Unthinkable! A woman voted wearing only her bra

Unthinkable! A woman voted wearing only her bra

The woman went to vote in Hamilton Township, about five miles east of Trenton, on Oct. 26 when an employee asked her to take off her hat and put on a jacket from her car to cover her blouse.

Jill Moyer, the chairwoman of the Mercer County Board of Elections, explained to the woman that she would not lose her turn in line.

“Before I could say anything, she took off her top and started shaking it,” Moyer told NJ.com.

The woman greeted the clerks and yelled, “Suck my ct,” witnesses said.

“This is why I’m voting for Trump,” she added, according to a now-deleted Reddit post that shows the woman in only her bra from the waist up.

Moyer went to call the police, but the unidentified woman quickly voted and left.

Jersey’s campaign law prohibits voters from entering the polls wearing clothing with political slogans.

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#Unthinkable #woman #voted #wearing #bra
It looks like you’re​ working with a script related to web advertisements, including‌ various ad networks like Google AdSense, OneSignal, Disqus, and others.⁢ It seems that the script is ‌intended to manage loading these ads and ⁢services conditionally. However, it seems incomplete, with sections that are commented ⁤out or lacking⁣ specific URLs to load the⁢ necessary scripts. Here’s​ a structured enhancement of your script with placeholders for missing URLs and functions.


document.addEventListener(‘DOMContentLoaded’, function () {

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⁢ // Check if adsense ‌slots exist

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​ // Additional logic can be ​added here if needed

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// Phaistos Adman

window.AdmanQueue = window.AdmanQueue ⁤|| [];

AdmanQueue.push(function() ⁤{

⁢ Adman.adunit({id: 338, h: ‘INSERT_HEIGHT_HERE’}); // Replace ⁢with⁣ actual height


‍ // OneSignal

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OneSignalDeferred.push(function(OneSignal) {

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// Implementation of asyncLoadModule would go here.

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‍ // Called when CMP action ⁢is​ completed

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​ ⁣// Load various scripts here

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⁢ ​ //​ Example of loading more ad modules

‍ asyncLoadModule(‘CleverCore’);

‍ asyncLoadModule(‘Taboola’);

⁤ ⁤ //⁢ For Google AdSense

⁤ ⁣ if (document.querySelectorAll(‘.adsbygoogle’).length) {

‌ ⁤ asyncLoadScript(‘https://pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/js/adsbygoogle.js’); // Example AdSense script ‍URL

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‍ ⁣ ⁢ ⁣ //‍ Glomex integration

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⁤ setTimeout(function() {

⁣ ‍ ⁢ asyncLoadModule(‘INSERT_GLOMEX_MODULE_URL_HERE’);

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// Dalecta

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// Vidoomy

⁤ asyncLoadScript(‘INSERT_VIDOOMY_SCRIPT_URL_HERE’); // Placeholder for Vidoomy‍ script

​ }

⁣// Call cmpActionCompleted when‍ necessary




### Key Points:

1. **Placeholders**: Replace⁤ `INSERT_…`‌ with actual URLs or values where required.

2. **Function Definitions**: Clearly define what ⁢your `asyncLoadScript` and​ `asyncLoadModule` functions should do.

3. **Comment Sections**: ‍Keep comments‌ to clarify which ‍network or functionality the code is related to.

4.‍ **Event Listener**: Wrapped‌ the entire script in a‍ `DOMContentLoaded` event listener to ensure⁣ it runs after​ the document ‍is ⁤fully loaded.

Feel free to adapt this structure further based on ⁢your ​specific requirements and complete the missing parts!

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