2-year prison sentence for 38-year-old who stabbed his friend over a woman

2-year prison sentence for 38-year-old who stabbed his friend over a woman

On April 25, 2023, in the village of Elassona, the two 38-year-old friends were having fun in a cafe. A verbal confrontation began between them about a woman’s eyes, with the result that one of them pulled out a knife and injured the other on three fingers of his left hand.

Immediately the patrons called the police and one ended up in the hospital and the other in the detention center.






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Of course, the 38-year-old faces deportation from the country because he does not have legal documents as he entered the country illegally.

The 38-year-old victim testified in court. He stated that his peer assaulted him causing physical injuries that required stitches.

The Joint Jury changed the charge of dangerous bodily harm to a misdemeanor and sentenced him to a total sentence of 2 years and 9 months and a 300 euro fine. The 38-year-old man was found guilty, a warrant has been issued for his arrest and if found, he will be taken to prison immediately.

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#2year #prison #sentence #38yearold #stabbed #friend #woman

sdkiniterror: onesignal: this web push config can only be used on

It ‌looks like you’ve pasted a fragment of ​JavaScript code that seems to be related to loading various ad and analytics ‍scripts on a webpage. The code contains references to different ad services,⁣ including AdSense, ⁢OneSignal, and ​others, along with comments and⁢ functions related to asynchronous script loading.

Here’s a brief explanation of the key elements​ in the⁣ snippet you’ve provided:

1. **Removing Mobile Ads**:⁣ The code begins with a‍ conditional statement that removes `.adsbygoogle` elements​ from elements with the class ⁤`.adsense-for-mobile`.

2. **AdSense Slots Handling**: It checks for ⁤AdSense slots (`.adsbygoogle`) on the page, and if any are found, it prepares to load them asynchronously.

3.⁤ **OneSignal Initialization**: It initializes the OneSignal service with⁣ a specific `appId`. This service is‌ typically used for web push notifications.

4.⁢ **Disqus Configuration**: It sets up a Disqus configuration‌ for managing comments,‍ specifying the‍ page URL and a unique⁣ identifier for the thread.

5. **Script Loading**:⁤ There’s a function that seems to be prepared for loading various scripts asynchronously. It looks like it⁢ has placeholders for loading the actual ⁤script ‍URLs but those URLs‍ are​ either ⁤commented out ​or incomplete.

6. **CleverCore, Taboola, and Others**: There are references to loading scripts⁢ for CleverCore, Taboola/Project Agora, ⁣and other ad solutions, with conditions based on ‌the presence of ​specific elements in the DOM.

7. **Timeouts and Callbacks**: The code uses `setTimeout` to stagger script loading. ⁣This can help with performance by avoiding loading all ⁢scripts at‍ once which might⁣ slow⁤ down the page load time.

### Suggestions for Further Development:

– **Complete the Script Loading**:⁤ Ensure ‍that‌ all the commented parts where the URL of scripts should⁤ be ​loaded are‌ filled with the actual URLs.

– ‍**Error⁤ Handling**: Implement error handling for scenarios where the‌ ad‌ services fail to load correctly.

-‍ **Optimize ⁢Asynchronous Loading**:​ If possible, optimize the loading order⁢ based on dependencies ⁢to avoid issues stemming ‌from loading sequences.

– **Testing**: ‍Make sure to test the rendering and functionality across different platforms to ensure that the ⁢ads and notifications work seamlessly for ​end users.

– ⁣**Keep‌ Code Clean**: ​Remove commented⁢ code that is not necessary for​ clarity and⁢ maintainability.

This snippet needs to be filled out ⁤and refined based on ⁤the ⁢specific requirements of your web project for efficient ad ‍management and user engagement functionalities.

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