Out-of-court mechanism: 52.48% increase in successful debt settlements in October

Out-of-court mechanism: 52.48% increase in successful debt settlements in October

In more detail, according to the data released to the public, a 52.48% increase was noted by the successful arrangements of debts in October this year, which amounted to 1,845 corresponding to initial debts worth approximately 600 million euros from 1,210 arrangements of initial debts 438 million euros the same period of 2023.

Additionally, 5,771 new applications were registered from 3,821 in October 2023 (+51.03%) and 3,493 applications were finalized from 2,237 in the same period last year (+56.15%).

To date, the total number of successful settlements is 25,551, with the total value of settled debts amounting to 8.5 billion euros. This is a 154.92% increase from October 2023 when total setups stood at 10,023. It is noted that the total value of regulated debts also recorded an increase of 129.73% from the same period last year (3.7 billion euros).

In addition, the out-of-court mechanism strengthened the protection of vulnerable borrowers, with 1,820 vulnerable households benefiting from debt settlements under the established mandate. At the same time, 112 debtors managed to suspend planned auctions by making use of the prepayment measure.

In addition, data is published on the bilateral arrangements implemented in September by the Companies for the Management of Claims from Loans and Credits: the four largest companies carried out arrangements with a total value of 307 million euros for 5,328 debtors. The majority of these arrangements mainly concern mortgages.

With the aim of making the most effective use of the available debt settlement tools, the General Secretariat of the Financial Sector and Private Debt Management provides a nationwide service by video call or by telephone by appointment through the platform (or by calling 213.212.5730.

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#Outofcourt #mechanism #increase #successful #debt #settlements #October

Enable JavaScript Firefox

⁣It looks like you’ve posted a segment of JavaScript code, likely related to the integration of various advertising and analytics scripts on a webpage. The⁤ code involves loading scripts for different services such as Google AdSense, OneSignal, Disqus, Taboola, and others dynamically.

However, some ​parts of the code seem incomplete or commented out. Below, I’ll clean it⁤ up ‍and provide an outline of how you might⁤ structure this code better,⁣ ensuring ⁤it adheres ⁣to best practices:


// Function to dynamically load scripts

function asyncLoadScript(src) {

const script ⁢= document.createElement(‘script’);

script.src = src;

‍ script.async = true;

​ ⁤ script.onload = () =>‌ console.log(`Script loaded: ${src}`);

⁢ ⁣ document.head.appendChild(script);


// Function to initialize OneSignal

function initOneSignal() {

⁤ window.OneSignalDeferred‍ = ⁢window.OneSignalDeferred​ ||‍ [];

‍ OneSignalDeferred.push(function(OneSignal) {

⁤ ⁢ OneSignal.init({

⁢ ⁢ ‍ ⁣ appId:‍ “487cc53b-3b66-4f84-8803-3a3a133043ab”,

⁣ ‍ });

⁣ });


// Function to configure Disqus

function configureDisqus() {

var disqus_config = function() {

⁣ ​this.page.url = window.location.href; // Set page URL dynamically

⁣ this.page.identifier = 1559893; // Unique identifier ‍for the page

⁢ };

const s ‌= document.createElement(‘script’);

s.src ‍= ‘https://YOUR_DISQUS_SUBDOMAIN.disqus.com/embed.js’;⁤ //‍ Replace ⁣with your Disqus subdomain

⁣ s.setAttribute(‘data-timestamp’, +new ‌Date());

​ (document.head || document.body).appendChild(s);


// Helper⁢ function to run after a⁤ delay

function delayedScriptLoad(scriptSrc, delay) {

⁢ setTimeout(() => asyncLoadScript(scriptSrc),⁢ delay);


// Main execution

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⁤ ​ e.querySelector(‘.adsbygoogle’).remove();


const adSenseSlots = document.querySelectorAll(‘.adsbygoogle’);

if (adSenseSlots.length > 0) {


// Placeholder for adSense slot handling



// Child ⁤script loads

asyncLoadScript(‘URL_TO_PHAISTOS_ADMAN_SCRIPT’); // Replace with Phaistos Adman script URL



// Example ⁢async⁤ loads ⁣for other ad services

delayedScriptLoad(‘URL_FOR_TABOOLA’, 2000); // Replace with the correct URL

delayedScriptLoad(‘URL_FOR_GLOMEX’, 2000);

delayedScriptLoad(‘URL_FOR_VIDOOMY’, 800);

// Google AdSense initialization

if (document.querySelectorAll(‘.adsbygoogle’).length) {

asyncLoadScript(‘URL_FOR_ADSENSE’); ​// Replace with​ Google AdSense script URL



### Key ​Changes‌ Made:

1. **Refactoring**: Defined functions for each‌ service to encapsulate their setup.

2. **Dynamic Script Loading**: Used a ⁣generic `asyncLoadScript` function to​ manage script loading.

3.⁤ **Constants**: Ensured that script URLs should be replaced with actual​ URLs.

4. **Placeholder Comments**: ⁤Added comments‍ to indicate where specific services’ URLs should be placed.

### ⁣Note:

Replace placeholder URLs with the actual script URLs for ⁤each service⁢ you‌ are integrating. Make sure to​ manage ⁤the sequence of script loading if there are⁢ dependencies between them. Additionally,⁢ validate the configurations for services like Disqus and OneSignal​ as needed for your application context.

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