Stefanos Kasselakis: We have the majority in the congress – Society will react if I am not a candidate

Stefanos Kasselakis: We have the majority in the congress – Society will react if I am not a candidate
“We have over 2,000 delegates with us out of a total of about 3,500 delegates,” he states. The former president of the Koumundourou party claims that “society will react if I am not a candidate” and repeats that he will not betray anyone. He repeated his fear that the party would be liquidated, while he did not answer whether he will proceed with the establishment of a new party. He noted that they challenged him within the party in September when they realized that changes were coming. “I understood that they were pulling the rug from me, I didn’t imagine that the statute would be violated,” he said.

“Democracy is returning to SYRIZA”, said Stefanos Kasselakis, earlier in his new post about yesterday’s elections, in which he announces “the consolidated results in the country and by region, based on the minutes of the electoral commissions in the OM where elections were held on 2 and November 3, for the nomination of the congressmen who will participate in the upcoming SYRIZA-PS congress”. According to Stefanos Kasselakis, the first consolidated results are as follows:

Greece total:
1983 – 1538
56,32% – 43,68%


Attica: 805-532
Central Macedonia: 267-195
Peloponnese: 126-70
Crete: 148-142
Central Greece: 97-44
Thessaly: 95-93
Rev. Macedonia-Thrace: 66-53
Western Greece: 140-163
Epirus: 72-86
Western Macedonia: 52-53
North Aegean: 33-15
South Aegean: 47-30
Ionians: 23-58
Expatriates*: 12-4
*The count has not been completed.

Voridis: SYRIZA abolished the criminal offense of providing alcohol to minors

ERGANI: The amount of wages in the sectors with the greatest employment – Where there is a greater increase [πίνακες]

Holargos: “I stabbed him because he had been abusing me since I was 5 years old,” the 34-year-old, former member of the Cores of Fire, told the police

Heating allowance: When the myHeating platform opens – Beneficiaries

Takis Theodorikakos: Extending the price reduction to new codes and extending the duration of the initiative

Marinakis: PASOK’s “no” to the government’s initiatives is a “no” to the Greek people – The reduction of the minimum wage will be prohibited by law

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// Phaistos Adman

// OneSignal
window.OneSignalDeferred = window.OneSignalDeferred || [];
OneSignalDeferred.push(function(OneSignal) {
appId: “487cc53b-3b66-4f84-8803-3a3a133043ab”,

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// Phaistos Adman

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// Vidoomy

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#Stefanos #Kasselakis #majority #congress #Society #react #candidate

OneSignal‌ Web push notification example

It looks⁤ like you’ve pasted a snippet of JavaScript ⁢code ⁤that handles various ad ⁤and​ tracking⁢ integrations ‍on a website. This‌ code seems to asynchronously load different scripts for⁢ services​ like Google AdSense, OneSignal,‍ Disqus, ​and others.

Here’s a summary ‌of what the⁤ code does, along with some improvements and best practices:

1.⁣ **AdSense Handling:**

– The code filters out ‍AdSense ‌ads marked for⁣ mobile, removing them if a certain condition is met.

– It ‌counts the ​number of AdSense slots present ⁣and processes them ⁣if there are any.

2. ​**Loading⁤ External Scripts:**

– There’s a‌ pattern used to load external ⁣scripts (like Adman, OneSignal, ⁢Disqus, CleverCore, Taboola, etc.) using a hypothetical `asyncLoadScript()`⁢ function.

– Most⁢ of the script loading occurs inside `setTimeout` functions‌ to handle potential​ delays in availability.

3. **OneSignal Initialization:**

– It initializes the OneSignal service with a specific `appId`.

4. **Disqus Configuration:**

​ – It sets up configuration for the Disqus comments system, including⁢ page URL and identifier, and then loads the Disqus script ⁤with a ⁣timeout.

5. **General ​Script Loading:**

– The code contains⁣ commented-out sections for other ad⁣ networks and services, suggesting that there ⁣might be conditional loading ​based on the site’s configurations or user behaviors.

### Recommendations & Improvements:

– **Error Handling**: Consider‌ adding ⁢error handling for script loading. Currently, if a script fails ‌to load, it may not be clear to the developer that an issue occurred.

– **Function Definitions**: Ensure that `asyncLoadScript()` and `asyncLoadModule()` functions are defined properly elsewhere in your codebase. It’s not visible in the provided snippet.

– **Static Analysis**: Use tools like ESLint for⁣ static analysis to⁤ catch syntax ‍errors or ⁢coding standard violations.

– **Minimize Global Pollution**: ​If possible, encapsulate your script in an IIFE (Immediately ‌Invoked Function Expression) to avoid polluting‌ the global namespace.

– **Comment ​Clarity**: Ensure that comments accurately describe the purpose of blocks ⁢of code. Some comments⁢ indicate sections to be implemented later (marked by asyncLoadScript(‘), so it’s good to​ clarify your intentions.

Here’s a slightly cleaned-up excerpt of the approach you ​might⁢ take:


(function(document, window) {

‍// Remove adsense for mobile if any condition not met

‌if(someCondition) {

document.querySelectorAll(‘.adsense-for-mobile’).forEach(function(e) {

‌ e.querySelector(‘.adsbygoogle’)?.remove();

‍ });


‍ ​ const adSenseSlots = document.querySelectorAll(‘.adsbygoogle’);

⁢ ⁢if (adSenseSlots.length⁣ > 0) {

adSenseSlots.forEach(function(slot) {

⁢ ​ // Handle the adsense slots logic here


​ }

⁢ ⁣ // ‍Initialize OneSignal

window.OneSignalDeferred = window.OneSignalDeferred || [];

⁤ OneSignalDeferred.push(function(OneSignal) {

⁣ ⁤ ⁤ OneSignal.init({

⁤ appId: “487cc53b-3b66-4f84-8803-3a3a133043ab”,

‍ });

‍ });

// Disqus ‌Configuration

var ⁤disqus_config = function() { = “”; // You might want to dynamically populate this

⁣ = 1558432;


⁣setTimeout(function() {

‌ ⁤ ⁣ const d = document;

const s = d.createElement(‘script’);

s.src = ‌””; ⁤//⁤ Put the Disqus script URL here

‍ s.setAttribute(‘data-timestamp’, +new Date());

(d.head || d.body).appendChild(s);

⁣ }, 3000);

// Further async script loading can be defined here as needed…

})(document, window);


Adjust the extracted code as per your application’s specific requirements ⁢and ensure that the parts with placeholder URLs and conditions are dynamically populated ‌or handled⁢ based on your⁣ business logic.

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