and his wife. Initially amused, Durov later recognized the seriousness of the request, which ultimately led him to play a crucial role in helping numerous families expand.
“Fast forward to 2024, my past donation activities have aided over a hundred couples across 12 countries in their quest to have children. Additionally, several years after I ceased being a donor, at least one IVF clinic still possesses my frozen sperm for anonymous use by families who aspire to have kids,” he stated, emphasizing the far-reaching influence of his contributions.
Durov outlined plans to open-source his DNA—a progressive move allowing his biological children to connect with each other easily. “The global shortage of healthy sperm has escalated into a pressing issue, and I take pride in having contributed to alleviating it,” he remarked, underscoring his commitment to the cause.
Durov also articulated his aspiration to destigmatize sperm donation, which he views as an invaluable resource for individuals confronting fertility challenges.
Take a look at the entire post here.
**Interview with Pavel Durov: A Bold Step in Reproductive Health**
**Interviewer:** Thank you for joining us, Pavel. Your recent initiative to offer complimentary IVF treatments using your sperm has garnered significant attention. Can you share what inspired you to take this unconventional step?
**Pavel Durov:** Thank you for having me. The idea stemmed from my deep desire to help individuals and couples facing infertility challenges. I’ve always believed in using technology and resources to make a positive impact, and this felt like a unique opportunity to contribute personally. It’s about making a difference and supporting those who want to start a family.
**Interviewer:** That’s certainly a heartfelt approach. How did you decide to partner with Altravita fertility clinic for this initiative?
**Pavel Durov:** Altravita is renowned for its expertise in reproductive health and advanced technology. Their commitment to providing top-tier care aligns perfectly with my vision for this initiative. By collaborating with them, we can ensure that participants receive the best support and healthcare throughout the IVF process.
**Interviewer:** What can women interested in this initiative expect during the initial consultation at Altravita?
**Pavel Durov:** During the initial consultation, a skilled doctor will explain the IVF procedures in detail, conduct necessary assessments, and determine eligibility. It’s a crucial step to ensure that we provide the best possible care tailored to each woman’s unique situation. We want participants to feel informed and comfortable throughout the journey.
**Interviewer:** It sounds like a thorough process. Are there any eligibility requirements that interested women should be aware of?
**Pavel Durov:** Yes, potential participants must be under the age of 37 and in good health. We want to ensure that we’re giving the best chance for success in these treatments. Ultimately, the goal is to help as many people as possible, but we also must prioritize the health of everyone involved.
**Interviewer:** Lastly, what message do you hope to convey through this initiative to the broader community?
**Pavel Durov:** I hope this initiative will foster conversations about infertility and the support available to those struggling with it. It’s essential to break the stigma surrounding these issues and come together as a community to support one another. If my efforts can inspire even a few more people to seek the help they need, then I consider it a success.
**Interviewer:** Thank you, Pavel, for sharing your insights and commitment to helping others. We look forward to seeing the impact of your initiative.
**Pavel Durov:** Thank you! I appreciate the opportunity to discuss this, and I’m excited for what’s to come.