“The government has failed to promote a substantial modernization in the productive base of the economy, in the infrastructure, in the energy autonomy of the country. Unfortunately, the Greek people are paying dearly for these lost opportunities, either with the structural precision that has been established for good in the domestic oligopolistic market, or with the increase in inequalities and the deterioration of the quality of life both in the urban centers and in the periphery “, said the president of PASOK-Movement of Change, Nikos Androulakis, speaking in the afternoon at the “Green Deal Greece 2024” conference organized by TEE, at the Conference Center of the Stavros Niarchos Foundation.
Mr. Androulakis noted how the resilience of the Greek economy and Greek society is the contemporary issue, pointing to the dramatic images from Thessaly last year and the current ones from Valencia, Spain, regarding infrastructure security.
“The government has lost an unacceptably long time: Even today, if the implementation of a full anti-flood plan in Kifissos were to start, it would take 10 years to complete,” Mr. Androulakis emphasized and referred to the shameful, as he said, of a modern European state, situation that prevails in the Greek railway.
“After the unspeakable tragedy of Tempe, we have witnessed dangerous incidents and near train collisions… Who does this situation honor? Who is responsible for this mess?
While the rest of Europe is moving with green high-speed trains, in Northern Greece … they are looking for a railway”.
The president of PASOK-Movement of Change underlined how substantial political will is needed to modernize the law on awarding public contracts.
He made special reference to the exacerbated housing problem where he observed how government interventions, as always, are too little and come too late. “It is time for the government to abandon its obsessions and adopt PASOK’s proposals for extensive social housing construction programs and the provision of fair and remunerative tax incentives for the opening of closed apartments in connection with a long period of their disposal in the housing pool and obviously with a limit in the rent.
In addition, abolition of the golden visa and a regulatory framework for short-term rental”, he emphasized while noting how the off-plan construction is rampant and a solution must be found.
For the energy transition, Nikos Androulakis argued that access to energy networks should be equal and transparent. “Instead, it has turned the remaining energy space into a valuable gift for powerful economic interests. For PASOK, only when the energy transition is green and socially fair, it ensures energy security and low production and living costs. None of this is in the Government’s strategy,” he said.
He added how another strategy is therefore required for a sustainable Tourism Development with the main axes being environmental protection, the tourism-primary sector interface, alongside the operation of the infrastructure, the maintenance of adequate resources, natural and human.
“Greece’s backwardness is not inevitable. Doom and resignation do not suit a country that has proven to have a valuable human resource and unlimited potential for development. But another path to prosperity is needed, a national plan for a Sustainable, Resilient and Fair Development. The New Democracy government obviously does not have this plan.
PASOK is ready to open a large and broad political and programmatic dialogue in the next period, together with society, with the healthy productive forces and every body with which we share common concerns for the progress of Greece. A dialogue that will result in a “Made in Greece” National Plan for the Reconstruction of the economy and society.
In this effort, I invite you to participate, to join forces, so that we can take into our own hands the responsibility for a great Change of Political Direction that our country and people need”, he concluded.
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#Androulakis #national #plan #sustainable #durable #fair #development
Onesignal service worker
It looks like you’ve provided a JavaScript snippet that involves various asynchronous loading scripts for ad services and tracking integrations. Your code is a mix of loading sequences for Google AdSense, OneSignal, Disqus, and other services, but it seems incomplete or fragmented, with several comments and placeholder strings.
To help you organize this code for better readability and functionality, here’s a structured approach:
### Structured Code Example
(function() {
// Remove specific adsense elements for mobile
if (/* condition for mobile */) {
document.querySelectorAll(‘.adsense-for-mobile’).forEach(function(e) {
const adElement = e.querySelector(‘.adsbygoogle’);
if (adElement) {
// Load AdSense scripts if any ads are present in the DOM
const adSenseSlots = document.querySelectorAll(‘.adsbygoogle’);
if (adSenseSlots.length > 0) {
// Placeholder for loading specific AdSense settings/scripts
// asyncLoadScript(‘…’);
// Phaistos Adman Script
window.AdmanQueue = window.AdmanQueue || [];
AdmanQueue.push(function() {
Adman.adunit({ id: 338, h: ’…’ });
// OneSignal initialization
window.OneSignalDeferred = window.OneSignalDeferred || [];
OneSignalDeferred.push(function(OneSignal) {
appId: “487cc53b-3b66-4f84-8803-3a3a133043ab”,
// Disqus configuration
var disqus_config = function() {
this.page.url = window.location.href; // correct dynamically as needed
this.page.identifier = 1558532; // replace with dynamic ID if necessary
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function asyncLoadScript(url) {
// Function for loading scripts asynchronously
var script = document.createElement(‘script’);
script.src = url;
script.async = true;
function cmpActionCompleted() {
// Example of how you would call asyncLoadScript for various scripts
// Additional service integrations..
// asyncLoadScript(‘…’); // Repeat as necessary for different services
// Glomex integration
if (document.querySelectorAll(‘glomex-integration’).length) {
setTimeout(function() {
asyncLoadModule(‘https://glomex.com/integration.js’); // Placeholder script
}, 2000);
// Other integrations can be added here, similar to the above formats
// Invoke function to handle loaded actions
### Notes:
1. **Function Definitions**: I defined a function `asyncLoadScript` that loads scripts in a non-blocking manner.
2. **Dynamic URLs**: Make sure to replace all placeholder URLs (indicated with comments) with the actual script URLs for services like Disqus, Phaistos, and others.
3. **Improvement Suggestions**:
– Ensure you handle any potential errors during the script loading.
– Consider using `async`/`defer` attributes for scripts that should load after the document has been parsed.
– Added dynamic settings for the Disqus code to use `window.location.href` to set the page URL.
4. **Mobile Condition**: The condition for checking if the user is on mobile should be specified, or you may adopt a responsive design check.
5. **Integration Handling**: Each integration can have its own async loading strategy based on your needs, particularly if they require specific callbacks or handling.
This structure should provide a more maintainable format for your asynchronous script loads while keeping the functions organized and easier to follow.