Donald Trump: Conspiracy Theory or Truth? – The internet is convinced – Vote with… fake Melania? (video)

Donald Trump: Conspiracy Theory or Truth? – The internet is convinced – Vote with… fake Melania? (video)
And they point to her inner sunglasses and complete silence as “proof” of the long-running conspiracy.

Medias Touch editor Ron Filipkowski shared the video fueling the online rumor, tweeting: “Melania wears sunglasses inside all day today.” Replies immediately began pouring in with reasons why the woman next to Trump in the thick black sunglasses might not actually be his wife.

One user points out several details that suggest someone else may be standing in for the former first lady: “Missing rings, wrong nail style and length, no smile lines on jaw line [ή] on the lower cheek, the breast is half the size it should be,’ and the list goes on and on. Others pointed out that the woman in the video looks “20 years younger” than Melania Trump.

Aside from this one clip, users believe that the footage appearing on major networks CNN and Fox News of Melania siding with Trump only furthers the theory. He stands by as Trump lashes out at a reporter who asked him if he would encourage his supporters not to turn to violence as the votes are counted. “Of course there will be no violence,” he said, standing next to his wife in the indoor gym. “These are people who do not believe in any violence, contrary to your question. You believe in violence.”

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// Phaistos Adman

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// Phaistos Adman

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// Vidoomy

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#Donald #Trump #Conspiracy #Theory #Truth #internet #convinced #Vote #with.. #fake #Melania #video

Attivare JavaScript⁤ su Chrome

The provided JavaScript code appears to be part ⁣of ⁢an ad-loading script that manages various ad services on a webpage. Here’s a breakdown of its ‍components and objectives:

1. **Removing Mobile AdSense Ads**:

‍ ‌- The script attempts to remove⁤ any existing​ AdSense ads targeted for mobile⁢ by selecting elements with the class `.adsense-for-mobile` and removing their​ child `.adsbygoogle`.

2. **Loading ‍AdSense Slots**:

– It checks for the presence of AdSense slots (elements with⁤ the class `.adsbygoogle`). If any exist, it prepares to load something asynchronously (though the exact function to‌ load is commented out).

3. **Adman Integration**:

– A queue for Adman ad units is created, and it pushes a configuration function onto the queue.

4. **OneSignal⁣ Initialization**:

‍ – OneSignal, a push notification service, is initialized with a‌ specified app‍ ID.

5. **Disqus Integration**:

– Disqus,‌ a comment service, has its configuration set up, including a ⁤unique​ page⁢ identifier. It uses a timeout to load its ⁣script dynamically.

6. **Commented⁤ Out Code**:

– The script contains various ‍sections that seem to be commented ⁣out, suggesting other ad integrations (like‌ CleverCore, Taboola/Project Agora, Glomex, Dalecta, and Vidoomy) that were either considered or are intended to be included. These sections also indicate a focus on asynchronous loading of scripts, which is a common ⁤practice to improve page loading times and user experience.

7. **Fallback Mechanisms**:

– ⁢There are various fallbacks and DOM queries in place to ensure that scripts are loaded correctly⁤ only if certain elements exist.

### Suggested Improvements and Refactoring

– **Clean Up**: Remove commented-out code if it’s ⁤not needed to‌ keep⁢ the script⁢ clean and maintainable.

– **Centralized Function**: Consider creating‌ a centralized function to manage loading scripts asynchronously. This‌ would reduce code redundancy and improve readability.

– **Error ‌Handling**: Implement ‌error handling for ⁣the script loading functions ‍to better manage failures.

– **Variable Usage**: Use `const` or `let` instead of `var` for declarations where appropriate, as ‌they ⁤provide⁢ better scope management‌ in ES6 and beyond.

###‍ Example of Refactoring

Here’s a simplified and refactored example of part of the original code for clarity:


function loadScript(src) {

‍ return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {

const script = document.createElement(‘script’);

script.src ⁤= src;

⁣ script.onload = resolve;

‌ ​ script.onerror = reject;

(document.head || document.body).appendChild(script);



const adSlots = document.querySelectorAll(‘.adsbygoogle’);

adSlots.forEach(slot => slot.remove());

if (adSlots.length > 0) {

​ ​ ​ loadScript(‘path_to_ad_script.js’).then(() => {

‌ ⁣ console.log(‘Ad script loaded’);

}).catch(err => ‍console.error(‘Error loading ad script:’, err));


// ​Setup‌ for OneSignal

window.OneSignal =⁤ window.OneSignal || [];

OneSignal.push(function() {

‌ OneSignal.init({ appId:‌ “487cc53b-3b66-4f84-8803-3a3a133043ab” });


// Disqus config

const disqusConfig = function() { = location.href; = 1560397;


setTimeout(() => {

loadScript(‘https://your-disqus-script.js’).then(() => {

⁢ ‍ console.log(‘Disqus script loaded’);

⁤ }).catch(err => console.error(‘Error loading Disqus script:’, err));

}, 3000);


This version centralizes the script loading logic and cleans up the code for better ⁣readability and maintainability while still preserving ​its functionality.

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