The world’s longest crocodile has died at the age of 110 in Australia

The world’s longest crocodile has died at the age of 110 in Australia

The crocodile, Cassius, measured 5.48 meters in diameter and held the Guinness World Record for the world’s longest crocodile in captivity.

He weighed more than a ton and since October 15 his health began to decline, Marineland Melanesia Crocodile Habitat, the wildlife sanctuary where the crocodile was housed, said on Facebook.

“He was very old and believed to have outlived a wild crocodile,” according to a post by the organisation, which is based on Green Island near the Queensland tourist town of Cairns.

“Cassius will be deeply missed, but our love and memories of him will forever remain in our hearts.”

The group’s website says he has lived at the reserve since 1987, having been transferred from neighboring Australia’s Northern Territory, an area where crocodiles are a key part of the tourism industry.

Cassius, a saltwater crocodile, held the Guinness World Record title for the world’s largest crocodile in captivity.

He took the title after the death in 2013 of the Lolong crocodile from the Philippines, which was 6.17 meters long, according to Guinness.

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#worlds #longest #crocodile #died #age #Australia
It looks ‌like you’re working ⁣with a script that dynamically ‍loads various ad services and manages advertisements on a web page. The code you’ve provided contains several placeholders and incomplete function calls, which suggest⁢ that you’re in the middle of integrating multiple advertising services. ⁢Below, I will provide a cleaned-up and more coherent version of your code, while also addressing some potential issues.


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​ // Remove​ adsense for mobile if condition not met

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⁢if (adSenseSlotCount >⁣ 0) {

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‍ // Example for adSense: asyncLoadScript(‘URL_TO_ADSENSE_SCRIPT’);



// Phaistos Adman

window.AdmanQueue = window.AdmanQueue || [];

‍ AdmanQueue.push(function() {

​ Adman.adunit({⁣ id: 338, h: ‘…’}); // include other necessary parameters


// OneSignal configuration

window.OneSignalDeferred = window.OneSignalDeferred || [];

OneSignalDeferred.push(function(OneSignal)⁣ {

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⁣ ⁢appId: “487cc53b-3b66-4f84-8803-3a3a133043ab”

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// Disqus configuration

var disqus_config = function() {

⁢​ = “YOUR_PAGE_URL”; // Set the page URL

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s.setAttribute(‘data-timestamp’, +new Date());

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}, 3000);

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⁢ ⁤ // Additional​ script ‍loading…

⁢ ⁢ asyncLoadScript(‘YOUR_CALLBACK_SCRIPT_URL’);


‌ ⁤ //⁣ CleverCore loading example (comment in or out as ⁣needed)

⁢ (function(document, window) {

⁤ var a, c = document.createElement(“script”); = “CleverCoreLoader57097”;


c.async = true;

‌ c.type = “text/javascript”;

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​ ‌ a.parentNode.insertBefore(c, a);

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‌ //‌ taboola or project agora‌ script loading


‍ ⁢ // For Google AdSense

‌ ​if (document.querySelectorAll(‘.adsbygoogle’).length) {

⁣ ‌asyncLoadScript(‘URL_TO_ADSENSE_SCRIPT’);

‌ }

// Other asynchronous script loading can go here…

⁢ ​ }

⁣ // Glomex integration

‍if (document.querySelectorAll(‘glomex-integration’).length) {

setTimeout(function() {


}, 2000);


// Dalecta script​ loading

setTimeout(() => asyncLoadScript(‘URL_TO_DALECTA_SCRIPT’), ​800);

⁣ // Vidoomy loading can be added here…



### Key Adjustments Made:

1. **Closure**: Wrapped the‍ entire script in an ⁤IIFE (Immediately Invoked Function Expression) to ‍prevent namespace pollution.

2. **Comments**: Provided comments and clean‍ up for clarity on sections and purpose.

3. **Consistency**: Added or corrected sample URLs and placeholders ⁣for additional clarity on where scripts would be loaded from.

4. **Condition ‌Checks**: Ensured that condition checks ‌were in order for loading ads or configs.

Make sure to replace the placeholders (like `’YOUR_PAGE_URL’`, `’URL_TO_ADSENSE_SCRIPT’`, etc.) with the actual ⁢URLs you need for your configuration. Also, complete any functions that currently have unfinished statements or omitted parameters.

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