Video document of the action of the burglars

Video document of the action of the burglars

During the operation, 10 people were identified and arrested, while 3 more members were identified. The Property Crimes Department found that at least since August 2023, they committed robberies and thefts from houses using the method of employment, at the expense of mainly elderly men and women, in various areas of Attica and the province.

According to ELAS, in order to dismantle the criminal organization, an organized police operation was organized and implemented on Tuesday (5/11), in the wider area of ​​Attica and also in Heraklion, Crete, in the presence of judicial officials, with the assistance of police officers from the TAOE of Crete, the EKAM as well as Special Operational Groups of DAOE.

During the operation, 10 members of the organization were identified and arrested, while 3 more members were identified, against whom a case file was filed for a case-by-case criminal organization, which committed thefts, robberies and frauds committed as well as attempted, complicity, follow-up and ‘ profession with a total benefit exceeding 120,000 euros, money laundering, violation of the Law on Weapons, the Law on Drugs and impeachment.

According to ELAS, the investigation revealed that the members of the criminal organization acted with a specific methodology, having distinct roles, with continuous action, which is placed in time from August 2023, while they managed to obtain in this way an illegal financial benefit of 1,527 .230 euros. In fact, the members of this structured group had friendly or kinship ties with each other, which gave them special cohesion and loyalty.

With a specific modus operandi the action of the gang

• They acted in groups of three or more people and mainly in the morning or midday hours, after locating their potential victims, followed them until they returned to their homes and waited for them at the entrances of the apartment buildings.

• They pretended to be technical employees (PPC, elevator maintenance workers, etc.) and convinced the victims to allow them to enter their homes, in order to verify an alleged damage to the electrical installation, always wearing gloves and medical masks, making the work difficult of the Authorities.

• Finally, they led the elderly to the kitchen area, where they occupied them under various pretexts, while the other members of the organization entered the house, carefully searched the other areas and removed sums of money, jewelry and valuables.

As pointed out by the Police, a characteristic of their audacity was their persistence in achieving their goal, as they did not hesitate to use violence regardless of the advanced age of their victims, in case they resisted.

In addition, the investigation revealed that the members of the criminal organization at regular intervals moved from Attica to the province, either to escape detection and arrest during the operations carried out by the local authorities in areas of Western Attica, or to expand their action.

Vital members of the spiral are the 32-year-old leader and the 34-year-old vice-leader

• The first one was tasked with the role of the physical perpetrator, that is to say, he was the one who actually chose and appeared to the potential victims, he did not hesitate to use violence, he coordinated the other “operational” members and facilitated their access to the area, so that the goal could be achieved their.

• The second one held the role of the observer – chiller, as he remained outside the houses and communicated by phone with the other “operational” members, informing them about the movements of the residents, while at the same time acting as the person who transported them with the ” business’ car to their target and remain in it until the illegal activity is complete.

As part of a full investigation of the case, a major financial investigation was carried out by the Property Crimes Department, from which it emerged that the members of the criminal organization sought and committed money laundering of the proceeds obtained from all their criminal activities, in the form of acquiring, possession and use of property, while at the same time they received either welfare benefits or had unregulated debts – debts to the tax authorities amounting to several thousand euros.

From the searches carried out, in homes, vehicles and from their possession, in total, among other things, were found and confiscated: 35,825 euros, 11 vehicles, 9 grams of cannabis, a number of hunting and non-volatile cartridges, a stun gun and a carbine, a number of jewelery and gold items, number of bank cards, number of documents related to real estate transactions, among others.

From the investigation so far by the Sub-Directorate for the Prosecution of Crimes against Life and Property, three cases of theft from houses by the method of burglary and 30 thefts either committed or attempted by the employment method, which have been committed in the wider area of ​​Attica, have been solved.

As it became known from ELAS, the arrested, who have repeatedly engaged the Police Authorities for similar crimes, were taken to the competent prosecutor and referred to an investigator.

The investigation continues in order to fully ascertain the scope of the activity of the members of the criminal organization.

They were involved in an incident on a ship

Indeed, according to information, most of the defendants had gone to Tinos in August and on their return to Athens, they got involved with passengers inside the ship they were traveling with, resulting in passengers being injured.

Some of the perpetrators were arrested and two weapons – replicas – were found in their possession and confiscated. As it was established, the “booty” of the organization exceeds 1,500,000 euros.

The members of the organization acted on a case-by-case basis according to the roles assigned to them by the 32-year-old leader and the 34-year-old deputy leader.

In particular, the leader was charged with the role of the natural perpetrator, that is, he was essentially the one who chose and appeared to the potential victims. He did not hesitate to use violence, he coordinated the other members and facilitated their access to the space, so that their purpose could be achieved.

The deputy leader held the role of the observer – chiller, as he remained outside the houses and communicated by phone with the other members, informing them about the movements of the residents, while at the same time acting as the person who transported them with the “operational” car to the target them and remained so until the illegal activity was completed.

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#Video #document #action #burglars


It looks like you’ve posted part of ‌a‌ JavaScript code snippet ‍related to loading various ad services and functionalities ⁢on a webpage. This snippet seems to be‌ incomplete, with placeholder strings ⁣that need ‍to ​be filled in ⁤and `asyncLoadScript` calls lacking actual ⁣URLs or ⁤logic.

Here’s a brief outline of what each section in your script is intended to do, along with suggestions for completion:

1. **Google AdSense⁣ Removal/Handling**:

– This part‍ removes​ specific AdSense ads under‍ certain conditions. Ensure​ the conditions are defined, and the ⁢logic for loading or unloading⁣ ads is clear.

2. **AdSense ‌Slot Handling**:

⁤ – Your code ⁤includes a structure for handling AdSense slots. You‍ should define what should occur within the `adSenseSlots.forEach` loop.

3. **Phaistos Adman Integration**:

⁣ ‍ – The Adman ad⁤ unit section is incomplete.‍ You need to finish the object initialization and any necessary parameters like ‌`height` and other configurations.

4. **OneSignal Push​ Notifications**:

‌ – You have a ⁣standard OneSignal ⁤initialization. Ensure the `appId` ​is correct.

5.⁤ **Disqus ‍Comments**:

– You should complete the `` assignment with the⁢ current page URL. Make sure you also have the ⁣script source ‌for Disqus.

6. **Callback Functions**:

– ⁤The `cmpActionCompleted` function mentions `asyncLoadScript` calls without ‌proper URL and callback repeated. Complete these ‍calls with the necessary URLs.

7. **Generic Script Loading**:

‌ -⁢ There are commented-out sections for CleverCore⁢ and other⁤ integrations. ⁤You should review those for‌ potential inclusion as needed.

8. **Glomex and other Ad Services**:

– Complete ‌the checks (like ‍`querySelectorAll`) and ensure the‍ ad ⁣loading‌ scripts have valid URLs and necessary parameters.

###‍ Example of Missing Parts:

– For `asyncLoadScript` and `asyncLoadModule`, ⁣define these ⁣functions appropriately‍ if not already defined in your codebase. They typically might look like this:


function‌ asyncLoadScript(url) {

const script ⁤= document.createElement(‘script’);

script.src ‌=⁤ url;

script.async‌ = true;

​ ‍ document.head.appendChild(script);


function asyncLoadModule(module) {

// Module loading code here



### General‍ Suggestions:

– Make sure to test‌ the final ⁣implementation to ensure all ad services are functioning as expected,​ especially after setting ⁤timeouts or conditions⁣ for loading.

– Ensure that the URLs‍ used in your scripts ​are correct⁣ and⁢ that any identifiers or keys are valid.

– Comment ‌your changes ⁤adequately for future reference and team understanding.

By​ completing the placeholders ⁣and ensuring proper configuration, your web page could‍ effectively integrate multiple ad services and‍ functionalities.

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