Parliament: Against Georgiadis-Velopoulos in the Plenary

Parliament: Against Georgiadis-Velopoulos in the Plenary

The Minister of Health mentioned the above in the context of the ongoing debate in the Plenary, on the bill for the reform of the institution of the personal doctor.

“It is really sad, even really vulgar, that Kyriakos Velopoulos comes, in almost every speech in the Parliament, and talks about Tempi. Such political exploitation of human tragedies and an accident, I confess, can hardly be encountered by anyone. But since he referred to studies he has in his office about the wagons, I will submit to the minutes of the Parliament the study released, just the day before yesterday by the NTUA, 89 pages, which concludes that the deformations were caused by a collision and not by an explosion “, said the Minister of Health.

Mr. Georgiadis noted that he “hands over to the Greek people Mr. Kyriakos Velopoulos, for the reading of the dialogues from the tragic moment of the accident.” The families, according to the minister, have issued a statement through their lawyer. “Their lawyer, if you don’t know, is also the victim’s father, he is the ex-husband of Mrs. Karystianou. And say the parents whose children’s voices can be heard in what you read: “As the parents of Marthi Psaropoulos and Franceska Beza, who are named on the front page of a Sunday newspaper, we declare that we were never informed about this specific publication. We have never given our consent or approval and we reserve our legal rights against anyone who attempts to reproduce this publication.” That is, what you just did before, without a shred of respect for these people’s families. And you, Mr. Velopoulos, are supposed to be the sensitive one, who are not interested in what the families of these dead children tell you, and it is supposed that you represent these children in the Parliament and not their families”, stressed Mr. Georgiadis and he continued addressing the president of the Hellenic Solution: “Are you talking about hypocrisy? Normally you should go to a priest to confess, because what you did before is a grave sin Mr. Velopoulos. You came to Parliament and indirectly but clearly challenged the families of the victims. Without a trace of shame. Apparently, Mrs. Latinopoulou’s good run in the polls has caused you so much anxiety, that you have now lost any measure of political decency.”

The Minister of Health also commented that while the government has brought to the Parliament a reform bill that saves lives, Mr. Velopoulos, “the Trump impersonator”, “this ridiculous Trump imitation, by Mr. Velopoulos”, was not to not say a single word about the bill.

Velopoulos: “We catch the liar by the scruff of the neck in the Greek Solution”

The president of Hellenic Solution responded by saying to the Minister of Health: “Mr. Georgiadis, do you know what is gross? For a minister who has done a thousand flips to come here and question a man who has known him for 30 years, that his friend was killed in Tempe. This is vulgar Adonis Georgiadis. And it was obscene too. Did you understand? You say half again. I took out the conversation with 112, with the mobile phone, which is in the case file. You mention relatives. There is another group of relatives. Did you understand? Don’t come here constantly lying, because we catch the liar by the scruff of the neck in the Greek Solution. And should I tell you something else? If the truth is to come out, I will take everything out, so that you go to jail, because you covered up a crime.”

Also, Mr. Velopoulos said that today the prime minister, Kyriakos Mitsotakis, went to the funeral of the one who said “I don’t care if the Greeks were slaughtered in Smyrna and Constantinople”. He also mentioned that “Mr. Boutaris had said about Adonis Georgiadis that he pretends to be a fool all the time when he is not”.

The Greek people see and judge, replied Georgiadis

“The Greek people see and judge. I read what the parents said and those who listen judge whether this matter is expressed more authentically by the parent or by Velopoulos. To understand who is grossly taking advantage of a human tragedy”, commented the Minister of Health and added: “First of all, Yannis Boutaris is no longer a gentleman. He is now deceased. He is blessed. I’m getting over this. But it is a shame, at the time of a person’s funeral, in the Parliament to have a political confrontation about it. Elementary rules of human dignity and behavior forbid this, Mr. Velopoulos. You don’t have that in you either.”

“Another time I will not confront you again. You didn’t even apologize. I could stand up to anyone with arguments and weapons. But I see you all the time, you are unarmed and unfortunately vulgar”, replied the president of the Hellenic Solution.


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#Parliament #GeorgiadisVelopoulos #Plenary
It looks like you’ve pasted a JavaScript snippet that deals with asynchronous loading of various scripts for ad ‍services and other tracking or integration functionalities. Below, ⁣I have attempted to structure and comment the‍ provided snippet for better clarity. Since it contains placeholders for script URLs and some ‍functionalities ‌that seem⁣ incomplete, I will point out areas where customization is needed.

Here’s a structured version of your code:


// Function to handle loading of external scripts asynchronously

function asyncLoadScript(src) {

// Implementation for loading a script asynchronously

⁣ const script = document.createElement(‘script’);

script.src = src;

script.async = true;



// Example initializations ‌based on ​conditions

document.querySelectorAll(‘.adsense-for-mobile’).forEach(function (e) {

if (/* ⁣some⁢ condition */) {

// Do something if condition is met

} else {


⁤ }


// ​Load AdSense slots asynchronously if available

const adSenseSlots = document.querySelectorAll(‘.adsbygoogle’);

const adSenseSlotCount = adSenseSlots.length;

if ⁢(adSenseSlotCount ​> 0) ⁤{

// Load AdSense⁣ scripts if slots are present

adSenseSlots.forEach(function (e) {

// e.g., asyncLoadScript(‘URL_TO_ADSENSE_SCRIPT’);

‍ });


// Phaistos Adman Integration

window.AdmanQueue = window.AdmanQueue || [];

AdmanQueue.push(function () {

// Example initialization with ad unit‍ details

Adman.adunit({ id: 338, h: /* height value */ });


// OneSignal Notification Setup

window.OneSignalDeferred = ⁤window.OneSignalDeferred || [];

OneSignalDeferred.push(function (OneSignal) {


​ ⁤⁤ appId: “487cc53b-3b66-4f84-8803-3a3a133043ab”, // Ensure to replace​ with your OneSignal App ID



// Disqus Integration

var disqus_config = function () { = /* ‌Page‍ URL */; = 1564299;


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⁢ s = d.createElement(‘script’);

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s.setAttribute(‘data-timestamp’, +new Date());

⁢ (d.head || d.body).appendChild(s);


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// Callbacks and further integrations

function cmpActionCompleted() {

// CleverCore Example (commented out)


‍ (function (document, window) {

​ var a, ⁤c = document.createElement(“script”);

⁤ ⁢= “CleverCoreLoader57097”;

c.src = /* CleverCore script URL */;

⁤ c.async = true;

‌ c.type = “text/javascript”;


c.setAttribute(“data-callback”, “put-your-callback-macro-here”);

try {

a = parent.document.getElementsByTagName(“script”)[0] ||

⁤ document.getElementsByTagName(“script”)[0];

⁣ } catch⁢ (e) {

a‍ = false;


⁢ a || (a = document.getElementsByTagName(“head”)[0] || document.getElementsByTagName(“body”)[0]);

⁣ ⁢a.parentNode.insertBefore(c, a);

})(document, window);


// Taboola/Project Agora…

// Load other relevant scripts as necessary

⁣ asyncLoadScript(/* Taboola or Project Agora script URL */);

// Google ⁣AdSense (Extra check if slots available)

if (document.querySelectorAll(‘.adsbygoogle’).length) {

asyncLoadScript(/* Google AdSense script URL */);

‌ }

// Glomex Integration

⁤ if (document.querySelectorAll(‘glomex-integration’).length) {

⁢ setTimeout(function () {

‌ ‍ asyncLoadModule(/* Glomex integration script or function */);

}, 2000);

​ }

// Dalecta Integration

setTimeout(() => asyncLoadScript(/* Dalecta script URL */), 800);

// Vidoomy Integration

// Similar logic for Vidoomy can be placed here



### Notes:

1. **Placeholder URLs**: You need ⁤to replace all placeholder comments (like `/* Disqus script URL */` or `/* height value */`) ‌with the actual URLs or ‌values applicable to your ​setup.

2. **Functionality**: Ensure that functions like `asyncLoadModule()` are defined somewhere ‍in your code⁢ if they are being used.

3. **Error Handling**: Depending on⁢ your application need, consider implementing error handling for failed script loads.

4. ‍**Testing**: ​Thoroughly test functionality in a staging environment before deploying to⁣ production to ensure that asynchronous loads do not affect user ⁤experience negatively.

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